This game was 100% better with no DC penalty

Tylerja1 Member Posts: 38
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

We shouldn't have a DC penalty period, the way people play we shouldn't be required to waste our time with a killer trying to tunnel us out for 5 minutes while our teammates get 2 gens done lol same with a camping killer if you put our own fun in our hands people will start acting more respectfully to try to make the game fun for everyone.

Kind of like Apex for instance playing casual you can just leave your team if they're calling you names/slurs/being ######### etc. You go over to ranked gameplay no one really dc's just because, and ppl are kinder because if they DC they're not ranking up, and if you make your teammate dc your chances of getting rewarded lower significantly but if you stick it out you'll at least get placement points. In dbd if we stick it out we get 6-15k BP that's nothing.

In this game the only reward for staying in a ########## game is not getting a DC penalty. Killer or survivor both killer and survivors rely on each other for score, I can't play pig and get a perfect game by sitting in front of a trap box, or if im a survivor and the killer just hides all game we all get 13k bp and waste our time, same with a camping killer who gets 3 downs right off rip, survivors and killers get ######### score in comparison to if every one tried to play to the fullest.

(Killer main here)

A perfect game to me is not a 4k it is 12k hooks and as much farming as possible.

For survivor escaping to me is not a perfect game unless everyone makes it out with as fews hooks as possible.

At the same time as a survivor we need someone to be hooked to get points unhooking them. We need chased etc. If someone is hacking or the killer is way out of Mmr the killer won't have fun and will probably ######### off and want to quit.

Ultimately this is a game and NONE of us should have to waste our time playing with bad team members, toxic swf/killers/hackers or people way out of our Mmr range.

This game was also much better without no DC penalty last year face camping bubba?

Sorry guy we don't wanna play with you.

Lvl 5 new to killer without lightborn? Guess what man you don't have to vs the toxic flashlight squad!

There are so many reasons we don't need nor should we have a DC penalty.

Post edited by EQWashu on


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