looking for a team to get my friend into dbd

hey guyz, I'm looking for a bunch of chill non-toxic people to help me get my friend hooked on dbd in the nearest future! She's just getting started and wants to try both swf and kyf, cross-platform &no mic required
We're in GMT+1 time zone but we're both night owls lel so it shouldn't be a big problem aaand we're both 20yo girls
WhoAteNemo#2b50 <- you can send me a friend request at all times!
my friend and I usually play after uni, we’re two males in UK (GMT) 🤞 we don’t take it seriously though 🤣
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yupp i'm not a super serious pro gamer either lmao
hit me up on dscrd WhoAteNemo#2876 or ig @whoatenemo so we can set up a game 🐙🐙
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Just added you on discord from Saxx#5438
We have a (primarily) girls discord and you and your friend would be a great addition!! We play KYF and SWF often from different timezones. Talk soon!
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i've already accepted your invite! Can't wait to join your dscrd server 😍