State Of The Game Is It Dying What's Going On

So bugs run rampant only like 3 killers are realistically viable in high MMR the support wont get back to me on lost progress after 20 days with no reply after they said they would fix it every survivor runs the same 3 or 4 perks with little to no deviation honestly I haven't seen more bugs on this forum since the twins and that was really bad did the devs just give up on this game like I'm really confused the meta is still circle of healing nothing was fixed and things just seem to keep getting worse idk what its like at low MMR but it cant be much better I need to vent to someone cause its driving me nuts I love this game but I cant see myself playing it anymore if the new chapter doesn't fix a lot of this stuff I'm considering just quitting
50% kill rate game is fine pepega
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Hex: Punctuation
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DBD will never die, but the current state of the game isn't good.
Circle of Healing has pretty much killed the viability of any M1 killer. It's simply another perk to destroy the killers pressure, incentivising tunnelling and camping playstyles. In my opinion, it's the straw that broke the camel's back for 2/3 of the killer roster. Not only do you need to deal with large maps with TOO many safe pallets, powerful perks such as DH/BT/DS/UB and SWF's who use comms. But now, you also need to contend with a perk that gives the entire time infinite med-kits that has no reasonable counterplay for the killer that doesn't involve soft-throwing the game.
For survivors? It's mostly great, I see more Blight's than before and a few anti-loop killers but most games are fun as SWF's are still super strong and if you do get an M1 killer to face, enjoy the free win if you're using COH.
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Forced 50% kill rate across all ranks no matter the players skill will never end well.
An MMR that doesn't work because of the low killer population and turns off completely when a 4 stack gets dodged and throws them to any available killer after.
An MMR that ignores skill and the outcome of a match. 3 can escape thanks to your efforts from body blocking healing and leading the killer on long chases. but none of that matters if you die and just promotes banging gens out and interacting with the killer and survivors as little as possible.
Circle Of Healing. Deleting entire playstyles and hurting all killers while boosting SWF to higher levels than ever before. There is a clear problem with this perk, but the developers refuse to delete it.
Dead Hard. Way to much utility with little to no counterplay for the killer. It is frustrating and boring.
All of the above is promoting boring gameplay for survivors where the killers just turn to camping and tunnelling more and more.
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Dying? Maybe.
Dead? Not even close.
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It's not dead more like it has had its legs blown off by a double barrel shotgun with the ammo being used for the shots being boon coh & sbmm and is bleeding out slowly
Now they can stop the bleeding completely but I don't see them doing so and just stop the bleeding on one of its legs
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player numbers have been dropping since mmr and will continue to drop until it gets removed or until the game dies
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They won't until it's too late which is why I used the bleeding out analogy
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The state of the game is indeed atrocious, but I am not sure if it is dying or not.
No one would complain if it did, of course, at least not anymore. After everything that has been done...I would say it is justified.
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Correlation is not causation. DbD is almost six years old, virtually all games its age have lost or are losing their player base simply because people move on to new games over time. In fact DbD is doing very well compared to almost all the other games that came out that year if your compare its Steam chart numbers to theirs.
So no, “eliminating MMR” probably wouldn’t do much of anything. In fact it’s quite possible going back to the old emblem system could make the game worse.
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I hope that if sales go down they will change something.
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That last bit I wholeheartedly disagree with.
The Emblem system was not perfect, even I am forced to admit that and everyone knows how much I value things from the past, but replacing it with a clearly flawed system was definitely a terrible idea.
Everyone who was around those atrocious test sessions called it. Just like the current dissatisfaction, seen not only in the Forums but everywhere else, is calling it.
MMR really needs to go.
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I’m pretty sure the MMR is actually a more accurate rating than the old emblem system is. As in, if everybody is the same MMR, the match will be close. That can’t be said for the emblem system which had a lot more of people being high rank who weren’t very good and low rank who were underrated because they didn’t play enough to offset the rank resets, for example.
The issues with matchmaking aren’t about the MMR but rather about how matchmaking handles people dodging lobbies, how long it waits to find a close match if you’re an outlier rating, and how it estimates what the killer MMR should be when a group has survivors (usually in a swf when this happens probably) with a wide MMR gap. That’s the part that could use adjustment, the ratings themselves seem to be fine.
P.S. And they really should stop showing Grades on the endgame screen, that’s just confusing things even more. If they replaced those with a rough MMR bracket indicator then it would probably be more obvious where the issues are when there are mismatches.
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Main survivors playing SWF are Happy and spending money on the game by tons, if Behaviour doesnt Nerf them (Which is absolutely necessary) the Game health stills viable.
Problem here? Killers are tired and leave Game or swap to survivors side, the strong one and queues are longer at certain times.
What can we do? Nothing. If you get matched against SWF, don't Dodge, wait until loading screen and then close Game, that doesnt penalize you and make them re queue again and eat lobby times. At least you make them waste time xD
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If they came out with a 4v1 Halloween game with Myers going against survivors I'd quit this game in 2 seconds. I think the state of the game is terrible. If you go against good survivor who know how to use these safe maps and do gens and use broken perks CoH and DH it's over.
