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Say your hot take about survivors and their perks
We all have some hot takes and sometimes we need to share them. This post is for you to share about survivors and their perks. So what's your hot take on them?
MoM is extremely underrated. In a meta of healing being very easy, you should already be taking hits for your team anyway. Using MoM means getting your 3rd hit isn't as hard as people say.
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Prove Thyself makes the early game way faster than people give it credit for. Like, killers are already bound to lose the first 2 gens fast, but Prove Thyself can become really overbearing.
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Some of these will definitely be more controversial than others, but here goes nothing.
- Unbreakable is overrated.
- CoH benefits some killers more than it hurts them.
- Iron Will needs some drawback or limit.
- Adrenaline is, other than Head On, the worst exhaustion perk.
- Spine chill makes survivors play much worse.
- Aftercare is one of the most underrated solo queue perks, although it does need a buff.
- Small game shouldn't have tokens for how much totems are left. It should have been base kit.
- Autodidact is actually a good perk.
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The majority of survivor meta perks do not warrant nerfing; in fact, the only survivor meta perks that do warrant nerfing (at least that I can think of off the top of my head; may be more) are Dead Hard and Iron Will, with a little room for small tweaks to some of the less egregious ones.
All the other survivor perks fall into one of two camps; being one of the few always-useful perks, or covering for a clear gap in the game's normal flow. In the case of the former, you fix that by making more perks genuinely useful. In the case of the latter, base-game changes need to be made before any nerfs can come in.
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Circle of healing is fine just needs a cool down
blastmine is a good perk
Self care is the worst survivor perk
no mither should be deleted
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Every Exhaustion Perk should be on the same level as Lithe, aside from Adrenaline
CoH should've never existed. It's the complete opposite from the other Boons (the Killer to be near), and that, combined with how strong a free heal is, is why it's so overpowered
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Head on is fun to use (when you're not playing solo).
I like and use COH, but I wouldn't cry if it were nerfed more. It already gives A LOT.
I don't understand why dead hard is good. It seems like everyone that uses it, really doesn't need to because they're good loopers, and the ones that need it, can't do much with it.
I have barely played this week because I was tired 😳
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People whining about solo queue and refusing to run Slippery meat are doing it wrong.
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me a guy who uses autodidact i agree
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Survivor is easy mode and their perks are way too forgiving now.
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Well...keep in mind the thread asks for our hot takes.
Here it goes:
- Boons should not exist, and if they are to stay in the game then they should be one-time use.
- Self-Care needs a buff. They have to make it reduce the amount of charges required to complete a healing action from 16 to 12, as it used to be.
- Some versions of the older Old DS were not as overpowered by themselves, and most killers could actually deal with them.
- All three of Quentin's perks are underrated and have their uses.
- Leader and Borrowed Time should be reverted.
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I'm fine with Boon CoH when playing as killer the only perk that really grinds my gears is Dead Hard. Press E to gain free distance and when it's the #1 used perk that 2-4 survivors have it every single game. That's a red flag something is wrong and it needs changes.
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DS is overrated but BT is a necessity.
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As in leader that gave gen time? Doesn’t that make prove thyself redundant?
Agreed on Quentin’s perks though. I loved the buffed vigil
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Adam is the best ranged killer.
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Prove Thyself...was kinda always redundant when Leader was around, and now it is the opposite. I just want the roles swapped, as it used to be.
Vigil got buffed? Nice! I always enjoy using his perks, always have.
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Stake out is underrated. This perk will save you a lot of time against all non stealth killers except huntress and it can be devastating paired with fast track. It can also be used for healing builds or for progression bonuses on medkit self heals. This perk is slept on big time. I use a build of situational awareness, prove, stake and fast track with an emergency medkit with gels and a sponge and it makes you one fast and cruel mutha F-
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CoH sheds light on the true issue which is Healing in general, but that light is so bright that it blinds the majority of the playerbase thinking it is the issue
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Just in case you were curious, the reason Head On is Exhaustion so it can't be paired with Exhaustion perks to get both the stun and the distance simultaneously. Smash Hit requires giving up a non-reusable resource which can be easily avoided mid-chase if the killer just respects the pallet/baits it out. Lockers aren't consumable, and Head On's stun lasts a lot longer than a pallet stun.
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- Flashlights are mostly a waste of time. Survivors going for flashlight saves all the time actually hurts them getting out more than helps.
- Dead Hard should probably be two separate perks - one that lunges for extra distance but doesn't make you invulnerable and another that makes you briefly invulnerable but gives no speed boost. (If this happened my guess is the distance perk would be a bit more popular at high level, but I imagine there are people who are really good at dodging hits who would use the dodge version.)
- I will never to this day understand why when all the survivors are healthy and at the Exits, or when there's one survivor left and they're at the hatch, a significant number of them stand around and wait until you physically see them leaving or teabagging you. Such a waste of time.
- Borrowing one from Otz, if the survivors burn a map offering, and someone DCs when they get downed, it was almost always the one who brought the offering.
