I got 4k. Where is my achievement??

If all a survivor has to do is play stealthy/selfish, or get carried out the gate by friends to get their Adepts, then why does the killer have to get Merciless and 4k does not count??
Either reduce the restrictions to 4k, or make it so that Survivors need 4 Irridescent emblems AND NO Survive With Friends help. Fair should be fair.
It really should be if a killer gets a 4k with the unique perks
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You can pat yourself on the back that's your achievement. But if you mean merciless killer, merciless killer means to double pip, which apparently you did not do.
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And the achievement is to get it while using the killers 3 perks and I feel you I had a nurse match where I got a merciless but since I didn't have her perks equipped I didn't get adept nurse and boy howdy is nurse a pain and I'm never going to use her again the only reason why I used her was because I had a blink challenge and I just said ######### it after constantly missing my hits after blinks
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Agreed like for survivors they just have to escape with their 3 perks meanwhile you have to get a near perfect game for killers
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Yeah Ik why to much requirements for that, I only have one adept for killer it was plague but my sister was the one who did it lmao and she started playing like a month at ago
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Mine is pig and funnily enough I have gotten 4 mercilesses this month with one of them being with two perks
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The Adept killer achievements feel so inconsistent. I struggled to get adept Legion even with 4ks and trying to pay attention to emblems. I played Blight for the 3rd or 4th time ever and went up against a group that just kept swarming me when i was trying to hook. i lost 5 hooks from the body blocking. All gens got finished and i think i got 8 or 9 hooks total but had 3 dcs and still got adept.
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Like I'm surprised I'm getting them so much like no joke the last one was from a match where I was basically slugging for a challenge
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You should do Adepts after the Rank Reset when you're back at rank 20 (or whatever it's called now). You literally don't even have to kill everyone. I got my Adept Legion even tho 2 people escaped.
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Boy am I glad I got all the Adepts a long time ago.
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I wish, you literally have to groom survivors to do what you want to get an adept. It is insane. Especially with circle of healing, they sometimes heal so much that even when you get over 100 for hits, they ruin it. Even if their healing is why you destroyed them...
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It’s really not that hard to get a merciless match result as killer. It’s definitely not comparable to getting 4 iri as survivor. That is ridiculous.
wait for grade reset, makes it even easier.
this is btw an asymmetric game. It doesn’t have to be ‚fair‘ or ‚same‘ for both sides. And you are talking about achievements. Those are completely optional. I wouldn’t mind easier conditions for killer adepts. But leave out the survivor adepts. They got nothing to do with it.
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Depending on the day of the month (unless you didn't play at all) you very much need a perfect game. When I tried for my Adept Pyramid Head while at Iri ranks I got a three times within grasping range, but always needed one sacrifice more, or had to win one more chase etc. 3 Iri medals + 1 gold weren't enough..
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Grade reset is the best time to go for adepts.
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That's strange I got a merciless from a match that had 3 iri medals and 1 gold
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Here, I found a screenshot of back then. Wanted to document it because it was so darn frustrating.
And this two are from the same gaming session, but a bit earlier. I didn't take pictures of the full medal loadout, just the details of the one category that was missing, but I remember that I was pretty miffed about it. I got the Adept Artist later, but with Pyramid Head I had three or four games, where I didn't qualify for it by a sliver, and I then gave up and waited till the grades reset.
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I cannot double pip with the current matchmaking, unless I lose the next 200+ matches to drop my rating
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Honestly. Survivor adepts should be harder to get, because survivor plays the exact same pretty much no matter what perks you have, with the exception of a couple like Object of Obsession or No Mither. Every single killer plays differently, so you have to adapt to how they play, and then on top of that you need to get a Merciless Victory. For survivor adepts you could literally just hide all game and do absolutely nothing to help your teammates, and let them either die out one by one and escape through hatch, or they all finish the gens without you and you get a gate escape for free. Survivor adepts are significantly easier to get and it really should change
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Uhhhh. Here it is. Gold star for you. Great job.