Best Menu Theme?

Blight's is the best one imo
Pyramid Head.
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oni's is my second fav
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Legion and Demogorgon
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Pyramid Head is so good, I tried to look up which Silent Hill his theme music is from, and it turns out that it is an original work from BHVR that just sounds and feels like Silent Hill. Marvelous. And his chase music is awesome, too and is just the right mixture of subdued panic and encroaching danger.
Demogorgons menu music is also a favorite. Its otherworldly and scary and you don't feel immediate danger, but also never entirely save.
Lastly, The Twins music is probably a bit underappreciated. Its not earily beautiful or scary or exotic or anything, but its quite fitting. I think it reminds me a bit of Diablo 2 and could have been a town music there without feeling out of place.
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All Hallows' Eve. Period.
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Demo, pyramid head, blight and ghostface have the best ones.
demos is just so fun to listen in the lobby
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When is Freddy getting a theme?
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I think that if the Demogorgon from the hit show Stranger Things were to ever be added, it would have the best theme.
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we can only hope
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Of the killer's, I most like Pyramid Head and Trickster's lobby music. Though I have a soft spot for Clown's too, since he released shortly after I originally started playing.
From the events, I really liked the winter event which had the deep chimes (Winter 2018 or 2019 I think?)
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I don't mind if he never gets one.
I like the OG themes.
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Billy is really getting excluded here? I'd say his is definitely the most thematic, I mean the lead instrument literally sounds like a chainsaw.
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Pyramidhead, followed by Billy's.
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He deserves a theme. It’s god damn Freddy. As the great Loki says to us Freddy fan, “The sun will shine on us again.”
myers too
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Artist's menu music is very underrated, in my opinion. I love everything about it.
Pyramid Head would be a close second, though.
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Pyramid Head, Demo, Oni, and Nemesis. I enjoy listening to these even when im not playing.
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Hallowed Blight
All Kill PTB theme
Winter Solstice 2017/2018
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Trickster by far.
In fact is the only menu theme I listened in youtube sometimes just for fun, not only ingame.
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Billy, Trickster and Plague, objectively and in that order.
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Definitely Legion and it always will be until they make a second metal theme.
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Silent Hill is just perfect.
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My top 3:
- Blight
- Demogorgon
- Nemesis
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My TOP 5:
- PTB and Unused Trickster theme (idk why BHVR didn't used any of these, they are so good and fit perfectly with him).
- Demogorgon
- Artist
- Blight
- Pyramid Head