What would you do to make Monstrous Shrine and Territorial Imperative better?

So obviously they are basement perks but what do you think that need improvements?
Make Monstrous Shrine a scourge hook that rewards leaving the hook. Maybe it could accelerate the sacrifice timer by 25% as long as you remain 32 meters or further away?
I actually think Territorial Imperative is neat as a niche perk, I would probably just remove the distance requirement and cool down.
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Territorial Imperative - killer instinct for any survivors in the basement for entire time they are down there.
Monstrous Shrine - every time you hook a survivor in the basement a dull totem will be turned into a hex totem that causes random status effect for all survivors (blindness, exhausted, oblivious, mangled, etc.). If all totems are broken a random totem will respawn as a hex totem. Broken totems can only respawn once.
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Being able to play them without losing because you didnt bring 4 gen defence perks
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Territorial Imperative could work as a sort of 3 gen helping thing. Maybe the perk lights up whenever any survivors are within 5 meters of any of the 3 closest gens to one another. Maybe the gens are highlighted as well.
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At the very least Territorial Imperative could show the survivors auras in the basement continously. Its already THAT niche and specialized and then you only get 3s of use out of it. I know that it might be the best camper perk, but at least then campers had one less useful perk outside of camping.
It wouldn't be really useful, even if you got the full aura reading down there, but at the very least it could be a fun perk to throw in occasionally, just like Lethal Pursuit. LP is sort of a philosophically debate, some consider it super useful, others say that you essentially play with just 3 perks, 10s into the game. So on some builds its super good, like Oni, on others its more of a fun perk to just get things started, and TI could go into the same direction.
I would also love some more different sound alerts, like a snarl or howl when someone triggers TI (and I still want crow cawing when Spies in the Shadows triggers, goddamit!), we already have a plethora of things doing exactly the same notification and it would be very nice to hear at a glance what happened.
Letting Monstrous Shrine turn the basement hooks into Scourge Hooks would be awesome, but I think BHVR said something along the lines of that they want SH to stay how they are, ie a bit RNG dependant and just 4, no more no less. Maybe MS could also make escape a bit more difficult, like you have to dissolve a Yellow Glyph before unhooking someone from the shrine, when the killer is further away then 32m. This would be both, anti-tunneling/camping and also some nice insurance for the killer that you can't save someone within seconds from the basement. I actually like this idea a lot.
Another thing could be +25% BP on top of BBQ for each sacrifice in the basement to show how pleased The Entity is and to get more players into doing killers, because you could regularly walk out of a game with 300k BP :D
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Territorial Imperative would be good if a gen could spawn in the basement.
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No. Monstrous Shrine is for us basement campers. You do not get to reclaim it.
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Monstrous Shrine- Since there no Hook defense perks I'd turn it into one... Increase the time of sabo by 3-5 seconds and brings back sabo'd hooks faster by 10 seconds
But if it had to stay as a Basement perk then allow both Basements to be active at once on top of what it already does... or just make it an offering to have both Basements... either Green or Purple (or Red) rarity and make it a secret offering
Also make the Skill checks harder... infecting Blindness on the Survivor in the Basement... Not much I can think of.... sorry
Territorial Imperative- i do like the idea @KolbyKolbyKolby came up with... but how would highlighting a Gen work if all Gens are highlighted (or are you talking about making them Yellow)? and also Corrupt Already does that... Unless you mean after a Gen has been done
But if it had to stay as a Basement perk then reduce the cooldown and distance like what @GoshJosh has suggested
Or make it a TR perk that Debuffs all survivor working on a Gen by like 5-15%
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If the killer is 32m away, they can teleport via a 3s channel to the basement when they get the notification. Could work with either perk.
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Monstruous shrine: When a survivor is close by a hooked survivor.That survivor suffer from oblivious and exhausting for X amount of secs.
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Monstrous shrine doesn't really need buffed in its current state it just encourages basement camping by making it happen a little bit faster.
I'd love to see it reworked somehow to shift it away from that though.
Territorial imperative idk. Make it reveal aura of survivors who are in the basement, like a constant aura reveal and linger for a few seconds when they leave the basement too. Even then it wouldn't necessarily be that good lol
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Monstrous Shrine: Basement hooks now count as Scourge hooks. Scourge hooks cannot be sabotaged and respawn 45 seconds after a sacrifice is completed on them. All former effects discarded.
Territorial Imperative... I'm not sure that it should be a basement perk, but if it does have to remain one, then it shouldn't have a cooldown or timer. If someone's in the basement while you're at the right distance, you get to see them for the entire time they're in there until they leave, period.
It still wouldn't be useful, but it'd be consistent enough you could try to make it work in a gimmick build. Maybe.