- Remember when Overcome came out and there were a bunch of people going bonkers over how it was totally broken and the new meta perk? ... Not so much I guess. 🙂
- Boons in general are fine. Of all the Boon perks only Circle of Healing is overpowered, and the devs are clearly monitoring that one since they nerfed it once already. In fact as a killer I appreciate that there's more for me to pay attention to and interact with, I think the extra variety is fun.
- I don't think survivors with TTV in their name are any ruder than people who don't have it. I've chatted once or twice with some TTV people who were pretty friendly. Streamers do like to showboat more though probably.
- Stretched res to see over stuff was definitely an exploit so I'm glad it's been fixed. At the same time I don't think this is going to suddenly make a bunch of survivors who had been using it play really badly. Basically it's more of a problem at the high end where edges like that can make a noticeable difference against equally strong opponents. For average gamers misplays are the biggest cause of losing, not balance issues or advantages from things like stretched res.
- Why is it nearly every lobby there's always a survivor who doesn't hit Ready and lets the timer run the full minute? I actually was seriously surprised last night when the survivors all hit Ready with 30 or 40 seconds left on the clock! That's how rare it is that the clock doesn't run all the way down. Just start the match already! 😣
- Sometimes I think survivors with Spine Chill are too reliant on it. I've gotten in the habit of not looking directly at generators when I'm walking up to them and catch Spine Chill gamers off guard pretty often. Spine Chill is definitely a nice perk but you shouldn't assume that just because it's not lit a killer isn't coming.
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Wait, what was Old Leader?
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Boil over is best tunneling perk, one less BT/DS for survivors.
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There were two, actually:
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Oh I see, meh. I personally like current leader. I guess yeah old repair was there but I don't think it's worth it at the price of everything else being 9%. You might as well run resilience then. But that's just me, 25% for other teammates has came in clutch for me a few times
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Well, Old Leader had WAY more use for me than current Leader will ever have, but I guess it depends on one's builds and playstyle.
Still, I would like to see it reverted.
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Hey! You take back what you said about No-Mither! In all seriousness though, I know that my teammates are probably malding and for good reason, but if I know that I'm gonna eventually get thrown back in with the low MMR babies, why not just accelerate that process?
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Well true but I have played with so many people that use no mither and die quit it sucks lmao
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I used it a lot and I love it. Problem is most survivors will run away the moment you hit the first skillcheck, or at least that's my experience. Building up stacks can be tough.
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Lightborn is not a trash perk for baby Killers and is, in fact, a great defense against bully squads.
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Survivors are very OP, but most people don't think so because they haven't scratched the surface of what optimal play can do for them. Iron Will, whether it's OP or not, is just bad design. "I'm injured, so I'm completely silent permanently." Think of a killer equivalent to that, seriously.
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Most 'bully squads' will just switch tactics to getting gens done and getting out ASAP once they realise you have LB though. gg go next.
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that never happend to me well goodluck
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I dislike that the new OoO requirement is "when your aura is revealed to the killer" removing every possible synergy with aura hiding perks.
I feel like it should have been "when your aura *should* be revealed to the killer" (so current state but with synergy with aura hiding perks)
I still enjoy OoO and get value out of it
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mikaela is the worst character in the game, her lore is actual trash and she introduced COH. i wish she was never added
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Better than getting bullied.
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Exhaustion perks are the biggest crutches known to man
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Survivor meta is unnecessary and SWFs that use them are truly carried beyond individual skill
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Adrenaline is good but overrated.
Stakeout is underrated against most killers.
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Buckle up needs a serious nerf after the recent buff
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NOED is actually an issue and it shouldn't be in game. It's a hot take because people on this forum always say it's fine and so on, but doing bonners is unreliable 99% of the time in solo q and dedicating a build to it means that no one does gens.
Yes, it's an issue and I stand by my point. Don't try to convince me otherwise.
Edit: excuse my blindness. I did not see the part with "*survivor* hot takes"
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Hot take, solo q is the problem and should be fixed.
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Honestly, of they implement that mechanic with icons showing what the survivor is doing, solo q would become soooo much better.
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1) Dead Hard is a crutch and a completely overpowered perk, needs a full rework.
2) Circle of Healing just needs to be deleted at this point, there's no saving it.
3) Decisive Strike remains problematic. Why am I getting hit with this perk when I've chased & downed 1-2 other players? I don't care if it's within 60 seconds and you've done literally nothing. I haven't tunnelled you and do not deserve to be hit by it.
4) Borrowed Time should grant the person being rescued intangibility for the duration, so then it cannot be used for body blocking. It's a perk to protect the person being rescued from being tunnelled, not so that person can throw themselves back at the killer to help their friends.
5) Solo queue isn't this ''nightmare'' experience that every survivor main loves to portray. The majority of games are pretty easy and have reliable teammates.
6) If you play in a SWF with comms, don't think you're good at this game when you defeat every killer than isn't Nurse/Blight with your unfair advantage.
7) Stop expecting killers to not tunnel or camp, they are valid strategies, especially if you bring a SWF with meta perks and do the generators ASAP. If you're going to rush your objective, so am I.