My version of reworked SURVIVOR meta perks

Adrenaline: Honestly I think Adrenaline is a fine strong perk, if people are too crazy about it, it can't work if you're exhausted.
Boon: Circle of Healing: I think the mechanic should be completely reworked, but to nerf it; 25% healing speed buff, self heals take 32 seconds, all boons get a 60 second cooldown, CoH get's a 90 second cooldown.
Borrowed Time: Endurance time reduced to 3/4/5 seconds, doesn't activate if the killer isn't within 16 meters of hook. (this is so that you can't abuse the endurance, it's purely to stop tunnelers from immediately hitting off hook.)
Built to Last: Every time you hop in a locker, you can get 33% of your charges back. You can do this another 2 times for a total of 100%. This makes taking the most crazy broken toolboxes with nutty add ons in a swf less abusable.
Dead Hard: Keep it the same, but remove the Invincibility Frames. This rewards the player for accurately dodging a hit, but you can't do crazy ######### that would let you "cheese" your way out of a mistake. I think this would make Dead Hard work in a completely different way. To dodge a hatchet, dead hard to the side. To dodge a hit, press it a bit earlier. Getting more of a loop and getting to a safe place can also still be used.
Decisive Strike: reduce time to 15 seconds, but the timer pauses whenever in chase. DS should be an anti- tunnel perk, Not "a whole bloody minute of invincibility". You can do gens with this active again, it doesn't really matter with the reduced 15 seconds.
Iron Will: Totally fine perk, extremely strong, but not completely broken. If this was nerfed It would be a terrible perk.
Prove Thyself: I think there should absolutely not be a perk that speeds up gen times in the game. If I were to nerf it, maybe some sort of requirement before it activates, like deliverance. "Must work on a gen with others for a total of 40/30/20 seconds before this activates" could be an idea.
Unbreakable: This perk is balanced. It's situational, and only activates once. Yes it can be stupidly strong with coordinated teams, but that just means SWF needs to be nerfed in some way, not Unbreakable.
What are your thoughts? I'm not a game developer and all of these ideas I quickly scrambled in a few minutes but I think most of the problems with these perks is the "Second Chance" aspect can be abused to extremely well by good survivors rather than being a perk that helps you in a situation that may occur.
Honestly I can see these being good but for ds I wouldn't halt the timer in a chase only cause there have been times a survivor ran away and soon after run right in front of the killer. Along with people using the perks aggressively as well.
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I thought of that aswell, but I'm not sure how you could not use it aggressively. Having a perk that makes you virtually invincible is pretty dumb in general.
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It's an anti tunneling perk it should be defensive not what it is now. If it was supposed to be that way then keep at just that and not a 30 second shield basically.
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I dont like any of these ideas other than dead hard. And you basically nerfed circle of healing into the useless category
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As a killer main i think Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike are completely fine otherwise the game would turn into a complete tunnel fest. Dead Hard and Circle Of Healing however, don't even get me started on them.
If they nerfed Circle Of Healing's self heals to self care speed then it would prob be fine. Thats the only change i would make to it.
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As a killer main I have to say that I disagree with almost every one of your ideas, yes survivor meta perks need to be nerfed but they have needed that for years, your idea makes them pretty trash if I'm being totally honest.
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the game needs build in mechanics to counter tunneling/ camping if they want that. BHVR has explicitly said that there is no problem against it, however they "discourage" it. Having perks that basically act as magical shields that can protect survivors against something they never build the game against isn't anyones fault, It means BHVR has to properly address whether tunneling is bad or good. If it's bad, have some sort of build in mechanic to discourage it. If it's a totally fine strategy, their shouldn't be perks that make survivors invincible.
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I don't quite understand your CoH nerf. Is it gonna take 32 seconds to heal with it and have a cool-down?
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Your CoH change doesn't really make sense. You can't have 25% healing buff and 32 second self heal. Those 2 are linked
Borrowed time change would make it useless. You can't reach a safe place in 5 seconds. The whole point is that you can reach a loop so you have a fighting chance. All it needs is it's collision removed
The decisive strike change wouldn't work either. Old Legion proved that. It's to easy to chase without the chasing triggering
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CoH should be reworked.
Borrowed Time doesn't really need a change. If anything, make it based off of distance and time. "If the Killer remains within 24m of the hooked Survivor for X seconds, BT will be able to be activated."
I think BTL is fine.
DS is fine right now.
IW needs to not have so many bugs that make it better.
PT can be nutty but I never had an issue with it.
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The reason why the current perks are meta is not because they are OP, its cause too many are weak.
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You could very easily cheese DS whilst still tunnelling. Particularly, stealth killers like Wraith will follow you for 15 seconds, and then down you.
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Adrenaline doesn't need a nerf other than removing it waking you up against Freddy. Why does a perk have an effect that only does something against one specific killer? That's dumb.