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You're making me want a basement gen
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Honestly two ways I would buff Monstrous shrine is give the survivors who are not in the basement the exposed status for 20/25/30 if someone unhook ssomeone from a basement hook
if a basement hooked survivor goes into the second hook state to everyone outside gets exposed for 15/18/21 seconds so it would encourage people to either stay away from the basement or to go there for a save and not just hang around the entrance of the basement
While also keeping the current perks of Monstrous shrine
Like was thinking of something to encourage killers to leave the basement for a risk like would you want to guarantee the basement kill or go for a power move that can possibly get you more hooks outside the basement
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Unpopular opinion for what i use territorial imperative its fine i currently cant do the build tough haddonfields still disabled
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Nothing, just delete them
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It would force a save to happen sooner, perhaps disallowing a survivor to finish a generator they thought they could have otherwise finished in time. It could be brutal on certain maps like Azarov’s, Suffocation Pit, or RPD.
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Monstruos shrine: every time you hook on the basement you gain a token. Next time a survivor enters the basement, spend 3 tokens to lock the exit for the survivors for 10, 15, 20 seconds if you're 32 or more meters away, and you receive a strong noise notification.
It will never happen, but it would be hilarious xD. It's a trap!!!
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I think there is no need of buffing territorial imperetive, it is good at what its doing already.
On Monstrues its a hard topic, I dont know personally really how to make basement perks good but I think turning it into a basement slow down perk would be cool, maybe if you hook someone in the basement all gens are getting blocked for 20sec. As a small reward for all the way you carry a survivor. It needs a cooldown though to prevent buffing basement bubba, maybe 60sec cooldown?
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First off I'd start by removing the basement entirely from the game
Then we can start reworking these perks
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Territorial Imperative: Whenever a survivor enters the basement (Stairway) when a killer is 32 meters away a sound notification is given to the killer (Aura is dumb because you have to keep looking at the basement, and away from what you’re actually doing). The killer will hear The Entity (Like Whispers) for as long as unhooked survivors are hiding in the basement. Whenever a survivor is unhooked all vaults and pallets within 32 meters of the basement is blocked for the next 30 seconds.
The Entity tells you that they’re in it’s space, but not on the hook. Go get them! Survivors must RUN out the basement right away. Potentially bumping into the killer with The Entity backing them up. Like a real horror flick. Not sit down there, double healing. Yada dada.
Monstrous Shrine: Keep same powers. Maybe rework the hook progress to be based on how far away the killer is from the basement. 9% when they’re camping 32 meters. 15% when they’re more than 32 meters away. Reward double BP whenever survivors are hooked and then triple when sacrificed.
That way killers can make a full BP farming build with BBQ. Then they’re rewarded for basement plays. A big reason killers want their 4K + Hatch is because it rewards the most points in the end. If there were ways to capitalize on BP without having to “win” the killer players would do that. Sometimes I want BP, and the sweat squads will deny that too.
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Monstrous Shrine rework: When a Survivor is hanging in the basement, the entity blesses the Killer with a 20/25/30% speed bonus to pick up, drop, Pallet break, Generator damage and vaults. Essentially the perk turns the killer into a real powerhouse... but none of those buffs are useful if you don't get out there and chase people so yeah. Go get em!
Territorial Imperative: Keep the range. However, aura reading is constant like Blood Warden is and not just 3 seconds long. In addition, the first time a Survivor enters the basement you get a unique loud noise notification(20s CD). Lastly, I do think that Territorial Imperative would be better if it also kept Survivors in the basement a bit longer when they do go down there to give you more time to act on that info. To that end, any Survivor action taken in the basement takes 10/15/20% longer.
Also... with these buffs and reworks, these two perks will work together quite nicely. Monstrous Shrine makes you quite scary, and Territorial Imperative makes it easier to defend your buff.
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Territorial: remove the cooldown
Monstrous Shrine: Flat-out make the self-unhook chance 0% would be funny. Make it a Scourge Hook perk. All basement hooks become Scourge Hooks. That way, you get 4 hooks plus the basement for your perk. I would see it as more of a utility/combo than a standalone scourge hook perk.
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I had this exact same thought reading the title.
Basement scourge hook with reduced timer if you are a distance from the basement. Defending a basement hook is very advantageous but there is an incentive to leave if running monstrous. Is it enough to make people use it though, that's the question.
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Using these perks causes both possible basements to spawn in the map, also enables scourge perks on basement hooks.
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One thought I had for Monstrous Shrine was give effects to a hook you use twice in a row or more. Maybe add a "hook a different survivor from the last one hooked" to restrict tunneling
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Monstrous shrine can be changed to a scourge perk with slightly better numbers.
TI perk idea prob won't ever happen but c be interesting, fun or flat out broken it keeps all is current effects but once the survivor is at the bottom of the stairs the entity blocks the stairs and traps the survivor for X seconds. The killer can still pass freely early which will remove the blockage.
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Personally I would combine the two into one perk, but for the sake of argument: For MS the first hook in the basement is a Scourge Hook, & TI the Chest takes longer to open. That way it keeps naive survivors there a little longer giving you time for an ambush. Also, 6 seconds of Aura reading AFTER any survivor leaves the basement.
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You know what- now that I think about it some more, for Monstorus Shrine have all four hooks be different Scourge Hooks. That way, if hooked survivors make it out- the punishment continues. Besides, like boons we know more Scourge Hooks are likely to come.
OR- have each hook in the basement apply ALL Scourge status effects!
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Dude if monsterous shrine made all basement hooks into scrourge hooks that would be killer