A few Kate cosmetics look weird now

Has anyone else noticed that a few of Kate's cosmetics look different now after the recent update? All of her shorts look different than before. The slit leather skirt also looks a bit different now. Were they changed (I hope not) or is this just an after patch graphical issue?
Idk if its because i returned from a long break of the game but i noticed or it looks to me that Kate footsteeps sound different and louder.
Its only my imagination?
Idk about the skins you say.. Kate is one of my favorite survivors, so i will check her now.
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I’m gonna check it out but I haven’t noticed anything different so far
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It looks like all her shorts got moved up her waist a bit and the slit leather skirt. I haven't checked all of the cosmetics yet. They just look very unappealing now.
I'll see if I can post a before/after screenshot when I get into a match.
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First image is before the Lunar update and the 2nd is one taken after. Yep something definitely changed with them. Also sorry the 2nd image is darker. It was a different map.
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well at least she is still cool af. She’s one of my mains
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The cosmetics mentioned still look the way they do in the 2nd screenshot. Any idea when they'll be fixed? Half the stuff I have for Kate now is just collecting dust.
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I just miss her old face 😭
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Kate main Big Brain. 😊
You know what, I was against the change and didn't like her the first days but I like her more than the old model now. She is a bit mouth breather but its alright.
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She's def in the process of letting herself go.
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I hate those model changes with a passion.
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I think this has happened before in the past when Kate got other new cosmetics. I guess its a graphical issue linked to some of her cosmetics. There is nothing properly proportioned about it at all. She looks very unappealing in several cosmetics now and I hope they get it fixed soon. I won't be purchasing anything new for her that looks like this until its fixed. I also forgot to mention you can see her skin go through the upper part of her shorts at certain angels now which shows its a graphical issue.
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Her new portrait looks better too honestly
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They really can't stop making her cosmetics worse huh. Yes, I'm still pissed about the disaster that is the reworked "golden cascade" hair. Good to know more cosmetics that I spent money on are being changed...
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Have you tried reporting it as a bug? I just looked in game and now I can't unsee it. It looks awful.
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Yep! Exactly. I haven't reported it as a bug yet. I'm sure by now they are aware so I expect this to be fixed soon if it hasn't already. I haven't been in game since the lunar event ended so I don't know if they are fixed yet.
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It's definitely not fixed in the current live version. I wouldn't count on them being aware of it. Or worse, they may have changed it intentionally. It wouldn't be the first time they made cosmetics look worse. Especially when it comes to Kate...
And to top it off, they somehow managed to delete the bra straps on all her default shirts....??
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They changed Yui's Lunar racer head as well. Before on release she had no makeup on. Now she is covered in makeup. I hate it.
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I hope not too. Kates perfect just the way she is
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If you bought Yui's head before it had makeup, you can open a ticket and request a refund. That's what I did, and I got my Shards back.
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As of last night I noticed the cosmetics I mentioned are still different from the way they looked before the last patch. If they aren't going to be fixed then I would hope to get a full refund for each of the mentioned cosmetics. When I buy a cosmetic in game I buy it because I like the way it looks at the time I purchased it.
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Girl got some lessons in makeup from a toddler.
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It is extremely justified.
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Favorite Kate cosmetic? I bought this one
It’s so fire
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So you can do that with kate's cosmetics, can you request at any time?
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I just wish the head piece was not locked, I'd rather have different hair on it.
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So sad this is set. I would use this hat with other pieces.
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Like which one? She honestly has some of the best cosmetics holy s**t
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True but damn it was worth the 10 bucks. I have 23/59 cosmetics might buy all of them lmao
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I can not use set pieces for combine with different stuffs, so this is why i dislike them. But yeah Kate cosmetics are great usually. Some of my combines:
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You think they will do the anniversary crown again? I only got it for Dwight (yeah I know) because I was new to the game lmao
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They will do but it will be different one ofcourse. But crown is crown right?
I am not using them anyway, killers are seeing more easyly at loops.
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I doubt it, but I wouldn't know, I don't work for BHVR. You could try if you want, or you could submit a bug report ticket about how weird the cosmetic looks.
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So the cosmetics mentioned in my original post still look the same. I'm wondering if this was an intentional change or something that happened with a patch update. Can anyone confirm?
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Not sure why they would intentionally make most of Kate's outfits look worse, but i guess it wouldn't be the first time. The waistlines that were changed clip horribly in game.
She's also still missing her bra straps on her default shirt/recolors, and the flag shirt lost its "physics" in the latest update.
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So do I! She is ugly after the rework (imo). I used to main her.
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Did you buy all of her cosmetics?
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Yep, they look terrible now in my opinion. I also didn't know her old glory knotted t-shirt was messed up... again... It really pisses me off how Kate's cosmetics keep getting messed up. I literally am not buying anymore cosmetics for her until this crap is fixed and if the current ones I do have aren't fixed soon I'm requesting a refund. I bought those cosmetics for how they looked at the time I purchased them. I don't want something I paid for to change unless I'm going to be offered a refund for them.
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Nope and I'm not buying anymore until all of her currents ones are fixed.
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That’s unfortunate
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Yea, I'm also not spending another dime until they fix Kate's outfits (and Claire's face). Not worth supporting a company that treats its customers this way.
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I figure it was just something that happened after an update because I think I have seen these cosmetics look like this before for awhile and they were fixed later. This has been awhile now since these cosmetics changed now and they still look the same so I don't know if it was something with the update it happened in or if they changed them. I wish I knew. I just checked them again tonight and the cosmetics still look the same. I hope they fix them soon.