Play Killer Only to Have Fun
I play killer , im tired from office . I just want to have fun, but I play with a sweaty swf squad. Do AFK is fine ?
AFK is NOT fine but pretty hard to get banned for it, I recommend you to run rancor and stalk obsession, kill him and call it a day.
This way you can lower your MMR while playing the game (kind of).
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Hey, if you just make your win condition to have a couple chases where it takes forever to down the survivor because of busted structures, safe pallets, and Dead Hard, you get to win every game!
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AFKing is reportable and bannable.
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Afking consistently is bannable but honestly play however is fun for you and if you're not having fun then take a break and try to find a different game.
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Some teams are not worth playing against and t is better for your own health to tab out and watch youtube or touch grass while they clicky clicky around you and then eventually get bored and do gens.
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AFK is not fine but set a win condition for yourself and stick to it. Maybe 5 to 8 hooks until you kill someone or everyone gets one hooked first and the rest of the time you just slug and run off to find the next survivor. Your games will be hell until your MMR drops but, when it does, you'll have relaxing games.
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It's only fun for me it's a competitive match but swfs are too strong not even the best nurse can compete.
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Fun? I play killer just for BP
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dont afk hook everyone twice , then show them you not hook for kill ( drop them near hook , hit it then say no with your mouse) this way you get around 23-26k BP and you lower your mmr,
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That's great but afking consistently is still a bannable offence and if you find yourself afking more often than not it's time to take a break
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You should do Rancor Roulette!
- Rancor (obviously)
- Nemesis
- Furtive Chase
- 4th perk is up to you xd
Kill the obsession!
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Make your choice is my usual 4th, so unhooking the obsession gives exposed as well as oblivious
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