I thought the “Ringu” Chapter was supposed to be based on the books?

Instead it’s some weird amalgamation of both the book and the movie where it’s stripped of everything that make the book interesting and also tragic. Yoichi is the survivor which is good, but then there’s no mention of Sadako being intersex (which is a huge reason of why she was an outcast) and it’s eluded to that her father kills her in this version, but in the books it was the Doc that abused and beat her then disposed her in the well, where she dies shortly afterwards in the book as well, but they’re using the movie version where she somehow lives for quite a long time.
That’s just super annoying.
Yeah I figure they thought the intersex (and sexual assault, not sure if the r-word is permitted here) elements would be too odd or too far for the game or something. They usually shy from sexual violence after all. They always said it was 'based on books and movies' both, but they are certainly leaning way further towards the movie.
Actually after looking at the wiki page, I can't see a single element that would actually be from the books specifically, but perhaps I'm missing something.
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Books in general are a lot more hardcore than people are used to nowadays. It probably didn't get referenced as much to keep Sadako from being too scary. The menu jumpscare has people crying as it is.
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Is Yoichi an adult in the book?
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In the book, the protagonist has a daughter not a son lol.
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Yeah, I am just so confused. Is there a sequel or something where Yoichi is older? Everyone is acting like it is normal and I am lost. But I only watched the original. So my knowledge is a bit paltry.
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No, I believe he is only significant in the Ring 2 Japanese film (which ignores the second book entirely), but in that he is still a child.
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The morale in the current days is quite weird.
It's okay to have gory moments and hanging survivors in hooks while they scream in pain but mentioning that Sadako have testicles in her lore is too alarming.
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The movies are more well known and have been viewed by more people than the books, so that could be a reason as to why. Her animations and power seems to be pulled more from the movie too; I don't see any smallpox virus anywhere in game after all.
But, if that's the case, it kinda makes sense why they chose to go that route if only because it's the one more known. But, no idea why they didn't mention her story of being raped then being discovered as a Hermaphrodite and all that.
To be fair, I genuinely don't see how it matters in terms of DBD. Is knowing she's got a pair of balls swinging to and fro under that dress gonna add anything to the game? No, probably not. Might distract a couple people who are thinking about it as she chases them though...
Like one of those things you see on an office desk... Two fleshy conkers battling it out...
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I don’t think Yoichi is in the book at all, but it has been a year or so since I read it.
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I’m not an expert, but I believe the balls are internal. I also could be totally misremembering this.
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I guess them mentioning that Ringu chapter would be based on the original story (or whatever wording they used) was just to directly rule out any speculation or expectation that it will be based on the American movie version and not to hint at the novels.
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It says, and I quote, "From the original story". People took that to mean the books when it meaning "not the American one" is also just as valid.
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I think so. As far as I'm aware of it's the case for most Hermaphrodites after all.
But, if you mention a character having genitals of both sexes, people without prior knowledge of how it works tend to imagine everything being external.
That's beside the point I was making though, that last part was just a joke. The main point, is that I don't believe it adds anything to the game even if it was added. She already has more in common with the movie version as is anyway, I say we just be happy we got her at all. Even if she is mediocre as a killer.
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Not really. The book obviously came first and has a different story from the movie. Strictly speaking 'original story' should refer to it. Not that I really have such a strong commitment to the novel version, but they were weirdly ambiguous about it when they seem to only be adapting the movie specifically.
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It's probably a good thing they don't include her being intersex. It just add another layer to the experience when being bullied by survivors. Having CAIS does not mean having external testicles.
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Well...it is bad when our expectations aren't met, but the movie itself is good and fitting for DBD, so I think it is acceptable.
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Oh, yeah. I totally agree. It’s great having her in the game, and that element of the story is probably quite hard to explain properly in such a sort space of time (the game bio page).
it’s great seeing how many people have read the original novel. Most people don’t seem to know the first film is based on a book.
Out of curiosity how many of the films has everyone seen? I am up to nine of the eleven films, just two more to go.
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In this interview with Dave Richard he says they couldn't secure likeness of Reiko or Ryūji. They had idea to instead make Yoichi an adult, producer of the film division for Ringu gave thumbs up and they now consider the DBD lore for adult Yoichi canon in Ringu universe. It's a good interview for background of this chapter with comments both from Richard and the Ringu producer.
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Actually in the movie "her father" is said to be the Doc but it was disproved by one of the characters saying it was the doc who killes her. So tbh the lore still stands.
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I'd say this is a more likely explanation.
"Original story" as to mean the original Japanese interpretation rather than the American remake.
The number of people who enjoy the films without even knowing it was a book to begin with probably outnumber the fans of the book. So it makes sense to lean heavily in that direction, you also have a visual to build the model off of as part of the license.
Its true of so many films based on books.
(not that there is anything wrong with this, nothing worse than the "well I've read the book" elitist douche conversation). I've never read the Ring novels but I enjoyed the films.
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Probably they only mentioned the novel in marketing so that Kadokawa could see some profit from it as well as the film