What are your fought on survivors that leave behind teammates

Crit Member Posts: 42

There are a type of people scared for their life more than the teams. While most of the time it's selfishness sometimes they have a reason for that. That causes some emotions. So what's your feelings about most of them


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Each situation has to be assessed differently. But usually, my solo queue teammates leave with ample chance to save me and get out (i.e. they had BT and/or unused DS, etc.). So yeah it's frustrating most of the time.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited February 2022

    There's not really a "one size fits all" answer here

    Is there only one person left and more likely than not them trying to save me will get them killed? No hard feelings bro, leave.

    Are there three people left but NOED is on the table and we don't know where it is as The Killer is chasing people (or the person has been hooked with the lit totem right next to them)? No hard feelings bros, leave.

    Are there three people left but it's a Facecamping Bubba who WILL be getting (at least) one of us and has a decent chance to get more because...well...he's a Facecamping Bubba? No hard feelings bros, leave.

    There are also plenty of situations where I will silently curse the cowards for abandoning me but I recognize that once the EGC starts up, it's every man for themselves. I suppose it's "technically" like that all game but it only really comes into play at the end since generally getting your teammates killed early will usually just end up in all of you getting killed...

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Altruism kills.

    Sometimes its best to cut the losses and leave. Or a 1k turns into a 3k.

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    They're rotten scumbags and they deserve to stub their toe for the high crime of not meeting my expectations.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    Overly altruistic players annoy me. It's frustrating to see a game go from a 1-2k to a 3-4k because everyone else couldn't just leave that one guy to die. Then again there are players who run straight out of the exit gate way earlier than they need to (but maybe they have to be somewhere). So it's a delicate balance.

    If I know the killer doesn't have NOED, insane camping ability, or instadowns of any kind, I will stick around and make an effort to save someone who is hooked. At the very least I wait by the exit gate with it at 99% to pop it open and take a hit for an injured survivor. But sometimes it's best to just leave

  • Drawnyell
    Drawnyell Member Posts: 25

    there are many different situations that cause this like many people said here

    but anyway

    when there's NOED a lot of times it's best to just leave instead of giving even more kills to the killer than the game already has

    it's frustrating and unfair? yes, but that's how you deal with it unless you are lucky enough to find NOED right away

    If the person is hurt and it's just you and the person, they shouldn't rescue you if they're not sure they're skilled enough to do that while injured. When i'm in a situation like that and i know i'm not good enough to save someone and i know i will just die with them, i just leave

    It's better to survive than try to help someone when you know you can't.

    if someone is healthy, has the perks to save you and everything is in good conditions for a save and they leave... then sure that's a very bad move of them

    there's also a situation where a person is new to the game and they're too scared and probably would not be able to save you even if they tried, that's frustrating of course but you know... it's a newbie, you just gotta deal with it, they're learning, all you can do is give them some advice in the chat or something

    anyway this is how i feel about this topic

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    If it's the end of the game, I don't blame them.

    But I also understand that when the chips are down, your own points and survival come first. I don't pretend that anybody owes a random solo anything when it's time to end the game.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It is very situational, that is for sure.

    And, it sucks when it happens to you, especially since I run DS. But, if you can get 2 or 3 out, it is better than dying trying to save me or someone else.

    Plus, there is always another game.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236

    If they have a plan and tools to execute it, by all means go for the rescue.

    But nothing breaks my heart more than survivor greed turning an easy 3 escape into a 3k or 4k. Especially if the killer played poorly or the survivors played really well up to that point. Don't hand them the game. Just leave.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    If you don't like the uptick in survivors leaving others to die, blame the devs. According to them surviving is the correct/skilled choice and saving your friends means your not skilled. If you don't want to be stuck in low mmr hell then this is the correct play. Before this bs kills/escape came in I would go back for my team but since then I most likely wont risk it because if I die I get sent down mmr where my team is more deadly then the killer. They need to fix their system

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Prior to MMR, leaving teammates behind makes sense because MMR promotes selfish play - which contradicts the emblem system which values altruism the most.

    On the surface level, you should be saving your teammates because you're in a team, and altruism is heavily promoted - but MMR does not consider sacrifices or altruistic actions whatsoever.

    Do i think someone leaving when there is still a huge chance to rescue the survivor scummy? Yeah, but do i blame them? no.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    As a main killer I'm thorn between both alternatives. For one, if the survivors go to great lengths to get everyone out it means more interaction and sometimes when they really dupe me with an incredible escape I can't help but smile as all 4 of them ride into the sunset. Cheeky bstrds.

