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Is AFK pig Gameplay intended?



  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I don't think it was intended, it's just something that the Pig can do. And my opinion? I don't really mind because I usually die of her traps anyways because of how unlucky and dumb I am lmao

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    The goal of the game is to survive, you literally CANNOT do this if you allow a trap to stay on your head and do gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    The ones in the video cannot. Hatch will not spawn if more than one survivor cannot leave and in the video, there were 4.

  • Member Posts: 869

    What do you mean. Getting kills is clearly the only metric necessary to calculate skill. This Pig was just better than you!

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    The add-on could use a change, yes. It hurts me to see that this is what became of The Pig.

  • Member Posts: 9,402

    I don't see how this is any different than a bubba facecamping their first down with 5 gens up. At least with Pig you have a 50/50 chance at escape.

  • Member Posts: 98

    Nobody except entitled survivor mains is saying that the new Boil Over meta isn't being abused to all hell and should be nerfed severely. In fact, it's being nerfed in the next update, now it only grants 33% of the current wiggle progress upon drops instead of 25% instantly. Nobody finds that kind of gameplay fun if they're on the receiving end of it, same goes for this idea of using the tape addon with pig and camping in front of a box. Even IF none of the survivors end up needing to search the box you are sitting in front of, and everyone manages to escape, it isn't fun at all to just hold m1 on gens and not get chased at all. The whole gameplay loop of DBD is the looping/chasing aspect of the game, it's the fun part of the game. As a survivor, your main objective is to do gens, yes, but doing gens never becomes any harder, skill checks are always the same, save for a couple exceptions like Oppression, Unnerving, Overcharge, etc. But those exceptions require interaction with the killer in some shape or form. The main objective as a killer is to kill the survivors, and what is every killer's primary way of doing so? Chasing/looping the survivors and hooking them until sacrifice takes place.

    If the devs say it's fine, then you can go ahead and play like this if you find it fun, but just know that nobody is going to enjoy being on the receiving end of it, as is with facecamping/tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 827

    Yes but it's the fact that it's just as likely that 0 keys are in the camped box as all 4. Makes it a game in which the RNG decides "who is too ungrateful to be alive" much as jigsaw dictated for people but AMANDA skewed their odds as well... To me that sounds EXACTLY like Saw. Remember we're the pig... Not Jigsaw

  • Member Posts: 827

    Also. Just as you say if all 4 keys are in 1 box (1/16 chance) then the survivors all die to start another match. Just like if 0 keys are in that box (1/16 chance as well) it's an easy win and escape. It isn't inherently tilted in any direction... It's literally an equal chance. If you consider the fact that 15/16 times at least one key will not be in there and 8/16 times at least 2 keys won't... It's really stacked to end up with 2 escapes per game average...

  • Member Posts: 735

    Pigbowl is quite funny.

    Camp a bux and hope that you've picked the correct box.

    It turns the match into a gamble for everyone

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    That doesn't make it Saw at all. If it is possible for the trial to stall out because no one wants to break the game of chicken, that is neither John Kramer nor Amanda Young. That's just an episode of a sitcom.

    That doesn't make it a healthy design choice that shouldn't be changed. There is nothing good about that style of gameplay at all.

  • Member Posts: 827

    To point 1: It is EVEN MORE saw from that stance. End of original saw. Epic scene:

    "Game Over" as he leaves Dr Gordan to be trapped in the bathroom indefinitely (even if he escaped in future sequels, the intention was to leave him trapped.

    To point number 2: It'll be used as a meme build and be used seldomly I'm sure. If 1 out of every 20 matches is vs Pig and only 1 out of every 30 of those are played this way... I'll welcome the change to the standard slam gens n go matches if it's super infrequently. Especially knowing if I do die it was bad luck RNG.

    If this style was popular you'd see WAY MORE insidious basement bubba's... It's a more effective, consistent way to force a no win or no save situation. Plus that feels toxic because it's not RNG camping you.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    1) He leaves him there TO DIE. Not to leave his computer running indefinitely. And Jigsaw certainly isn't standing in front of the door waiting for him to do something the whole time.

    2) Seldomly is still far too often.

    3) Bubba's strat, lame as it is, does not have RNG tied hard to it, and you aren't screwed from literally the very beginning of the trial.

  • Member Posts: 827

    We'll agree to disagree on the Saw parallels, as morphing into nonsense.

    But the basement bubba RNG thing was my point. It feels more personal and toxic as it's not RNG related.

    So to clarify. Is the pig just camping the box so survivors choose not to use it and risk getting grabbed, or is the pig just physically body blocking the use of the box?

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I agree that the Video Tape camp box shenanigans is nothing like Saw.

    "But the basement bubba RNG thing was my point. It feels more personal and toxic as it's not RNG related."

    Video Tape camp RNG is worse in my opinion because it IS fully RNG with the potential for literally zero counterplay.

    "So to clarify. Is the pig just camping the box so survivors choose not to use it and risk getting grabbed, or is the pig just physically body blocking the use of the box?"

    It could be either or, but in this case, we are assuming she is physically blocking the use of the box.

  • Member Posts: 827
    edited February 2022

    In that scenario yes that's absolutely holding the game hostage if they refuse to move enough for a survivor to search it. Not advocating this scenario but the perk "Clairvoyance" used to have the ability to 'push' the killer while using the map-esque effect. Idk if that was intentional or a bug but I never heard it was patched out ...

    The other scenario could be counter-played by coordinating a team body block revolving hits between the three while the fourth is searching the box. And if indeed the killer doesn't change strategies then go heal and repeat.

    Edit: like a coordinated hook rescue

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    It's not hostage holding because Survivors can still progress the game foward by doing gens, trapped Survivors be damned. The problem is that there is zero counterplay for certain Trapped Survivors if RNG swings the wrong way.

  • Member Posts: 827
    edited February 2022

    In the body block scenario I do agree.

    And yes suicide by gen does mean it's not technically hostage. I actually didn't mean hostage in a bannable sense just in a forced to die without having access to the box at all.

    But the coordinated hook style counter to a pig just hovering around the box would work. And it would render that style useless.

    You'd search a box by the time the pig recovered from 2 successful attacks on teammates

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Fair point regarding defending the box, but I don't think that matters much sadly because there's still the issue of just standing in front of the box.

  • Member Posts: 827

    I'll try that clairvoyance trick later in a private match and see if it still works to negate a body block and let you know if it does.

    Granted, it's not a practical solution to bring that all the time just in case of that type of match. But it would be damn satisfying to use it lol. I used it to push a ghost face off the hatch. He was trying to stalk me all the way before closing the hatch. I kept revealing him before he could get much stalk. I slowly walked up to him and used clairvoyance and pushed him back enough to jump in before his shroud recovered lol. It was soooo satisfying😂🤣

  • Member Posts: 541

    Trapper and hag's powers are crap shoots so how is this so significantly different. If a killer wants to take a big RNG risk then let them

  • Member Posts: 408
  • Member Posts: 160

    Felt like a good time to post another 4k head pop LUL

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