Why does noone do gens when bubba facecamps?

Is it not the best way to counter it? Because most of the time when it happens in soloq i see 2 survivors just bob and weaving around the hook trying to save and end up going down and giving bubba a 3k. Meanwhile im the unlucky one who actually wanted to escape ig. Am i missin somethin? (Normally i don't bring much attention to this but its been happenin a lot more lately so. Especially once people realized 2k is a draw for mmr so facecampin bubba actually works)
Well unless the person has kindred, there’s not much info that he is camping. At this point you just assume he is. As for the gens part idk. I had a match against a bubba and he down the Nancy quick. I was working on a gen thinking “ok we gonna do 3 gens”. This was solo que btw and i didn’t know if he was camping but I assumed he was and I was right because the feng went for the unhook and she got downed. Both of them dced. And then it was just me and nea. Miserable. Bubbas use noed so they will camp the first one then get another kill because of noed. And if he has blood warden…. Yikes. Trust me I have been through that type of game it’s awful. The best counter to bubba when camping is just do gens and hope he doesn’t get you with noed since you don’t have time to do bones
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because this community would rather wine than do has much as possible to reduce this type of camping, Why wouldn't the bubba camp if every match result in all survivors sitting around like jackasses while the bubba gets a omega op god tier version of thrilling tremors as a 5th perk. I made a reddit post calling this community out and they rather wine that the killer "shouldn't be doing this because its not cool" than actually doing something about. My most common perk as survivor is Kindred and every time i get 5 gen camped by a bubba, I get more frustrated at my teammates for not punishing the bubba than I am at the bubba for camping me. Now the devs after many years are finally going to nerf camping because its community is borderline incompetent at trying to use the solutions that are already available. IMO the solo q buff of allowing survivors to know what each other are doing would have been enough. Every once in a blue moon games where survivors say "yea were not dealing with that" results in survivors getting 2-3 escapes, that's just from my solo match.
5 gen camps sucks, but its popular for a reason.
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Yeah i run kindred and i just see the other 2 survivors going around the hook while the bubbas revving his saw.
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Probably because Hex: Altruism was in play. It's a hidden killer perk that's pretty strong.
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It's a multilayered problem.
First problem is the lack of info that often happens in solo queue. You know you're being camped. One survivor near the hook finds out as they approach. And another survivor finds out as they approach. The two survivors going for the save may not even be aware of each other. The one survivor on the gen may not even be aware a camp is happening. It's straight up RNG as to whether teammates have Kindred or not and are thus reasonably aware that the killer is camping.
The other part of the problem is game sense. As survivors progress their skills, they typically focus 99% of it on looping. Nobody talks about or seems to think about macro level optimization beyond super basic stuff. It's often not as simple as "do gens" because that's completely predicated on A: the chase going to the correct part of the map in the first place, and B: everyone being on the same page and knowing to split the gens while someone is on the hook. You can do 3 gens and still save before struggle. Solos often barely squeeze out 2 gens. If the survivor isn't aware, takes chase inside the open gens and gets hooked inside the open gens while Corrupt is up and the killer camps, GG gl next.
Yes, in an ideal world, survivors bang out 3 gens minimum when a killer camps. But they will never do that when there's a good chance they have zero information, one survivor has 100 hrs, one survivor thinks you open the gates with boon totems, and the other two are on the same gen because they aren't optimizing at that level.
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Without Kindred on one or more survivors, or SWF, other survivors are unaware. Plus, depending on how early he gets his first hook, Bubba will mathematically outlast survivors before five generators can be repaired.
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Because they want to save... no matter what. And maybe want to prove they are better than you.
That is the reason this can be a working strategy.
Sometimes when a team destroys me and i get one, i also camp. Then the rest comes to me. And sometimes i destroyed them then.
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b/c solo q doesn't run kindred. instead most survivor mains just cry about wanting kindred base kit.
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I almost always run kindred.
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same here. having the information kindred provides is amazing.
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When a player is on hook and the killer is standing very close not moving, i mean 10 m, maybe their aura can be highlighted. I only play killer so not exactly sure what you guys can see. But this could show you the killer is doing it. But im sure someone will complain about this idea too.
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Yes, you realize how much if i don´t run it sometimes.
If you are not the first downed you see who the killer is and always in which direction he leaves the hook - or if he camps...
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The best counter to bubba when camping is just do gens and hope he doesn’t get you with noed since you don’t have time to do bones
Umm...If the bubba is camping; you ahve time to do bones. He's literally not stopping you. Hence; camping.
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For people who mentioned kindred.
This is not the info problem. Survivors will crouch near the killer behind some rock until the hooked person dies.
I don't use kindred anymore and if I sense or see that the killer is not leaving the hook I slam the gens.
