What if stealth was meta?

Crit Member Posts: 42

Stealth is a good mechanic already and has some very good builds but in a boon meta. It's used rarely. So what if it was meta?


  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    Swf hard counters stealth

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995
    edited February 2022

    Stealth is hard countered by the abundance of aura reading perks and by some killer powers,also most maps reworked and survivors skin altered to kill stealth.

    On other hand why would you even stealth when you can loop or hold W?

    To be meta the game should be redesigned almost completely rewritten which wont happen at this point


    Oh you meant killer,as above said SWF hard counters stealth.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Then everyone would be complaining about survivors avoiding chases, ie the most fun part of the game and how it was dumb and boring, and everyone would be playing Doctor, the one killer to ferret them all out.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Yeah most would quit from both side, for survivor the only fun part is looping, without that you are left with hold m1 simulator and stealth also very boring for most.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I thought it's about killer stealth, which is pretty funny way to play but extremely weak.

  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173

    as long as spine chill exist stealth won’t be meta.

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192

    Stealth is boring. A lot of people would probably quit.