First time red rank 4 and I can't win as a killer with these killers it's unfair

I currently have bubba , ghost face , hag , spirit and the free killers , I did well getting 4 kills often first with wraith as my main killer till I was bored playing him when I reached gold and silver 2 I started to get matches against rank 1 survivors like every match and realized that wraith is super bad not broken at all too slow and can't finish chases at all and I started to get tons of SWF's well first before reaching rank 4 across silver to red I had fun playing ghost face and did well with him till I started getting gold and red survivors I can't finish chases quickly enough and I get gen rushed survivors are too good literally 2k hour players that can loop forever and never miss a flashlight save ... I started getting only 2 or 1 kills so ghost face is fun to scare but terrible to win , I had fun playing bubba too I can land chainsaw swings easily and finish games but now in red ranks he is super slow and everyone can counter him pretty useless unless you want to camp or do basement .. basically all the killers I was super good with became useless can't end any chases and gens get rushed way too quickly I also had some good matches with spirit but gave up on her since gold every match had iron will and I use speakers only so it's hard for me to play her and the new nerfs made her even worst for my case ... the only killer I'm doing well with and I never lost a game at red rank with is hag surprisingly .. I tried perks like ruin they get cleaned quickly , corrupt intervention , devour hope I can't get 3 stacks too difficult in high ranks it's more like torture with all the swf's and toxic survivors I'm not even sure which killer I should get next my plan is for blight . Most of my killers are very map dependent and slow it's either 2 options in high ranks you keep roaming but the second you try to down someone and hook them it's already too late 3 gens are done or 2 Imagine being scared of chasing a survivors because it's guaranteed they're good unless it's a bill or a Claudette these 2 are usually free estate lol . Playing survivor is boring but it's a bit easier and less frustrating I hate doing gens but I only reached silver 1 . My problem is that I can't end chases quick enough because all my killers are slow and I get gen rushed quickly if I give up on a survivor = no hook = 1 gen is rushed if I chase and down that survivor = 2 or 3 gens are done game over , being able to play with friends and communicate is not fair they can coordinate everything and win easily I blame the match making system that puts new killers like me with barely 70 hours against SWF with 2000+ hours


  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792
    edited February 2022

    Derank to get easier matches and then you will get your grade 1 if it's so important to you.

    Edit: By "derank" I meant "deMMR"

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    How do you derank though mmr wise? It's too late since tomorrow it will be reset

  • herbaljellyfish
    herbaljellyfish Member Posts: 115

    Ranks really don't matter but the way you play really does change when you play against better survivors. As with Wraith, you need to be body blocking when uncloaking, that's how he's meant to be used. Zone the survivors in chase then body block for easy hits. He's not top tier but he's pretty decent. Ghost face really isn't that great unless you're really good at sneaking.

    Against good survivors, you have to force them into a 50/50 situation, which generally always works in the killers favor. Against good survivors, you can't really just mindlessly chase them. Start using your bloodstain to your advantage too. Mind gaming is the biggest tool killers have other than moving faster than survivors which is why forcing a 50/50 situation is good. Turn towards walls when picking survivors up to avoid flashlight saves or pressure them away before picking the downed survivor up. Learn how survivors loop shack, jungle gyms, pallet gyms and filler pallets. Learn where god pallets spawn and cut survivors off during chase. Don't stop to break filler pallets. There's lots of things you can do to end chases quickly. Don't get fixated on downing and hooking survivors. Your primary objective is to stop gens from getting completed for as long as possible, the hooks and kills will come naturally.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    You can even take adapt because MMR doesn't work.

