What Blight outfit or killer outfit would you KILL to see?

Here are my picks.
More Victorian/Top hat outfits for Blight or a Scarecrow based one.
A Court Jester Outfit for Trickster
A Skeleton Deathslinger with black clothing that's tattered/dirty
Mostly made this since interested in the community's ideas.
this would make an amazing blight legendary
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Now for some reason I am thinking of Hag in a Witch Doctor outfit
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A shark pajama onesie for Blight. More pajama onesies for all the characters without one.
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Chronic the blight hog all blue with gold rings flying out when hitting a wall
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Tbh that would have been funny with the Leprechaun Blight skin. Slams a wall and gold coins fly everywhere.
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I'm glad you asked!
A Pirate collection would be nice.
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Take my Shards.
That would be a dope skin.
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I had this idea some time ago with Tony Todd, since the guy is the king of slasher films (he has appeared in a ton of them both as evil and good people) I tought it would be super cool if they made Tony Todd versions of BHVR original Killers, using his likeness and style adapted to each Killer.
Like Trapper Todd, Doctor Todd, Wraith Todd, Clown Todd etc. For example Doctor Todd would still have the electrodes on the head and the eyepieces (the mouthpiece could distort the face too much), Clown Todd would have the greasepaint and a new outfit based on his style, stuff like that.
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Also question? Is that just random art or is it from somewhere? Asking since I swear I have seen that before.
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Beach filler episode Huntress would be pretty naisu.
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that's official art of the puppet nurses in silent hill 1
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Well I would've said Pyramid Head but his Blighted skin is terrible so 🤸
Honestly though we still need Blighted Oni/Slinger
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Easter Skin for the Twins, Victor has a bunny ear headband and Charlotte is in a Easter Festive Dress with Chocolate and Candy hanging off her.
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The shark blight skin that shouldve won the cosmetic contest.
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This is merely a pipe dream but if it ever could happen. A Volitile legendary from Dying Light for the legion. It could work if animations were changed for the legendary. The vaulting and running would be bloody terrifying.
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I wonder why there was never a Dota 2 Dbd crossover. We could have a meepo Outfit for the legion or lifestealer outfit for blight.
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This legendary skin for Nurse. (From Silent Hill)
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Sonic the Hedgehog for Blight with spin dash noises. Legendary skin.
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Beach filler episode Hag when
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Halloween Kills outfit for Myers.
Classic Nemesis.
Dr Channard Cenobite.
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Spirit and Plague skins when they were alive and healthy
That needs to be added to the game
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Ah, that why looks familiar lol
Very true, I just hope Deathslinger will have a skeletal look.
That would be cool, either that or a Hunter Legendary from LFD2
That would be cool, also maybe a nurse skin from Dark Deception since why not.
Classic Nemesis was the skin I was hoping instead of the Blighted skin. Not complaining though but would have loved the OG look with updated graphics.
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Honestly, Dragon Skin for the Oni
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That is a cool idea.
To be honest, I always wanted a Black Samurai armor sorta like the one from the Scooby Doo movie
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Lumberjack Huntress
Jester Trickster
Classic bedsheet ghost Spirit (lol)
Robert Englund Freddy (yeah, not gonna happen, but still)
Silent Hill Nurse
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the female cenobite as a legendary skin
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Been stated already but classic nemesis phase 1 or 2.
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I stopped play Nurse really so long time ago. But if they add this skin for her, i will back to my old girl.
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shark blight shark blight shark blight
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Jester Trickster would be the only way to actually have a Jester killer so I say yes
I would say phase 1. It's still weird they did not thought of making the OG skin when Nemesis was released.