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The grind is getting out of hand...



  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Their excuse for removing NOT the Perk Tiers is BS.

    It'll take down the grind we have right now by 2/3rds AND make balancing and adjusting the perks easier for them as they only have to adjust 1/3 as many numbers.

    Just get them out of the way and stop muddying our bloodwebs with them and get it done with.

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    Remember the last Q&A stream?

    Something along the lines of "removing perk tiers makes no sense because we would soon reach a point where the amount of grinding is the same" (because they release a new killer + suvivor every few months)

    Now, if we remove perk tiers the grind would be reduced by roundabout 66% give or take. DBD has been out for a little bit over five years.

    This means that it would take about eleven years of constant new releases to reach the same point again...

    Dev logic, amirite? :D

  • Drawnyell
    Drawnyell Member Posts: 25

    Yes, the grind indeed got out of hand and it's been quite some time since that happend IMO.

    The grinding in this game is worse than in some FREE games dude. You literally pay for this game and you have to grind your life away playing this to get something even remotely interesting and cool.

    You need SO MUCH bloodpoints to get so many basic things it's crazy

    try grinding as survivor to get BP and you'll get frustrated very fast lol

    playing as killer gives so much more BP than playing survivor it's insane, you could have a bad match with 1 kill and still make more BP than the survivors or make what the surv would make in a good match and that's insane

    i played so many matches where i was bad as killer and got a decent amount of points then played really good matches as survivor and got less than my bad matches as killer

    And don't get me started on Iridescent Shards! duuude that's so fricking insane! you need to grind your entire life away EVEN MORE to get any decent amount of shards!! the Level Up reward system works in such a stupid way... it's ridiculous, and it's even worse when you realise the max Shards number you get after leveling up is 300... 300 fricking shards?!! that's the limit??!! it's so ridiculous

    i would rather get at least 400 shards every time i level up and with the level up taking as log as it takes when you're in high levels

    it would take a fair amount of time but at least i would get 400 everytime which would make things way more balanced

    it's so ridiculous how you get like... a two digit number of shards when your level starts or restarts :v it should be a fixed number of shards from the start and the number should be at least 400, you can also make it go from 300 to 400, but the max number of shards you get should be 400 at least

    there's another game i play sometimes(i used to play it a lot more since i love it) and it's called Rogue Company, it's a free third person shooter and the characters have different skills and stuff

    there you can get ANY character for free and most of them cost like 15K Reputation Points(RP is like Iridescent Shards, the game's free money) and you get 500 RP every time you level up and the daily challenges give you RP points too and it's usually 300 to 500 RP

    AND IT'S A FREE GAME!! how come DBD, a PAID game, has more grinding than a free game? i just think that's so insane

    the characters should probably cost less and the level up system should be better and have a fixed number of reward(like i said... 400 iridescent shards)

    i'm currently trying to get 9K shards to unlock Jeff and... dude... it takes forever

    it takes SO MUCH effort to get even CLOSE to 9K

    it's really insane

    you basically need to dedicate a whole year to get all the characters for free, maybe even more time than that honestly x_x

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I don't mind the shards being where they're at now, because it does unlock stuff that you're supposed to pay for usually. I would maybe give a little more from leveling, but not anything crazy.

    The bloodpoints is the main thing. Like there's literally no reason to have the grind for perks as much as it is. Most people don't play to unlock perks, and having all perks unlocked wouldn't keep them from still playing. At this point in the game's life you wouldn't lose players for making the grind much smaller. In fact it probably turns more people off from picking this game up than it actually draws people in.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    The grind is increasing quadratically, so the grind would be already back in 5 years, not 10. 5 years is still a long time however. Check out my video on this topic if you want to know more details on the calculation.

  • Drawnyell
    Drawnyell Member Posts: 25

    i dunno i feel like the shards situation is bad

    i don't think it should be changed to anything crazy, but at least a fixed number of rewards, you know? and maybe extra ways to earn shards even if by a little bit

    and i know you need to work to earn characters you should pay for but that's WAY too much effort to get a single character from a game you already paid for

    it should at least be a little easier to get them because it's way too much work IMO

    like i said, it's crazy that this game requires more effort than games that are Free to Play

    something should be done about the level up system and the rewards

    i think it would be better if it had a fixed number of reward and you needed a fixed number of XP everytime to level up

    but yeah it's pretty bad that BP is so difficult to get

    you think you got so much BP and when you actually go and use it it barely does anything

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    Alright, this is a little bit more sophisticated than me just adding numbers in my head :D

