Auto haven four times in a row

Is there something going on with the map selection? I’ve literally only been playing on auto haven and red forest. Haven’t seen ormond in a week.
I got Dead Dawg Saloon 3 times in a row as Demogorgon, maps been weird lately
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2 nights ago, I got a very good map selection myself
Badham IV
Badham IV
Grim Pantry
Grim Pantry
Wretched Shop
Grim Pantry
was an interesting night
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i usually get when i play killer haddonfield, RPD and badham constently an i dont make threads cause of it
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I’ve been curious as to how map selection works. Does anyone know if the game selects a realm and then an associated map or does it randomly pick from any map in the game? I ask this because I feel like realms with fewer variations get picked less often.
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Lucky, all I get is swamp and midwich.
I hate playing offerings, but if I see either of these maps again...
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Haddonfield is still disabled, right?
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I think there was a day where I got like 5-6 Ormonds. 3 of them in row I think lol. I think almost no map offerings (?).
Was fun.
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It is, it will remain disabled for the forseeable future.
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I really wish the 1 map each person in the lobby just played on last match would be banned, unless an offering is brought for that single map specifically.
Nothing worse than having an awful match, then loading into the exact same map with the exact same stuff.
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Yesterday I basically just played on three maps across like, 2 hours of playing: Temple (fine), Chapel (meh), and RPD (yuck).
It's bringing back a long-dormant memory of being stuck playing Pale Rose like 12 times in a row back in 2019.
I sincerely hope they'll consider overhauling the map selection system alongside the other QoL updates they're doing.
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Been wondering why i get autohaven so much too. Also has anyone else noticed how dark autohaven has gotten? I can barely even see survivors there.
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Interesting, did something break on it? Or is it like a revamp type of thing where it’s all being redone? Just curious.
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I played on mother’s dwelling three times in a row last night as killer. I think the game is starting to hate me or wants to punish me. Myers got his steps in. Great cardio.
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Praise be to the great and POWERFUL FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER. For he is the might pasta that will save our non pasta souls from a horrible horrible fate......PRAISE HIM FOR HE IS GOOOD!
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I hope to never see it if they can do the same to RPD....hmmm how to bring in a tactical nuke into the game....
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It's a revamp I think graphics and such are being worked on....and also adding 60% more loops.
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out of 10 matches i had 6 autohaven mostly against blights.
boring af.
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Its often same map multiple times in a row, hate it
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RPD is a really fun map. I love it.
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Yesterday the swamp was spammed for me. I’ve been complaining about the map algorithm. Something is not right. We have a lot of maps- for us to get the same map 3 times in a row tells me values are not equal. RPD is the map i play on the least. I can go days without playing it, but Swamp & Midwich I’ll get spammed a lot in a 24 hour period.
Once I get maps I don’t like (Swamp, Sheltered Woods, Gideon, etc.), I do a map offering the very next trial to avoid the back to back spam. Sometimes I forget (like yesterday), then seriously regret it. This wasn’t the case 2 years ago, and we had way less maps. I’m not great at math, but this doesn’t add up. Pun intended.
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and of now, this is probably for the better. This map broke my spirit more then once.
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map selection is not random, the game will give the killer the worst map possible once you start winning easily, and of course all players spawn at different locations.
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I have been getting Midwich every 2nd match regardless of the role I play. I was starting to get annoyed at this until I decided to use Myers to do a challenge and got Rotten Fields. I was ok with it after that. (Hate the corn maps)
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map rotation. as i understand it maps aren't selected at random, specific maps are given more weight during selection. if you keep seeing ormond, azarov's resting place and cowshed then those maps are in the map rotation.
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I tried the Jund method and accidentally gave myself a penalty. I only do it if I get the same (ugly) map in a row. I do not mind a lot of survivor sided maps, but man, some are so dim and grim.
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I dont like how 3 original maps has 150% more chance to be picked up than few other realms because it has 5 variations.
3 maps without mainbuilding should be remove...