Killer Buffs?

I think they should give Killers 5 perk slots instead of 4 for balance. You face 16 perks and 4 items with 2 add ons each including BNP. Killers are supposed to be broken and overpowered since it's 4v1
I mean I'd be down to see an extra perk slot, but no. Killers shouldn't be overpowered just because its a 4v1. Both sides should be of equal strength
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Right now it's survivor sided. Whenever they add new killers survivors call them OP but the truth is that since the killer is new they haven't devised good strategies or counterplay. But the devs nerf the new killers anyway like with Pinhead
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They are not supposed to be broken and OP, BUT at the very least they should stay scary and always pose a threat to the survivors. I think that 5 perks could work, but this is something that you have to look into VERY carefully and i think several combinations should be provibited, like no 5 totems or slowdown perks, I dont know, there is probably a lot of broken stuff that could be done without much of a headache.
What if we got a specialized slot, that could only slot certain perks? In Warframe they did something similiar, you got 8 regular slots there, but one special slot that can only hold movement mods (that games versions of perks). Most movement perks are off-meta as the meta resolves around strong damage mods, so this allowed players to experiment with some of the fun options without providing too much room for OP stuff.
So maybe we could dedicated this 5th slot to an Info/Aurareadong perk, or one defensive perk like Lightborn/Franklins, a QoL perk like Endurance/Brutal Strength/Shadowborn or even an Obession slot for any obsession perk. This way you could somewhat control what combinations are possible and buff killers by giving them more tools, not by boosting their strength too much through synergy.
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Considering how slowly BHVR works, it's not a good idea.
They would need to rebalance a LOT of perks.
It's simply not realistic.
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True. But from all the ideas we throw around here, I dont know, maybe 1% wriggle their way into the actual game? I was super surprised by the reduction of Pyramid Heads daily, tbh. All we can to is offer some food for thoughts and play things through in our head. Most musings are just for entertaining, so lets think about how cool the game could be "IF" ^^ And maaaaybe one of the ideas might stick.
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We just need to pester them about some base kit improvement like how survivors got the wiggle buff, or will get the basekit BT. You know, frame it that way to trick them.
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The effort it takes to change a 4 to a 2 is pretty low. It still took them quite some time to do that.
It's a good change, but requesting that they rebalance every Killer perk is sort of unrealistic.
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If we'd get a 5th slot I'd rather have a 5th slot being a utility/BP perk slot.
Aka only perks that grant BP such as beast of prey or Hex:thrill of the hunt.
Or have nearly pure utility effects like Shadow Born/Bloodhound should be allowed into it but excluding things like Monitor and Abuse.
This would also mean that killers would get a 5th slot without having to re-balance nearly every single killer perk in the game to implement.
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Shouldn't this go in feedback/suggestions?
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Addons are almost as good as perks for killers sometimes even better
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If camping and tunneling is removed then sure... Otherwise it would become way OP at 3v1
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yeah but they keep changing and removing strong add ons for killers
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Survivors items and addons do same for survivors and which is actually an UPGRADED version of perks, unlike killer addons which does sidegrade of meh perks at best.