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Dead? No. Dying? Possibly and most likely. And I think that the coming months with different games releasing and a mass amount of people leaving for those games, DBD will need to have stuff worth coming back for. And I guarantee you that won't be with new licensed killers, or just new killers and survivors in general. It would require actual changes. They'd either have to adapt and evolve, or let the game die completely.
Based on how they currently are, and the fact that it was supposed to be temporary anyways, I'm pretty sure if it got to the point where the costs outweigh their ability to make money they'll just let it die.
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The game is not dead. The entity just keeps resummoning it.
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You're absolutely right about the MMR and dodging. Basically the system has one good shot at creating a fair-ish lobby, but dodging and/or lengthy queue times apparently wreak it badly.
I am not saying a player shouldn't be able to dodge a lobby, that's another long convo entirely. But I wish most of us would remember what it currently does to the matchmaking when we do leave a lobby. Another one here suggests quiting the match on the loading screen instead of dodging, not a perfect solution at all but better than slipping out of 13 lobbies.
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Personally I think they should just hide the survivors from the killer and vice versa in the lobby. The argument that “killers need to be able to adjust their loadout based on the survivor’s items” is kind of flimsy since other than maybe Lightborn none of the perks are all that item specific. And by making killers unable to see survivors they’d have no reason to lobby dodge, and likewise survivors would have less incentive to sit there waiting in the lobby the full minute to make a last minute item change just so the killer can’t react in time.
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Thats true, but isn't this sort of victim shaming? "Oh, you smelled the SWF bully squad because of their matching names, the two tool boxes, one medkit and one flashlight/four flashlights setup, and you decided that this wouldnt be worth the stress, and because of your decision another killer, who is even less equipped to handle them, has to suffer. Shame on you!!!1"
This is tongue in cheek, if the one at the end didn't gave it away, btw, but with 15s queues vs 15min after 4am its no wonder that killers take the luxury of picking their fights; whats left is still enough of an uphill battle, no need to deal with obvious bully squads. And while closing the game during the loading screen is a more elegant way of handling it, that severely punishes the survivor group, maybe unjustly, this shouldn't be the solution to this games matchmaking problems.
The game has handled too much power to the survivors for far too long. While it is all nice and well that you want to balance around a 2K/2E, this sort of math somehow never takes into account the MASSIV discrepancy between the two sides gaming experience. While a SWF non-bully-squad can still have a lot of fun during a 4K, going for daring saves, some cool loops and just jolly joking around, the same 4K can be an absolute miserable experience for the killer.
We discussed the whole DH and CoH, sweaty DBD championship-esque high MMR routine, utter lack of fear from the killer etc. up and down the road, but at the end of the day, playing killer rarely feels good. Its nearly always an uphill battle, you are constantly stressed, and even if you do well you got a very high chance of being insulted and send death wishes. I honestly think that BHVR should, if they really, really are 100% convinced by their MMR system, should disable it for one weekend, or better a week, to show all those critical, vocal pushovers that its truly better WITH the new system, then with the old; that the supposed FAIR trials are more fun for everyone, and that all the fuzz was blown out of proportions.
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Hiding the names and loadouts of the survs will piss off those killers who would use their various methods to sniff out and avoid potential SWF groups. No way they'll support such a change.
If they made this change though, I'd also suggest removing them from the post game tally screen as well. Just have the surv's icon, perks, scoring, and around the icons blue chains showing who was SWF or not.
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Well personally I don't particularly care if I tick off lobby dodgers. Them being angry that they can't mess up matchmaking for everybody else doesn't bother me.
Hiding information in the endgame screen isn't needed though, it has no impact on matchmaking and in fact it's useful to have that information and the player names for both data collection if you want to analyze stats and (more importantly) you need the names to be able to properly report people to customer service for abuse. If they wanted to show who's in a swf as additional information on that screen I'd be fine with that, it'd just be additional data points for anybody looking at that sort of thing.
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Yea the emblam system was horrible because it could be abused but I had more balanced matches across the board than I do now......MMR is just horrible and can be abused alot easier then with the old system...all I have to do is die and that's it my score goes down.
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I dodge the 4 mans regularly. Why waste your time? The devs are "looking into it" but realistically will never do anything about them.
And I have no problem with people playing with their friends, but voice comms are just not balanced in this game. It's designed around you having no communication with your team.
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It's a bit of a myth that the game didn't have comms in mind. SWF was in development from the beginning, it just took an extra month or however long to finish after release. The devs have always been aware that people would be using comms when they play with friends, they do it themselves even.
That's not to say that there aren't balance issues with comms. It's why the devs said they're looking into ways to help solo players get similar information to what players on comms get. But either way the comms are a legitimate part of the game, there's never been anything from the devs saying they think comms aren't a valid way to play.