Does Survivor Gameplay Require Skill?
yes it takes skill and experience to be good at the game on either side.
Some people will find killer easier and some will find survivor easier, that's not saying it doesn't take skill. To be good at either side requires time in DbD, there's a definitely learning curve...and even the most experienced players are not always great at the game. As whilst they might know the game very well, they don't put that knowledge into practice for whatever reason (yes I count myself in this group).
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Survivor gameplay is mostly about gen efficiency (holding m1) and game knowledge. You can be expert loopers, but if nobody wants to do generators you will lose. but if you have good gen management then you can be terrible at looping and just hold W away from where the gens are being done and still win.
Think about it. Even if the chase is 20 seconds each minus travel and hook time. That is 4 chases for 3 gens. You have another 8 chases to go with 2 gens left.
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ofc survivor requires skill maybe not as high of a skill ceiling as surv as there is to killer tho
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Heres what i suggest as survivor... just hide all game till everyone else is dead and find hatch with left behind or map. GG ez.
If you're in a SWF, just tell everyone where killer is all the time, click flashlights, blind, stun with locker, ect. Carry the weakest, least skilled member of the team to the gates if you have to. GG ez.
Bring a bully squad and wait for killer to d/c. GG ez.
In short, no. You don't need skill as survivor, especially when every other survivor can carry you through the game. As long as you escape that's a win for you and your MMR goes up.
The fact that the game tries to balance 1 survivor against the killer is why survivor is easier and why most players play survivor. It's 4v1, so balance should be 4v1, not 1v1v1v1v1. But that's how the game is made so you have to adapt until changes are made, if they are ever made.
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Way more than it should, when compared to killer. For killer, you can stand in one spot as Leatherface or now as a Pig and guarantees your wins. Or use Blight with a meta. Survivor has to learn how to counterplay over 20 killers. Imagine being new in this game? The game has a tremendously low retention rate because survivor is literally the hardest thing you can build your skills on and allow it be effective. Then it comes down to luck. What if you are trying to do a hatch escape challenge in the archives? You will not be able to do that unless the killer is friendly and allows it. Everything revolves around the killer so although survivor requires a lot of skill it can be completely negated by the killer.
Killer is only one person and as long as he is skilled he is going to win a majority of his matches. With survivor, you have to assemble a taskforce of 4 perfect survivors to have a chance at winning.
Survivor requires too much skill when compared to killer.
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Survivor is easy to pick up but hard to master,being a good survivor is actually hard.
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Survivor takes a lot of skill, particularly in solo queue. The problem with game balance is that 1k hour survivors and up are too good. There's no way to nerf or buff the balance when survivors just get better every time.
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No Not whit all of the Broken 2nd Chance Perk like Dead Hard , Insane Gen Speed and 1000 Paletts and Windows just no
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Survior Skill branches down into several sub categories such as;
Map knowledge
Looping ability
Game management/knowledge
Some players excell in some categories, some are good at all. I for instance have excellent awareness and good strategy, yet I'm not that good at looping or wall/tile knowledge.
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There is somewhat of a skill ceiling but you can make up part of it artificially with 2nd chance perks.
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Does Survivor Gameplay require skill? No.
Doing gens requires no skill. Doing bones requires no skill. Doing the gate requires no skill.
In essence, nothing that's related to any part of the survivor's primary objects requires any skill at all.
However, they will need to demonstrate skill to delay the killer from achieving their objective, but that's not a requirement for survivors to do their own.
Conversely, Killers need skill to do their objectives.
To chase down a survivor requires more skill than the survivor has.
To aim projectiles requires skill.
To track survivors you can't see/hear requires skill using terrain knowledge and clues (scratches, blood, birds, etc)
To know when to chase a survivor, kick the gen, hook or slug, etc, requires skill (being as it can directly influence the outcome).
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I can't really take anyone serious if they think playing survivor doesn't take any skill. That's ridiculous. BOTH sides take skill to play well.
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Even with just one bad player, the entire team can crumble depending on who you get in solo que with you. Every player and their skill level counts.
Even for someone like me who's seasoned at this point, you still have to use your brain to figure out what you're gonna do when you're in a chase, IF you get in a chase etc.
What door will you take if all exits are powered, oops you chose the wrong one here's the killer.
You get the point, it does take skill for sure. Maybe not a lot.
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