BT doesn't need a nerf.
BTL while I agree is a bit nutty with strong toolboxes, would be pretty bad if it was 33% every time. My idea was to reduce the time in a locker to 10 seconds, but also reduce the regained charges to 75/50/25%.
COH needs a complete rework or it should be scrapped and replaced with something completely new.
DH should either have distance with no invincibility or invincibility but no distance. Not both. Also using DH to go over bear traps should be removed entirely.
DS doesn't need a nerf. Your change doesn't really work either as it would be very easy to cheese (especially with certain killers like Pig who can just crouch and follow the survivor for 15 seconds).
Survivors with IW should still require air; that is, they should make normal breathing sounds while injured instead of the grunts of pain. This change targets IW against Spirit and also prevents it from completely countering stridor. Simply nerfing the number below 100% and leaving it at that would make the perk not very good.
PT repair speed bonus should be reverted to 10% the way it used to be before the gen efficiency nerf.
UB I don't think really needs a nerf but if I was going to nerf it I'd just reduce the recovery speed bonus slightly. But I think it's fine honestly. (EDIT: That said, DS/UB is extremely stupid and boring)
I also think WoO got overbuffed and should've just been 24m with no cooldown.
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I think that Unbreakable, Adrenalin and Built To Last are perfectly fine. And BT as well for the most part. I personally would just remove the survivor's collision for like 5 seconds so they can't body block with it.
Your DS change is similar to mine honestly. The timer should be shorter and be paused while being chased. The thing I would make different is to make it so that if you're downed while your 15 timers are still on, a 60 timer will start. Just so it doesn't make it easier to wait out the DS timer.
But I don't understand your CoH nerf. Are you saying it should take 32 seconds to heal as well as having a 90-second cool-down?
I agree that Iron Will is fine. But it does more than it should IMO. But that's not because if the perk, it's because of the game itself. The only problem I have with IW is that it removes breathing sounds when injured. That's because Breathing and Grunts of Pain is the same sound file or whatever. Just change that and IW will be good to go.
And your Prove Thyself rework is really good.
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Except CoH, terrible ideas. I would not use any of them after this nerfs.
And DH should not give you distance, it is fine to dodge hit. DH created for this, dodge one hit. But survivors are using it for go to pallet or windows. So this nerf is also bad.
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"Boon: Circle of Healing: I think the mechanic should be completely reworked, but to nerf it; 25% healing speed buff, self heals take 32 seconds, all boons get a 60 second cooldown, CoH get's a 90 second cooldown."
Why would anyone use CoH then? I mean, I dont mind, I dont run it and I am already annoyed when my teammates have it (you know, setting up a Boon instead of doing the last Gen is totally important to them...).
But only 25% Healing Speed Buff makes it worse than Botany Knowledge, for Self Heal, you can just use Self Care... And combine them to have a faster Self-Heal.
Nerfing CoH is fine, but this is too much IMO.
"Borrowed Time: Endurance time reduced to 3/4/5 seconds, doesn't activate if the killer isn't within 16 meters of hook. (this is so that you can't abuse the endurance, it's purely to stop tunnelers from immediately hitting off hook.)"
So, a Nurse can just ignore BT? Also, the Killer just has to wait for 5 seconds until they hit the Survivor, if the Survivor is not near some Pallets while being unhooked, they go down pretty quick.
"Built to Last: Every time you hop in a locker, you can get 33% of your charges back. You can do this another 2 times for a total of 100%. This makes taking the most crazy broken toolboxes with nutty add ons in a swf less abusable."
Built to Last for Toolboxes is pretty bad anyway. But at least you throw in "SWF" to make your claim to be more reasonable... Built to Last is not really strong and as I said, pretty dumb to use it with Toolboxes, since the time spent in a Locker will make the time saved by the Toolbox a bit obsolete.
"Dead Hard: Keep it the same, but remove the Invincibility Frames. This rewards the player for accurately dodging a hit, but you can't do crazy ######### that would let you "cheese" your way out of a mistake. I think this would make Dead Hard work in a completely different way. To dodge a hatchet, dead hard to the side. To dodge a hit, press it a bit earlier. Getting more of a loop and getting to a safe place can also still be used."
The main complaints come from DH for distance. Since DH is working properly, people think it was buffed (Bugfixes are still neither Buffs nor Nerfs). Your idea would make DH a Perk which is solely used for Distance (which was the case already before they made it work with Dedicated Servers), I am pretty sure that not many Killers would be happy with that.
"Decisive Strike: reduce time to 15 seconds, but the timer pauses whenever in chase. DS should be an anti- tunnel perk, Not "a whole bloody minute of invincibility". You can do gens with this active again, it doesn't really matter with the reduced 15 seconds."
