When are maps going to become part of DLC's again?

Remember when each DLC got their own maps along with it? Well, those days are long gone and the norm has become mapless DLC's by 2022.
I'm tired of playing on the same map DLC after DLC and with no new map reworks coming any time soon, when are we going to go back to the old days of DBD?
literally 1 chapter ago we got a new one
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Carefull what you wish for...
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What Anne said, plus we know the Haddonfield overhaul is coming soon-ish.
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we're getting a second map later in the year, I believe.
also, we just got eyrie of crows.
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Probably when Realm Beyond is finished. Or for Anniversary. We're basically guaranteed one then.
But if the maps we get are Midwich, RPD, and Eyerie I don't want em anymore.
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In past, all full chapters had map too. So yeah, they should back to this. Full chapters should come with new maps.
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no, that's work i'd rather be put into designing good powers and perks
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Last year we had 4 chapters and 2 had a map. I am betting the anniversary chapter will have a map as well plus we are getting Haddonfield rework soon, so if they mirror last year it's 2 new maps this year plus a rework of an old one that was the most complained about.
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I suggest to go to 10:25 for some info of how they chose which dlc get a map
I miss old times when they released a map each dlc ngl
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Well they had good powers and perks too. I think they are just out from ideas.
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Seems like we get a new map every other chapter.
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If I'm not mistaken the maps were never factored into DLC price because you had access to them even if you didn't buy the dlc.
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I like Midwich, and I actually do ok on Eyrie as a killer. (I even got a 12 hook 4 kill with Jump Scare Meyers on it last week. 😄) RPD is confusing.
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Haddonfield is a joke, Midwich is eeh (I personally like it, but I get why some hate it) and Hawkins was...
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maps are not counted since they are free and available to everyone, If maps where exclusive to those who bought the dlc then I would have agreed.
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Maps are usually terribly balanced. Rpd being the prime example. I'd rather get balance updates than a new map that will be disabled shortly after its release.
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Haddonfield rework might be little more than a graphical update set in broad daylight with breakable walls so I wouldn't count that as a new map. It also doesn't increase the map count as the old one has been removed. We also lost my favourite map very recently.
The thing I looked forward to the most on new chapters was always the map. I hope on the next anniversary they commit to a new map every chapter, like in the old days.
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I think only licensed chapters with distinct, iconic locations will get any
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A ring map would probably just be the woods with a well and maybe a lighthouse.
Is suppose they could do a hadenfield style street, but in Japan, or an apartment block. Those are pretty much the film’s locations.
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Eyerie aside, I think that's a problem to do with licenced maps more than anything. I assume they prioritise making them thematic over gameplay. Every licenced map has been a total car crash in terms of balance and enjoyability that I can think of.
That said, Midwich has grown on me, and RPD is RPD, so i can't help but love it even whilst i hate it.
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No because Saloon is also dogwater and most reworked maps are awful terrible to play now so my faith in them isn't great
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OK fine, I was wrong :(
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It's okay happens to the best of us
(out of curiosity were you the guy on Reddit I gave Pyramid Head advice to way back when or am I confusing you with someone else bc I stg it's you)
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I don't think so, but my memory is awful and I did play PH for awhile so i guess its possible
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I would rather have no maps than more of Eyrie's ultra-survivor sided nonsense.
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No that was The_High_Ground (just checked my reddit comment history) who also joined with a doctor pfp hence why I got confused lol, my bad