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Or maybe if the killer is just standing right there face camping after 15 seconds their perks and addons cancel out until they move away. Like an invisable barrier.
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Honestly in my experience playing survivor, other survivors kill me more often than the killer does.
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Unless you have probzz Looping the dude after he finishes camping the guy on the hook then no you don’t have time. I run detectives hunch and I’ll cleanse 3 totems and noed still actives because no one helps in solo que. And that’s in normal matches. Maybe a four man squad could but In solo against a camping bubba you can’t
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Kindred is good but I can’t remove any of the perks I got for that one
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No lmao that would nerf camping in the endgame when you have no other objectives as killer
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Aka Claudettes
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There are multiple reasons for it:
- Safe someone from the hook is objective
- They think its not fun to let someone die on the hook
- They didnt know
- They didnt saw him
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Maybe it stops after last generator pops.
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Actually you don’t have time to do bones … a totem takes 14 seconds each gen takes 80 seconds and a full hook to death is 120 seconds. No possibly way to avoid NOED with a camping Bubba and do all 5 gens plus all 5 totems on one hook. Even if the hooked survivor ran the killer for 2 min before getting down you still have to find all 5 totems and cleanse them (90 seconds +) divided by 3 other survivors is not enough time. Even with a pink map and addons it’s very difficult. Best to do gens and leave if you have the cooperation of the other 3 survivors but with solo q that’s almost impossible. Hence the OP’s complaint.
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Survivors get 5000% more BP for unhooking survivors 😂, talk about temptation, lol
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You can live without it. I won't say it is overrated because it is a good perk.
Dh, iw, medkit and at least some experience/awareness is all you need honestly.
You can slap anything else in other two slots and you'll be fine. I can't live without woo but that is individual.
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Borrowed time for me is basekit can’t be in a game without it.
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Make it not happen at all, because Survivors will loop or camp near hooks to force the power-stoppage to get unearned unhooks. Bad idea.
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Because it's boring. I'd rather AltTab to youtube, than M1 all game and leave.
I play for entertainment and if I'm not entertained, than I'm wasting my time.
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doing dumb ######### is funny
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Because gens are boring.
Interacting with the killer, even if you die, is more fun.
They don't want to admit it, but that's the real reason.
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Gotta get them altruism points for that important pip
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I was unaware 'facts' and 'the truth' are stupid.
Then again; There is a large number of Survivors who insist every Killer can magically camp the hook AND every totem spawn at the same time. It's almost like they are trying hard to push this false narrative (IE: Lying) that camping somehow magically grants unstoppable 4Ks so they can cry and blubber for nerfs. 🙃
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Every camper I ever faced magically teleported to the gen, so I don't know why you're lying, /s
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Because some players are greedy for altruism points. And doing gens is boring.
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They want their turn in my basement next, if the game ended, they wouldn't be able to barbecue and chill with me.
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You only have about 2 mins to do gens over 3 survs
so 3 gens = 80 seconds (about)
2 more = 47
already that’s OVER 2 mins if you do gens optimally AND you’ve gates on top of this and I didn’t even mention time taken to travel between gens, gates, etc
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Yes but it also takes the Killer anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute and a half to chase, hit, chase, down, pickup, & hook a Survivor. So factor that into your two minutes.
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The real question is why does everyone do gens when i face camp
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My idea solves these camping issues, you would probably even have time to do bones.
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I see a lot of sub-par loopers being absolutely tunneled the hell out of should that go live. I also see players complaining en masse that they died even though they never got caught once.
It's an interesting concept, I just think it would introduce more issues than it solves.
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Thanks for the feedback, could you post the comment on the original post?
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Option a) survs are not seer. Option b) survs want to have fun in a videogamd
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still not enough time
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A while ago, playing teen, I remember that in the chat I made the usual "if the killer camps, please do gens" comment.
One of the group replied "no".
He was the first one to go. 🤣
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Bubba's big brain can telepathically influence survivors to come unhook.
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Its pretty simple. No one wants to have a game where you literally just do gens, or are just sat on a hook.You also have no chance to pip. Its boring, and youre working as a team so its in everyones interest to try and force the game to actually have some fun....
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Because the game actively punishes you for doing that. You lose out on emblems and pips since the killer refuses to interact with the other players and you can’t get altruism since only one person is hooked and you can’t save them. Camping quite literally makes everyone lose
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Two people have already typed out the math for you my guy. I think you just don't want to accept the fact that a face camping Bubba with a late game build and something like Deadlock to make camping someone to death even more effective, is unfair since it literally guarantees 2+ kills assuming the player is not a complete potato.
My bad though, everyone should just automatically be expected to loop him for 5 gens and face camping as a killer who can insta down multiple survivors with one use of their power is completely fine.
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I mean most basement bubbas don't care about piping up they just want salt for their chili