    But yeah, 5 years is still a long time.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 917

    I have like 400 hours less and do have everything unlocked on two survivors and 4 or 5 killers, and admittedly it's only the ones I really play. I agree the grind is like, super long and needs to be addressed/reworked, but I think the concept of the grind existing is good for the game. Players need to work towards something or they'll get bored faster.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I am not saying everyone should max everything so fast. But if you spend 1000 hours on game, you should have everything. At this point, you are already keep playing game.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 917

    I don't think it's fair to just assume you should have everything because you've been playing for 1k+ hours. How you spend your time and your end goals are also important.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I meant if you are playing good and if you have good bps at most matches.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    I don’t mind the grind. I think there’s a couple of issues here.

    1.) the grind being complained about keeps the game interesting. I do not think DBD would do as well without a progression system. The rift opens up new forms of progression and I think is welcomed for that reason.

    2.) There’s no time constraint to unlocking perks on characters. Do it at the pace you want. I’ve had a Steam account for two years now and probably completed most of the content in the game. If a player wants to be more casual, be more casual.

    3.) The grind in this game is in many ways self inflicted. If the player wants to prestige a character, its their choice to commit to that. If they unlock more teachables before say completing prestiges on other characters with unlocked teachables, they are making it more difficult for themselves.

    I am at the end of the grind personally. Devotion 14. All characters unlocked and P3. I only have seven killers who do not have all perks unlocked, but they have most of them. Survivors I have eight with all perks unlocked.

    I’m looking forward to new characters. New content. I’m practically ready for the new Tome too.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I actually had an idea in my most recent post of how to remove the grind aspect of it but keep the progression aspect.

    All perks for all owned characters are automatically unlocked at tier 1. When you buy a new character their perks are automatically unlocked at tier 1 on all other owned characters. Each match you play with a perk gives you progression to the next tier of that perk. Each tier takes slightly longer to reach. Any perks on characters that you currently have at tier 2 or 3 on that character would stay there. Bloodwebs would be used for offerings and addons still.

    This would immediately eliminate the grind forever and would be a permanent solution, while actually still keeping that feeling of progression, without feeling like your punished by RNG as you try to get a random bloodweb to show up with the perk you want/need. It makes it welcoming to new players, and let's you choose how you want to play, while still promoting trying different things as you level up your perks. Yeah you could level up only 4 perks and only ever use those perks forever, or you could mix it up and find your favorite combos as you level them up. Either way it'd be the players choice, and no one would feel hindered for not having certain perks. It would also give a lot of good information to Behavior. If everyone is only unlocking and using 4-5 perks on every killer or survivor, maybe those are the perks to look at for balancing?

  • Kasper9021
    Kasper9021 Member Posts: 14

    Here is an idea.. when you make it to level 50, the bloodwebs give you a perk selection item. So with that item you can pick any 1 perk of your choosing per bloodweb. The grind to p3 is still long but you dont have to spend that extra 5 mil to max out a charcter if you get all the perks you want!

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Sorry, but you can't compare yourself to the other players. You spend insane amount of time on DBD, most of us can't afford and don't even want to spend that much time on this game. I am not prestiging and the grind is INSANE without prestige as well.

    Here is a simple scenario that is not working because of the grind:

    A new chapter is released, I buy it because I want to play the new killer. I would like to try various perk combos, try builds that various content creators suggested, etc. But it is impossible unless you spend 50+ hours on leveling up the new killer. And there are 26 of them.

    Probably I shouldn't even buy new DLCs, because buying them is not enough, you need to also spend 50+ hours on it before you can fully do what you want.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Its funny they think this game will last 10 years while pumping a new Killer and Survivor every 3 months, especially when they have been rehashing Killer powers since the last 2 years.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032
    edited February 2022

    “Sorry you can’t compare yourself…”

    Yes, I can. I just did. And if anything my experience could teach others how to approach the grind.

    Here’s what I’ve done in relation to your scenario: flush out characters you already have before moving to a new one. Even if unlocking stuff is tough in that moment when first starting a new character, you can always fall back on the characters you already enjoy that are built in a way you enjoy.

    In my case I now have twenty plus viable options because of this kind of thinking (second paragraph) and when I restarted from PS4 to Steam, I did my favorite killers with my favorite perks first.

    And to be clear, restating my point from above, there’s nothing wrong with going at a slower pace.

    Some things need to be addressed by the developers. Some things need to be learned by the playerbase. In the last Q&A, it sounds like we’re in need of some learning.