My first salty survivor

You know I used to be a straight survivor main when I got the game in July last year. Then In November I gave killer a try with demo and enjoyed it. I go into this game wit 2 hooks and all the gens are done. And I can’t believe I have committed a sin. I used noed. I camped and I got a 3k (no pip tho). @ThiccBudhha has given me some wise word of advice. Let the hate flow through you
I used to play nice but now no. Lmao seriously why do people go out of there way to message someone over a game. Pretty hilarious with the weak insults
He was mad
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Why is using NOED a sin, there's nothing wrong with it
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It is by the survivor rule book Lmao. Who cares about that imagine losing to a face camping demo
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He called me mad but he was pissed
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That's what I like to hear
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Probably a 12 year old or something, he tried to roast you but failed horribly
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I’m learning the old ways. It feels good the last two days have been nothing but killer adds no survivor gameplay😈
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His “roasts” were so pathetic lmao. Said he’s a rank one Lol who cares
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Your first of many. Welcome to the killer side, friend.
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LOL. I am rank 1 unlike you.....lmao dude is so 12 or under.
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Thing is I’m a positive person lmao I always give props to the other side 2 of these conversations are when I was playing killer and the other two are when I was playing survivor lmao
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BTW impressive this is your first. I play for 12 hooks and still get hate at least once a day. Even changed my xbox GT to acknowledge the salt.
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I know right like if that shows skill lmao
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ive only gotten 2 salty messages while playing dbd
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I did have another survivor give me salt be we were teammates tho. This was different
It’s positive 99% of the time but not anymore lmao
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That is impressive what was it over?
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the first one was when i was playing bubber for the first time on haddonfield this guy was tbagging me so i tunelled him. the second one was after a match as demo. he just sent me a simple "you're trash" so i just didnt respond.
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I get more salty messages from survivors when I play survivor😂 then killer.
I did get a couple playing killer accusing me of cheating, hacking and lag switching and 1 match of gen camping.
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Funny thing is that before the game where I got salt, I was playing demo as usual and I was chasing a Dwight and ok he stunned me a few times. Then he pre dropped a pallet and flashlight click, it was over for him. He used up the god pallet in the boat of the swamp and I threw him in the basement and camped him. Then begged 2 times for mercy and I said, “NO” I hit him on the hook too. Funny thing is I got a 4k in that game
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Lmao some survivors are pathetic lmao. “Hacking” as an excuse for losing
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i play on console exclusively as killer (ive never played a single game as survivor) so ive never had many salty messages
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Yeah I think it was one of my first ones as killer.
It was if I can remember "there was no way I could see them I was hacking."
My response was I had BBQ and nurses
They said no "no one was hooked and I wasn't in range for nurses"
I said I seen you with my eyes then.
They said "no you were hacking and you're being reported enjoy your ban"
I said do you have video of this match so I can see how well I played.
No response back
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Cold blooded response 🔥
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You went from November to February before you got a salty survivor?? I don't think I made it past my first hour or two when I first started playing. Congrats on handling it so well.
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Well there were games where I would play against 3 pc or Xbox players and one PlayStation. I’m on PlayStation so killing the other 3 and giving the PlayStation player hatch would basically prevent any salt. But I have gone up against 4 PlayStation player and they have never given me salt. In this match with the salty survivor the other 3 were PlayStation and they didn’t complain