The grind is getting out of hand...

Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

Like I understand y'all don't want to remove perk tiers because y'all want a more "permanent" solution. But why do we have to wait yeaaarrrrssssss for something so freaking basic. I'll give a very simple example.

I have a killer that had 75 tier 3 perks, no tier one or tier two, and I got the 2 million BP for reset. I figured, hey, now's the perfect time to put those points into that character to see exactly how long it'll take to get the rest and unlocked to tier 3. A little more than 2 million BP later, being as cost efficient as possible with my bloodwebs, and I still don't have all 90 perks unlocked! Let alone to tier 3. Want to know how many games I'd have to play perfectly just to get that many bp again? And this is if I'm running BBQ and get the max bp every single game, 32 games. Just to get 2 million bp, and that barely puts a dent in a single character.

You'd need to play about 80 matches getting max bp with both bbq and chili and survivor pudding, just to get all perks on a single character one time.

Yeah removing perk tiers might not be a permanent solution, but it'd be a lot better than having to deal with this BS while y'all sit on your hands for the next 2 years.

