Please explain to me...

how is the player grade being the same exact as the old rank system, pip to level and all, not a deciding factor in mmr? iri rank 1 survivors soooo much more optimal than myself but they are still in my mmr level??? literally the same exact system to get your player grade up as old ranking system and red rank 1s are just as optimal but mmr is the same as mine. either mmr is a fake placebo effect or it is broken beyond belief. how are they so much better but they are at the same mmr?
sbmm is very broken rn. it prioritizes queue times over anything else. so if a 4 man swf has been waiting in queue for too long it will just straight up ignore mmr just to get them in a match.
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Yep, grades are pretty much like old ranks. If it was playtime - as always stated - you don´t need no pips. You would always progress but you don´t.
MMR should pair you with similar skill level but i doesn´t work very well.
And i believe it may work fine - as told - and can predict the outcome pretty good. But the backfill, dodge and time problem still result in it not working.
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yeah i played on another account to test something out fresh never before played on account still iri 1s when i literally have no mmr on anything to do with that account. oof i give this game 2 more years before its finally finished. and anyone that says a game with 15mil registered users and prides itself for 75k most ever in a month back when GF was released isnt a dead game has some issues with reality.
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I am not sure. You will see if BHVR gets it if the player counts really sink significantly.
Only if revenues go down they will fell the urge to change something.
Often companies wanna push in a direction - but only in case it starts to hurt them they start to listen what the complaints of the players are.
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You can´t lower you grade. Before, you could depip to lower your rank. But once you reached a grade, you won´t get lower as that.
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They’re not necessarily the same MMR as you just because they’re in your match. There are various reasons for this
- High MMR survivors do sometimes play with lower MMR friends in swfs. The system probably just averages the survivor’s net MMR when it picks a killer so you end up being between the two
- When someone dodges a lobby it fills the gap with whoever is immediately available rather than waiting for a close match to avoid keeping all four of the players in that lobby sitting there a long time. (So if you care about helping avoid mismatches don’t dodge lobbies.)
- Players with very high MMR might not have a good match available in a reasonable amount of time so they eventually get put in whatever match is avaialable.
Also, as others pointed out, being red grade doesn’t necessarily mean the person is high MMR. Since you can’t lose a grade once you earn it all you have to do is play enough games and eventually you’ll continue ranking up, even if only by random chance.
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I just realized why this is happening it's similar to deranking in a way person could be the most optimal player do everything right or wrong if they are a bully player all they have to do is not escape. so these super optimal players (and btw i have had a full 4 man iri swf in my fresh account lobby) can be perfect at everything and because escaping is the only way to prgress mmr they act like they dont klnow what they are doing get killed so they dont escape. i could honestly see egc being a way to derank as long as they dont escape so therefore survivors need more than just escapes to determine mmr to balance it out and well it goes to say as long as swf is a thing they will always have a way to legitimately bypass and exploit any matchmaking they implement. And before the grade dont matter line, it really does on a fresh account with no mmr at all, they clearly played longer than my account so why is it they are in my matches?