So, I down the Survivor and only have to wait 15 seconds instead of 60 seconds to pick them up? And 15 seconds of not looking at the Survivor during a Chase to make the chase end (like Legion Moonwalking) is also pretty much possible.
DS does not need further Nerfs, in fact, it needs Buffs to make it a better tool to counter tunneling, however, we all know that BHVR is against it, since they introduced a Perk with the Ringu-Chapter which should have been part of DS.
"Prove Thyself: I think there should absolutely not be a perk that speeds up gen times in the game. If I were to nerf it, maybe some sort of requirement before it activates, like deliverance. "Must work on a gen with others for a total of 40/30/20 seconds before this activates" could be an idea."
Prove Thyself is fine. The Perk is mainly used for the Bloodpoints. And honestly, 2 Survivors with Prove Thyself on one Gen is still better for the Killer than 2 Survivors without Prove Thyself on two Gens. I prefer Survivors running Prove Thyself and grouping up because of it over Survivors splitting up all the time.
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I think the devs will make DH only dodge a hit.
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And this will make DH pretty good.
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Yeah I would use it still.
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ok, some of your ideas are really bad. For example:
- Boon: Circle of Healing: Amazing, i find a totem to boon just to use self care, it's better bring self care. Oh yeah, now others survivors can use self care, it's so good, now everybody will waste more time healing.
- Borrowed Time: a anti tunneling perk that don't protect from tunneling, that's incredible idea
- Decisive Strike: i'm so excited to see a cloaked wraith chasing me for 15 seconds
- Built to last: So, I will be in the locker for 14 seconds to receive 33% of the charges. Cool, wasting 42 seconds to get the brown medkit with a full charge.
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So here's my take:
Adrenaline: Fine as is.
Boon Circle of Healing: 50%, doesn't stack with medkits, doesn't enable self-care on it's own.
Borrowed Time: +50% movement speed for 3 seconds (No exhaustion), no longer gives enduring to discourage unsafe unhooks or body blocking.
Built to Last: Fine as is.
Dead Hard: Exhaustion duration increased slightly. When exhausted survivors can no longer Fast Vault.
Decisive Strike: Does not work once the generators are all done. Reduce stun to 4 seconds.
Iron Will: Doesn't negate Stridor anymore.
Prove Thyself: Fine as is.
Unbreakable: Incapacitated for 5 seconds so it cannot be used to immediately get another person up off the ground.
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The whole point of Circle of Healing is unlocking Self-Care for the entire team. Your suggestion makes it 100% useless, since you'll need a second survivor to benefit from the perk, and if you have a second survivor with you, might as well just heal wherever you are rather than waste time going to the boon for a slightly faster heal.
I feel like boons should just have a cooldown, once your boon gets kicked, it gives you a 60 seconds cooldown before you can place a new one, or prevent survivors from blessing that one again for 60 seconds. Or require you to cleanse a totem to activate the perk first, then you can bless, and if it gets snuffed, you need to cleanse a new totem before being able to bless another one again. (but to be fair, just placing a cooldown on boons would be fine, no need to overcomplicated things)
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Hey everyone, thanks for commenting on my disscussion. I've seen lot's of ideas but I saw the idea where when you are affected by Borrowed Time, you lose your collision. I think this would be a stellar idea, and completely removes any problem with the perk. If the killer targets you off hook, you have enough time to go somewhere safe. If the killer goes for someone else, you can't purposely bodyblock. I think that would be a perfect change
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The point of circle of healing is to increase healing speeds for the team, it shouldn't function as an existing perk but better in every single way. If you want those extra heal speeds for your self-care then just... run self-care. But let's take your example then, should Circle of Healing give a +0% heal speed bonus, and just enable the ability to self-care to the team, would it be more useful in that case?
I think giving speed for borrowed time is better, lets the person get distance but not encourage the survivors to go for risky unhooks.
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The fact the boon can (and will) get stomped during the match is what makes it deserve a speed boost. If it just unlocks self-care at the regular self-care speed, might as well just bring self care because the time it takes to bless a totem and then self care would be a major waste of time.
The healing speed it gives is not the problem, it's the fact they can (and will) bless totems over and over. Not that I usually mind since over-blessers aren't working on objectives if they spend half the game blessing totems, but it's still ridiculous how they can do it over and over without penalties and requiring the killer to stomp it over and over, and yet they nerfed Undying hard for that same reason because survivors whined about having to cleanse all 5 totems and that's sooo much work.
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Nah, even if the boons were single use the survivors will just drop it in a dead zone where the killer has to throw to get to. It's absolutely the healing speed combined with it being 12 perks in one as it's both self-care, dual-wielding toolkits, and a reduction to toolkit usage rates. Even if it didn't do selfcare anymore that'd just make it 8 perks, and if you removed the stacking with medkits it'd merely be four perks. That's still a lot of advantage, just not exponentially more so than any other perk.