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    As for Ranks I disagree , from a new player experience I started playing 2 months ago and each higher rank it gets more difficult you can't just win 5 games to rank up easily in gold if you're a terrible killer as from my experience since silver I'm getting paired with red ranks you can tell from their skills that they're good and you know it's a bad match when pink wig neas come for you instead of you finding them the most thing that annoys me is survivors body blocking me from hooks and when the gates are open to stop me from downing someone or sabotaging hooks and the player base is too toxic . For Ghost face I did good because I'm good at sneaking I usually get gen grabs easily but playing sneaky usually is slower gives more time to gen rushers and it's either I sneak and land 1 hit then get in a chase that might take too long and I started using a lot of the advices you said like double checking the area before carrying a survivor . What's the 50/50 play style tho? And I struggle with loops like shack they just use the window and palette and run away in such scenario I'm giving time to gen doers I try to mind game and moon walk but it doesn't work killers are supposed to be fast but I struggle with hitting good survivors twice they will go from pallet to pallet to window to dead hard while gens are done but yeah I try to focus on gens but some maps are too large there is always a Claudette doing that gen you can't risk going to at the end of the map because by the time your return they will finish more gens , do you recommend any killers ?

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    I did , I enjoy Ghost face but he is too weak his play style makes it easy for survivors to gen rush ect , wraith is weak too and I liked blight but I only have 3000 shards so far I need more time to unlock him . The most broken killers are nurse and spirit and both are not my cup of tea I hate playing them I regret wasting shards on spirit :(

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 534

    As someone else mentioned, the ranks really don't matter. I find myself using that as an excuse as an argument sometimes but I'll be an ash rank Killer going against a full Red Rank team and still manage to beat them with little to no problem. But when I'm red rank, I go against Ash players that hand my ass to me on a silver platter.

    But it basically comes down to either committing to one Killer and slowly get better with them and get higher in the MMR. Or play whatever Killer you want, take a few L's but eventually your MMR will reduce enough that you'll end up facing weaker survivors and the matches will go back to feeling a bit more "fair".

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    I have almost 2000 hours in the game and I still feel like this sometimes. Some games you simply can't do #########. I watched SpooknJukes stream tonight and the survivors did all 5 gens in 2 minutes and 47 seconds. He finished with 2 hooks and had some chases as well in between, I don't get it. No prove thyselfs or brand new parts. The speed at which survivors can do their objective is just absurd and its crazy base gen speeds have never been touched.

    The gens get done so fast sometimes you wonder if they are cheating, most likely they aren't, survivors objective is fast if every stays on gens and knows when to pair up on them.

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    I'm already using all the good perks and builds I have access too but it's not good enough sadly

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    Exactly and Imagine new killers like me with 75h play time going against similar survivors it's pretty broken it's 1vs4 while they have the upper hand .. you can't do nothing against swf's the other day I faced 4 ttv survivors that finished gens quickly I just gave up

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    Well it matters because red ranks usually have all good perks they know how to play and they have good map knowledge but new killers or survivors won't have enough blood points and perks and knowledge . Just a month ago I was struggling to find gens but definitely the matchmaking system is weird I played a lot of competitive games and ranked systems and DBD is the most unfair since maybe less players especially killers and sweaty toxic 2k+ hour survivors need to find matches too so you get handed on a silver platter to them

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    That's grade reset. I'm talking about MMR. Just let everyone leave 20 games in a row and you will have easy matches.

  • BirdSpirit
    BirdSpirit Member Posts: 186

    That is a huge wall of text that needs more periods lol

    The only M1 killer I play is hag and I easily got to Iri 1 with her because she can shut down loops. So can't give too much advice for GF other than lean stalk and only fill up the meter when you're close enough.

    Part of playing killer is knowing where vaults and pallets are so you can drive survivors in a certain direction.

    Also huntress is good if you can't hit ppl in melee.

  • SomberNokk
    SomberNokk Member Posts: 732

    Just face camp tbh.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Play with killers you have not high mmr, this can boost you to grand 1. But just 1 day left, so you should probably really long today. I don't think it will worth.

