The Nurse Has Been Killswitched
Can't add a picture, but she's disabled
The Nurse is currently disabled due to a bug with her grab where she can be stuck for the remainder of the match
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Well that's... tragic. Glad I played enough of her yesterday.
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Guess it's Blight or bust.
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Good to know they're taking it seriously and bringing her offline for a fix.
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Just make it a basic feature on random so survivors have a chance.
I'm joking. But, i saw that bug against a Nurse. Didn't know till now that it was so frequent. Ah, that's so much our DBD.
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As long as I don't log off I can still play her. It's a really annoying bug tho so I'm gonna hold off for now.
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Well that's a little unexpected. Thank goodness though, I don't have to play against Nurse for a while.
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rejoice for not playing against nurses for a while woohoo
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Oh, no, not Nurse... The only killer I can play. Whoever will I kill with now that she is gone?
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Ah.. i dont even feel bad tbh. I was bored of playing against Nurse.
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No Nurses for a while, eh? It's a shame that I don't have any time to play right n-
Never mind.
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I'm glad, better if her would be disabled forever, a lot of killers perks can't be buffed just because they would be too strong in Nurse and Blight and they're two killers I don't play. xD
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So Bunny Tech was the demise of Nurse... who could've known?
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Nurse mains are raging lmao
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Now it’s time to kill switch blight.
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Uhm i still cann queue up with her?
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Once you restart your game she should be locked.
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I'd be so salty if my main was kill switched lol. Such a BHVR thing to "fix" a killer and break it bad enough to have to killdwitch it.
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- Dedicate a whole patch and a hotfix to fix some 4 years old bugs
- Add new bugs
- Enjoy
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Time to play nurse as she isnt KS on my account but watch my first game gives me the glitch
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not tragic at all lmao.
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Just told my partner that Nurse got killswitched.
and right after we get matched against a Nurse.
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I think if you dont restart your game during KS implementation the char stays active
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Not my main noo :(
so this means its dead by blight time now until she is back
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Speaking of bugs and you can't move.
I had a game as Trickster on midwich where a Claudette was frozen in place for the whole game. At first I thought she just didn't want to play against the trickster, so I got up to make a cup of tea to void the game for the other 3. But when it came time to drag her afk ass to the exit gate, she couldn't leave even though she was clearly pass the exit line... When I looked at her, she was moving her camera. She might have been there the whole time, just unable to do anything.
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Well ain't that some #########?
Ah welp...we'll see how long it takes and what'll become of her when she returns.
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I played like 10 games as her yesterday and didn't even get the bug once :l. But okay.
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At least disabling her indicates it will be fixed very soon.
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They are fixing a bug, why would they be raging?
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Nurse has been having a lot of issues so I'm glad they disabled her for now, hope they can get her fixed soon.
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The only good killer disabled ok then. Let's enjoy survivor while we can't die 😀
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Hopefully they can fix her.... Given that she is played against high MMR Survivors
And that they actually used the Killswitch
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Hopefully it gets fixed soon. I miss playing the best designed and balanced killer in the game :(
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Yikes. You mean the Design Failure which will never be changed because BHVR is too scared for it?
Usually there are only two Hotfixes after a Patch. The second went live two days ago. So if BHVR cannot fix her without a Patch, she would be disabled for around 4 weeks until the Chapter drops, if i am not mistaken.
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Laughs in c tier character player
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I hope this won't take long to sort out, she's one of the few killers I can actually play pretty competently. Well, time to go back to clapping cheeks with Rin I guess. An estimate for a fix would be nice.
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There is also a hack that lets survivors do that to any killer, so might not be an actual bug.
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Dunno what you mean, Nurse is the most well designed killer in the game, and the one with the most direct skill to reward relation for both the killer and survivor.
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Behavior really pulled up Nurses carpet and released all the bugs this time.
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to be completely honest with all of you, nurse never work as intended... always was bugged and people had to deal with bugs consistently since she came out so when she comes back probably soon, she will still be broken, just not that broken.... if they want to really fix her then we wont have nurse for A LONG TIME... wich TBH i love it, i ahte going agaisnt uncounterable killers but it wont happen.
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Speaking of bugs my friend got grabbed and unhooked someone at the same time like no joke we was confused how it happened like the person was running free so that means the killer's grab should've been a hit
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if it's disabled via killswitch it means the devs have been able to confirm it as a bug
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you can still buy a new outfit for her if you want.
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I was damaging a survivor with Tricksters blades as they dragged me to the hook instead of running away from the hook?.. anyway, They started the grab and took a damage state. They let go then tapped the survivor, let go again, and ran away. The survivor on the hook proceeded to go through the unhook animation with nobody there while i chased and downed the other guy.
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Seems like hooks are the route of many bugs
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Sadly it's because of her power itself..... because when she blinks she can pass through solid walls and floors.....Midwich is a nightmare as I was practicing with her.....I aimed for the next room to chase a survivor and for some reason at the last second my blink location shifted to the floor below
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I'm hoping this gets resolved in a day or two...
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Wow, you've clearly never seen how BHVR works. "Very soon" is BHVR's term for "Within three years"
I wish they had a proper Q&A team and regression testing, but clearly that has never been a BHVR priority.
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most direct skill to reward relation? bro blight takes more skill than her, all u gotta do is learn the nurse blink range and you're golden 😂. with blight there are many things to learn to disable a loop. i dont even want to play nurse since i got good with her, its too easy.