    On the other hand, my evil killer side just loves when all bonds of friendship and kinship are abandoned and they abandon their friend, who almost always sacrificed himself by distracting me long enough for the rest to finish that last Gen and open the gates. It might be a 1K for me, but it's also the ultimate win, because you broke them. They ran terrified of loosing their awesome tools or their escape points rather than risking me. Ah the look on that poor hooked survivor when they realize no one's coming. Hehehe

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    If two people are already out and the third is on the hook, I'm just gonna leave and take the 3-escape win. If three people leave and I'm still on the hook, I call that a win too.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I see nothing wrong with survivors leaving their teammates behind, especially because killers camp a lot at EGC so you have to leave otherwise you’re just gonna risk feeding the killer more kills.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If I am being a nice killer and they let someone die after I try giving them a free save, I brutalize them.

    If you mean end game, I do not care. I prefer that as a killer and a survivor. If I martyr myself, it is not because I wanted the killer to get both of us. If I am killer, I prefer to push them out a$ap to move on to the next game.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    It depends on the situation. If the killer is camping with NOED, then I don't care if they leave. But if they're just standing at the exit gate doing nothing, then that's a different story.

  • AnnaEliza365
    AnnaEliza365 Member Posts: 141
    edited February 2022

    If I see that you're being camped with Kindred, I'm just going to do gens--especially if it's at 5 or 4 gens. If I manage to get them done and get the door opened before you died, I leave. If a killer camps, I'm not saving you. If the killer is camping end game, and has NoED, the same goes. I will try to find it, but if I can't, I'm not saving you.

    And, a lot of survivors will be super upset at that, but you can't both complain about camping, and also feed them hooks by running in to save. If you actually want to make a killer regret it, do gens. That way they either have to stop camping to save their gens, or only get possibly 1 kill.

    *which is why you should not let yourself die on hook if you're being camped*

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean... But if you finish gens before the face camp is over, you could easily save against virtually anyone except for Leatherface. It does not take much effort. You do not even need borrowed unless both exit gates are across the map.

  • AnnaEliza365
    AnnaEliza365 Member Posts: 141

    IDK why this is an issue. Sometimes, you have to be the sacrifice. It sucks, but IDK why it's not satisfying for other people *even if I'm the one to get face camped at 5 gens* to see the killer only get 1k and 4k bp after the game. It's like a giant middle finger. Why do people prefer a potential 4k to that?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Exactly this, its a game where you die sometimes, but somehow dying in this game is the greatest insult to people in the history of gaming.

    Some of the best games I've played ended with me on hook or getting mori'd. One of the best was the camera angle for the mori showed only my feet sticking out from behind a barrel on Hawkins while the hag cut me to bits.

    You could see blood splatter, the hag arms flailing but only my feet, it was a great thematic scene and the best death yet after a really fun game.

    Sigh don't take it personally if you get left on hook. Also realize sometimes its best just to leave. Its a game after all it doesn't matter. If you are gonna die then let it be a glorious death if possible.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I am biased, I suppose. As a face camper myself, I do not care if I just get a 1k. If I only get one, I messed up badly somewhere. That would be my fault. But yeah, the lower bloodpoints do not vaguely bother me. So if I think that other killers are like me, it is really just not the middle finger you think it is. Getting them out last minute and invalidating their strategy is. Albeit, I will admit the threat of NOED can make that quite risky. I would rather try to help and die than just leave them if there is time, though, because they were a homie for not killing themselves on hook and I do not care about whether I escape or not.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I think it would be super if all survivors were selfish as hell and just left at endgame instead of trying for futile saves. It would mean that kill rates are more accurately represented in statistics

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    As a solo Q only player, I have just accepted that 75% of the player base wants to escape as quickly as possible and do nothing for teammates. IMO there is a huge player base that simply wants to speed the Gens and get out, no chases, no rescues, no totems just Gens, hide, escape.

    Once you realize and accept that you can play matches for maximum BP and know that if you get hooked you'll likely get to stage 2 or die before anyone helps or get farmed. So expectations are super low but you play the way you want, for me, that's maxed BP, and then when you do get a good teammate it's just a bonus.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I got screwed over too many times by randoms when i went for the endgame save