  • herbaljellyfish
    herbaljellyfish Member Posts: 115

    Well you're in a time where ranking is significantly easier than it used to be. Used to, you could depip entire colors so you had to consistently do good to reach red ranks. Now all the new grades really do is show who plays longer and you get BP based on your grade every month on reset. Apparently now instead of ranks matchmaking is based off of MMR, but I don't really buy that lol.

    A 50/50 is a 50/50 chance a survivor or killer will take a certain action. For example, a vault on a T&L wall. As killer, always take the inner route to go between walls to force the survivor to the outside and they will be presented with a 50/50. When they run back around the outside of the T or L wall, they will either need to vault, or fake the vault. They fake the vault, but you commit, you win the 50/50. If they take the vault, but you anticipated it and double backed, you get the hit and win the 50/50. In these situations, the survivor has to predict what you're going to do, but you move faster therefore you have the better chance of winning the 50/50. This is just one example but I think you get the gist.

    Shack can be hard to mind game but you can anticipate the window vault. And you want to try to force them to drop that pallet as early as possible because you def want that out of the game. Also you always have the choice of abandoning the chase if you see a survivor headed towards shack, sometimes it's just not worth it. Since you're new, you REALLY need to get used to the maps and all the different tiles that spawn. It will help you out tremendously just having that knowledge. For example, remember that YOU control the chase and WHERE to zone the survivors. You'll hear the term "tiles" used as in "linking tiles". A survivor might rotate around a pallet loop a specific way to get a fast vault on a window to avoid dropping the pallet so they can keep using it. Be aware that survivors are thinking about that kind of stuff and you need to deny it so you can get the upper hand on that tile.

    SWF's can be hard to deal with and if you suspect that you're playing with an SWF and see flashlights, bring lightborn. Or maybe even iron grasp and/or agitation if you see toolboxes. Also you can fake heading to a hook and switch at the last moment so they sabo the wrong hook. You should always expect body blocking with good survivors whether they are SWF or not. Try not to get fixated on downing/going after one survivor. Read the lobby. I tend to play each game different depending on how the game is going. For example I might abandon chase simply after injuring survivor to go pressure a gen I need to keep or injure another survivor. Keeping survivors injured can counter body blocking. In the very least they have to spend time healing instead of working on gens, or if they choose to stay injured, your next chase with them won't take as long.

    Also, at the beginning of a match, figure out which gens would be easiest for you to control. Let them get the gens all the way across the map. The game gets easier if you can keep critical gens in the same area. That way you can watch hooked survivors & still patrol gens.

    It's going to take time, honestly. But definitely familiarize yourself with maps and tiles, everything else you will figure out just from playing more. Killers have a high skill ceiling and so do survivors.

    And just for reference, I main Legion. Not the greatest killer, but the most fun killer to play IMO and I LOVE the challenge. I still get steam rolled from time to time, but I have 3k hours in this game and consistently do well with both killer and survivor. I was garbo until about 1.5k hours.

    I recommend playing both sides too. It'll help you understand what's going through the other's head during the game.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Plague is fun and can do great if you play her a certain way. at rank 1 swf they'll either not drink and remain broken or they'll all drink at the same time and hide during your power.

    The trick I have found works the most is to identify a 4 Gen situation early which you can turn into killer sided tiles. If they play broken and approach your gens they are going down, she is 4.6 speed, she can do it.

    If they start drinking.... Infect them back, protect your gens, when they drink again, use corrupt. Two, three or more times in a row. Hook or slug as needed. Tunnel one out then you pretty much won. Use this with Corrupt intervention and Gen regression (pop, pain resonance) 4th perk is a wildcard. Maybe something to help you with chases or just good ol bbq for the bp. Or eruption.

    I have pulled some crazy stuff doing this in the game and other difficult maps against strong players.

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    I just learned the fact that I need to pressure 3 gens scenario area more so I get an advantage late game I should avoid going for end of the map lone gens and thanks for all the tips :)

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    I will get plague later on but grinding shards in dbd is painful takes so much time so it's gonna be another 100 hour probably before I get her or more