Why is Leatherface so popular lately?

Bubba hasn't received any changes since patch 4.1.0. Yet his pick rate has been on the rise in recent months (in my games anyway). Is it just because he's good at face-camping? I feel like he started becoming more common when Boons were introduced. So now many Killers feel they have to resort to camping instead of spreading the damage. What do you think?
It's likely due to Boon: Circle of Healing. It's currently so strong and prevalent that killers without instant-downs can easily be negated due to the sheer healing speed. Bubba's one of the more consistent instant-down killers, and he's very good at punishing mistakes that newer SWFs running such perks will make. He's also impossible to save from, which most SWFs will suicide rush into you to try to unhook, having grown accustomed to how weak M1 killers are that they'll throw the whole game to a Bubba. When I was playing Bubba a week ago, I had at least two games where people were wanting the save to badly I'd get 2-3 survivors taking chase around hook just to try to get the person out. In all but one of those I think they 4 k'd themselves.
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Yes... it is due to him being the best Camper
What's the point of spreading damage when Boon: Circle of Healing exists on top of other forms of healing
It's best to get instant downs... For the most part
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Because he is the best camper
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Yep. Path of least resistance. What a thing to be known for.
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Easiest 4ks of your life, if you get an early down. Especially with the help of basement.
Got sent to Eyrie as him today, secured an early down in the main building, basement there. Let Insidious do its thing, gg two gens done.
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Because basement bubba is a popular playstyle lol
Also he is fun
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Once you get good with Blight you'd never go out of your way to play Bubba. I only play Bubba if I feel like playing chill ironically.
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That's what do with bubba lol just facecamp and chill while playing music lol
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That's actually gross
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I mean basement bubba is funny with the salt you get from it lol
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Take a wild guess
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bubbers is so fun to loop. probably my favorite. yes, you will get camped if you run him more than a gen but it is worth it.
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It is because the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie is coming to Netflix. Don't get canceled, bro.
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Because he can instadown and guarantee a kill off one down, which no other killers can do. That's why killers like Myers and Hillbilly do nowhere near as well as him. They can guarantee hook trades, but because of Leatherface's ability, he can always get a hook trade and then some.
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I always have a smile on my face when I go against a bubba as they can make for some nice practice for running loops and I just can't get mad at a face camping bubba
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I would say that in addition to his unrivaled faceamping ability to secure 1 or 2 kills every game no matter what, it's also important to note that he is a very well rounded killer. His skill ceiling isn't as high as someone like Blight, Nurse or Oni, but his instadown chainsaw is very powerful (especially now with the COH meta). My games are consistently good with him even if I get a seal team 6 that demolishes me in 6 minutes. When I get really tilted playing Trapper, Legion or Wraith, switching to Bubba is a surefire way to get a good match to finish the day on.
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Post edited by DangerScouse on1
Because COH is extremely popular and overpowered and instadown killers are an efficient way to deal with it.
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2 kills guaranteed every match
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People have realised that his power is really damn easy to get a down with, and if they want from there, you literally cannot unhook against him.
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1) He is simple and easy to use
2) Best camper in the game
Since MMR doesn't care about anything else than kills he is easy to climb. You can pick passive slowdown perks and you have 99% to have every game at least 2 kills. Sometimes even 3+.
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There is a bit of a learning curve with him, though he is not someone you can hold W from is another reason.
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basically as others have said, he's an m1 killer who has decent-ish antiloop with his power, but mostly he has the options to insta-down or camp depending on the situation. When people said CoH was unhealthy for the game, this is what they meant.
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Wish I new, I hate going against one.
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Bubba is not a M1 killer at all. Are you just using that as a universal term for a killer without a ranged attack?
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He is in the sense that he is a 115%, unlike most non-M1 killers. Would have been more accurate to say he's a 115 but the idea is that he can be played as an M1 without having their usual drawbacks.
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Probably for camping. All Bubba's I've went against just camp.
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Lately, I too have noticed a lot of Leatherface players when I play as survivor. Although I have also noticed an equal number of Huntress players as well. Strangely....the Leatherface players I ran into NEVER camped or tunneled....but EVERY Huntress player did.
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Huntress can proxy camp a lot easier on most outdoor maps, where she doesn't need to be as close to the hook but can still react and down people quickly if she sees/hears them near it. Bubbas usually stay so close to the hook when they do it so they can get hits on both/possible doublehit to nullify BT. A lot of bubbas don't like that playstyle though and are simply playing the killer like normal... the ones that do camp just strike such fear in survivors they assume all of em do :D
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Entirely for his instant down, he's more versatile, and easier to play than other characters with instant downs. BHVR buffed survivor to unbeatable levels so Killers are getting pushed further and further to adapting to stronger (and less fun) ways to play to be able to compete.
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At least until they nerf him into the ground because Killers adapting to playing him when they made the game unplayable.
Instead of just fixing WHY more players are playing Cannibal.
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Bubba is easy to play, He has good pallet game, Hes got insta down, he makes funny noises.
Whats not to like?
I also spent some time watching a Pro Bubba play on twitch, really inspired me to master him.
I think my favorite feature is, He can threaten a dropped pallet loop, while charging up the move that's gonna destroy the pallet.
No Killer can do that, besides maybe Billy.
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Would be a good time for the rights holders to refuse to renew, since Bubba has his own game anyway. Might as well if the devs plan to turn him into a future joke character like Myers.
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Maybe people are just excited for his own game.
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Why not?
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If it were just because he's good at camping, his pick rate would've obviously always been so high. The reality is that poor decisions on BHVR's part have made it so people feel forced to camp to win, and Bubba is the obvious pick.
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One too many matches where at your first hook there’s only 2 gens left. Killer just isn’t possible the way survivors are playing now, so killers make it possible by playing scummy.
usually goes:
hit survivor
survivor uses speed burst to get to shack or strong loop
thunderbolt op boon
all pressure gone in about 10 seconds
gen pop
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They are trying to get Cannibal nerfed. He’s probably going to be over performing pretty soon.
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He is a fun killer.
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His killrate was like second to only Pinhead's. He's absolutely getting kneecapped by the end of this year.
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Please don't he dosen't deserve this😭
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Uh, yeah.. he does.
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Yo time for only 4 killers in high mmr poggers
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4? You mean 2, and they're working hard to make it 0.
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Besides being a good camper, the MMR system being the way it is with by only counting kills makes so people wanna play what guarantees them the kills I guess.
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That would be admitting they are wrong. Can't have that, it must be the killer and not the developers decisions.
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Because he's the best at securing kills, and the devs want killers to go for kills instead of hooks. If you want to win according to the current "SBMM" system, it only makes sense to play a killer who is really good at securing kills.
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Wounding survivors doesn't slow them down much anymore, if you M1 and they get away, you just wasted all your time because they'll be healed in a few milliseconds.
Bubba puts them down with one hit, it's the best counter to COH.
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He has always been a popular choice. He can secure kills with cheap tactics, destroy pallets instantly, instadown survivors. I have found out that Bubba can secure minimum 2k every match if he knows when to camp and when not to.
And i dont understand why overpowered and poorly designed killers like him still exist.
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People are angry because of unjustified removal of the masks, people are angry because of 6000 shards not arriving on time (some people are still waiting for them), people are angry about the general state of the game and are tired of getting BHVR'd and Patrick'd constantly. The wave of facecamping Bubbas is the wrath of the people.