

Is the prospect of offline bots appealing?

Member Posts: 3,703

I for one would love to have the option to play against offline survivor bots.

Simply just playing for fun and feeling like a legitimately dangerous killer.

Is the prospect of offline bots appealing? 73 votes

Yes! Bring on the bots!
64 votes
4 votes
No! Bots sucks!
5 votes

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  • Member Posts: 687
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    I'd enjoy this if I could earn BP and they could feel like actual players, I'd probably just use it to practice a killer when they first release though, or to wait out a dc ban because College internet randomly, without warning, disconnects for a few seconds causing me to be penalized.

  • Member Posts: 1,599
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    Bots, no matter the jank, will be better than a lot of survivors I see from both sides of the trial. Not "easier", not "better for a team" - just a better experience than selfish, cowardly incompetents trained by BHVR's awful reward systems.

  • Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2021
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    Something that would be absolutely amazing would be them using MMR to analyse the gameplay and movement of players of different calibres and creating bot difficulty levels accordingly. So, for example, the hardest difficultly setting for killer would be playing against survivor bots who play like the top 0.1% of survivor players according to MMR.

    Obviously this would require a ridiculous amount of effort to make this work smoothly with options to use all killers with genuinely intelligent survivor bots (or to play survivor against a realistic killer bot), but it would be fantastic for learning or unrusting without affecting your MMR. I doubt it would happen for this reason, it would be waay to much work and the effort put into maintenance and bug fixing would be huge, but in a perfect world it would be fantastic.

  • Member Posts: 1,380
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    Absoloutely, any method of practicing without having to verse actual players is very appealing.

  • Member Posts: 1,288
    No! Bots sucks!

    I know people want bots. While do they sound like a good idea. People got to think about it. If they stay at the same level bots are in the tutorial. Then you do realize they just would throw pallets instantly. A killer could simply just follow the bot so they could waste the pallets instantly. In other words in the lower experience categories player base yeah, but anything above low experience players then they could be bad.

  • Member Posts: 3,703
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    I think one reason they are hesitant with bots is because they know a lot of people would rather go against them and not play online, thus bringing down the base online player community.

  • Member Posts: 153
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    It's so damn sad how there are so many posts about players wanting an offline mode and players who would play it or even new players who said they would get this game if it had offline just like with the Evil Dead game and so many people wanted some form of offline or they wouldn't buy the game and now it's getting it. cause they know how to get all players. instead of relying solely on the online player base. And the devs are like "we don't care" but here's a new UI no one asked for that got so much backlash for example or nerfing or buffing things no one asked for, but refuse to really add something to get new players to actually have fun and not have to deal with this toxic players

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    The fact it hasn't been made yet with how much production value Behavior has, it's appalling.

    We pay up front for the game, pay for each DLC - every chapter and 'paragraph' - then we pay for cosmetics - then we pay for passes.

    Behavior is charging dedicated players in 4 different ways - and yet they cant afford a single player mode.

    You know, things that games with 0 budget make given a few months. The kinds of things that GameJams can crank out in a matter of hours.

  • Member Posts: 153
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    What's even worse isnt that that cant afford it its cause they are too damn lazy. Making excuses like "we don't want to divide the player base" like making an online-only game already divides players, plus if your soooo certain your game is good with its online player base adding an offline with bots shouldn’t affect that

  • Member Posts: 42
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    I would love bots. Could practice Killers/perks in a mock trial. Then maybe they could even make it if someone DC's they could just become a bot!

  • Member Posts: 3,755
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    Won´t come.

    You heard them - too difficult. No money to earn.

  • Member Posts: 867
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    Bots, replay and better anti-cheat are all dreams for DbD 2.

  • Member Posts: 3,755
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    DbD2 is a risk - you don´t know how many players you get or lose.

    As long as this game works 2 won´t happen.

  • Member Posts: 19
    No! Bots sucks!

    I am very against bots only for the reason where, it would be much much more preferable for people to play against a predictable bot. It's good to have fun in dbd, don't get me wrong, but it's very important to keep queue times quick. Not to say, it reinforces bad habits on both sides. Bots will not learn to counter act you (if AI was added it'll only learn what you teach it); And would be very counterproductive to the whole training thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,033
    edited February 2022
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    Only in custom practice matches, not in actual games.

    I'd like having the ability to select 4 bots in a custom match. Even just the ones already in the tutorial. Those already don't react well to trappers power. The bots wouldn't need to react to every killer's power. Just need them to be able to run, vault, drop pallets, stuff like that. I don't want to earn BP from those matches, they wouldn't be used to replace actual people. But having just bots to practice things like nurse blinks or hatchet throws on would be fine.

    I even had the idea to make it to where they have just wooden dummies set up throughout a map that you can practice on.

    Hell even just being able to load into a custom match solo would be fine. I'll throw hatchets at a tree, that's fine. But right now there's no realistic way to practice with different killers. It's very unfriendly to new players.

  • Member Posts: 1,168
    Yes! Bring on the bots!

    I'd play against bots because the queue times are already long. If killer is taking so long then lemme play killer against bots. They'll be long regardless. I'm not against your second point. I just wanna break from sweating even when I do my best to never bring gen regression so I don't deal with 4 meta swf bs.

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