Maybe I was too harsh on Bubba

I used to hate this killer with a passion. But I won’t lie. I got a lot of joy playing as him beating survivors. And when they went to unhook😈 they never got a chance to get out
can’t post a screen shot for some reason lmao
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because of the image ban due to unsavory images
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Was able too earlier lmao idk maybe it’s like that at night
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I was never able too after the green message popped up.
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what was the unsavory image?
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He is the definitive anti-survivor killer, they want to rush gens? Do it, I won't even bother stopping you. They want to abuse health states? Nah. Second chances? Hell, no. Sabo? To my mother's basement we go, mi'lady.
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With my iron grasp, I was able to go through their body blocks. Then the Dwight started to run away just to go down to my chainsaw 2 seconds later Lmao. I double piped with bubba and he got me into gold 4😈 finished with 29k and a 4k
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Here we go!
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Yeah when Mandy goes offline she turns it off so the most amount of pictures can be moderated
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I love me some Bubba!!
He is just so fun to play!
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Yeah totally understandable lmao
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It’s funny destroying survivors with him
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sure, at low mmr. otherwise, get stomped on and camp like the rest for a 1k 😂
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Sadly, he does get harder the higher you climb, but he as the best snowball potential
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During weekdays on regular UK working hours, aka when MandyTalk is online and moderating the forums (since it's her job, all other mods are volunteers) images are allowed. During weekends or irregular working hours, they're disabled.
Basically it's a temporary measure to ensure she can be on top of everything posted to make sure nothing of the sorts gets posted, or remains posted for very long, while Vanilla (the Forums hosting company) and BHVR work on a more permanent solution.
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Had a very nice Bubba yesterday that let us farm and leave after somebody DC-ed five seconds into the match. Cheers to that person!
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Yeah my chainsaw was hitting objects when survivors were doing the hug tech
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And that’s why I meme around most of the time😎