This one gave me a good laugh: 4 Event Toolboxes + 4BNP

Just about 30min ago I had a match vs a meme SWF group. They all got nearly identical builds with 4 Proof Thyselves, 4 Event Toolboxes with BNP each, Deadheart, Slippery Meat and Salty Lips.
I was playing Pig because I went for the "Generate Fear" tome challenge and without headtraps I am sure that the match would have ended in sub 4min.
I missed the first gen, because I was in a chase at that moment, but here are the ones I got my time stamps off:
Gen 2: 1min27
Gen 3: 1min39
Gen 4: 2min38
Gen 5: 3min17
The game lasted nearly 9min with lots of trading and strangely I don't remember any Kobes. They weren't exactly toxic, but no one tried to boop me, either, despite several invites. I could have 2K it if I had sweat it, maybe 3K if I slugged, because there was an opportunity at one point, but in the end I picked the one on death hook up and hauled her over to the gate and everyone escaped. They must have been all console players, because no one said anything in chat. I would have loved to briefly talk to this survivor group ^^
But the memes and anything aside, whats your thoughts an the times? Is this fine?
4 brand new parts to me is considered toxic
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Yeah, I know what you mean, but their attitude wasn't, ie they didn't try to purposefully annoy me, rapidly fast vault, t-bag or dragged the game on by 99%ing all their gens etc.
So I took this with some humor and in the end it was a sorta fun match. But with ill intend, this could have turned pretty ugly.
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Why is that toxic?
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I’m my opinion, it just doesn’t give the killer a chance to really do anything unless your nurse ofc. It’s not toxic if your in solo and it’s just a coincidence but if your in a swf doing that to me that’s toxic. It reminds me of the keys and hatch before the nerf
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Why do people consider tunneling at 5 gens toxic? Or taking the first hook into the basement for a BBQ session? Some things are not considered a friendly way to start a conversation.
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Ok... giving an escape against genrushers... are you seriously playing by the book rules?
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Yep, not too much you can do about that.
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Pig mains are a different breed of killer all together...
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Do those offerings even impact kobes? I thought "Luck" impacted items in chests?
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Luck operates the opposite way.
Luck does not impact the items found in a chest, it only affects unhooking odds.
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Well ... like I said, all in all it was a fun match and they didn't do any of the bully stuff that I expected, when the gens just flew by. I don't know if it was the headtraps or if they just wanted to meme without malicious intent. But the match could have been over at 3:40min
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I wouldn’t call BNPs toxic, just boring and kinda lame. Either way they need to be toned down.
So do toolboxes in general really. Their sabotage capabilities are fine but the repair speeds they enable aren’t.
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Its pathetic. That and literally every survivor uses DH now, id love to see the pickrate. Theyre dumb because why would I buy new survivors for their exhaustion perks, theyre undoing themselves on sales.
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Aren't BNP's bugged anyways atm?
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by how much?
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4 Vigo's is a 48% to unhook yourself iirc
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The luck offerings give +1-3%, with the Salty Lips giving +3% to all. Up the Ante would give another +9% if all survivors are alive, but they didn`t field that.
Slippery meat increases the chance by another +4%. So in this match everyone had a 20% Kobe chance. Maybe some kobe happened, but I didnt notice.
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Imagine how toxic this game would have become, if you used Noed.
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Maybe they are not skillful enough to hold m1 😶
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Luckily you don't even need to do that anymore, as there is now the toggle action feature :D
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Toxic for bringing an item? Crazy word to say.
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The demo puppies are wholesome. Absolute gods. Just played against one. From one fellow demo main to another. Dropped my item and let me go. For being a good boy, I wanted him to kill me. He carried me all the way to the exit. Although we are rare, we are the best of the best
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That’s fair
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I wonder how big a part the Jar of Lips & Slippery Meat played. With 4 people using each, the % chance goes extremely high.
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Aight thanks for answering
Was merely asking the other guy what made it toxic for him but go all out ig
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It's a joke.
Now just give all killers BNP equivalent!
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I wish they made an option just for healing and gens. I keep getting grabbed while unhooking, messing up sabo cooldown and opening gates I am trying to 99% because I forget I am on toggle.
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I know what you mean, but on the other hand we can't get all out QoL wishes fullfilled, right? There need always be some small imperfection left so that you can strive to make everything even better. So leave it in for now.
Oh and the first few times I wanted to wave from the hook and signal my comrades in arms that the killer was camping and nearby, I tried to unhook myself right in front of the killer and went down again.