Dead by Survivor Killers arent allowed to have Fun in this Game

As a Killer who just play to have Fun u dont have any Chance even if u lose 3 Games in a Row u still get sweaty SWF Teams that tbag u ans dont give u ans Chance
If u want to play a Killer u Never play and dont have ans Good Perks on it u still get sweaty SWF Teams whit 4 Dead Hards and 2 CoH
If u finally be able to down a Survivor u cant even get the hook because the SWF Team is Body Blocking you so u cant get to the hook
U winning a Chase? Nope Dead Hard is here ans the Survivor can easy get a Window or pallet he shouldnt get
U are playing Ruin to have some Gen pressure ? Nope in 7 out of 8 Matches its getting Destroyed instant in the first 20 seconds but hey Survivors can always use theee broken CoH Boon Totems
Most of the M1 Killers are unplayable because of the awful Map Designs
SBMM Working against Killers so if u are a Casual Killer and get a 4K the next Games u are Matches against sweaty high rank Survivors
DbD is losing alot Players because alot Killers players quiting the Game because playing Killer is so stressful Now and they arent Happy about SBMM, Dead Hard and CoH
PLZ BHVR finally do something and fix the Game
If you are just playing for fun why all this matter?
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I think Op is trying to say is they want to play for fun but is constantly facing SWF squads so they can't have enjoyment from that kind of experience. It still comes down to our good friend SBMM and MMR. When a 3 or 4 man SWF is skipped by a Killer our friends will decide to shuffle the SWF to the next available Killer.... unfortunately that means alot of unbalanced matchmaking.
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if your starting out with a new killer, just meme around and tryout the powers since we don’t have a practice mode. You will lose enough games to play against noobs and build up from there.
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That's very helpful?
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As frustrating as it is, the solution is to just play for a long while. Your macro gameplay is probably not too good. I can recommend scottjunds tutorial on that topic
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Yeah the reason is because im Not Good lol ok than PLZ tell me what i can do when the Match Starts and 3 Gens Pop in 30 seconds and i just get 1 Hook? U cant do anything about it Gens are to fast if u play against sweaty SWF Teams
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If three gens pop in the first 30 seconds, you need to record and submit that to BHVR. Because that’s only possible if someone is cheating. Otherwise, exaggeration doesn’t help your case.
Post edited by GoshJosh on4 -
So is this? LOL #########
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Perhaps your right. All I know is playing for fun is what you make fun (Hope that makes sense). If fun is chasing...well no matter who the survivor team is you can chase all game. Yes MMR screwed us all but playing for FUN usually means you could care less of outcome, perks, maps, etc. I think OP wants 4k's myself.
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Playing against Dead Hard all the Time where Survivor get a 2nd Chance they shouldnt have
And seeing the Gen Pop every 20 Seconds so u dont even a Chance to defend them isnt Fun
Fun is if both Team have the same Chance at doing something and this isnt the Case in this Game because it is heavly Survivor sided and the Devs buffing Survivor even more there was no reason to Add Boon Totems and buffing Dead Hard
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The reason for that is because you dont generate enough pressure from your first down to get survs off gens.
You job as killer is to get survivors off of gens just as much as it is the survs job to stop you from getting someone out of the game early. Thats why bt and ds are so strong even if theyre prohibitive in their use cases.
If your point is that killer is too weak for your avg match, watch otz' challenge vid, where he played without perks or addons and with 30s afk at the start. Iirc he got 4ks to 3ks mostly.
I also dislike the way you improve, since you dont get to pracc at all with killers and just get thrown into the deep end, but its still far more winnable tahn you think.
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I have never said game is not survivor sided just so you know. DH not that big a deal anymore seems they fixed something....or deactivated validation IDK. CoH is very strong ngl but none this is a super big deal. I bet like @Notionless said you macro GP is lacking.
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It is really frustrating if the start of the game already drags you down because gens pop so fast. If you can´t down the first surv you chase.
As killer you sometimes gain your momentum only at the end. But to get there can be hard.
I play less killer atm, only for some dailys or the tome. Last games were ok though, don´t got the full squads.
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Assume everyone has Dead Hard unless/until you see them use another exhaustion perk. Wait to swing for a second, try to bait the DH, etc. You will get better at it with practice and see it isn’t that big a deal. For gens you need to try to pressure them. Run perks like Hex Ruin or Pop Goes the Weasel for slow down, something like Bitter Murmur or BBQ & Chilli so you can find survivors, or even Whispers. Sloppy Butcher is good to slow down healing.
And remember, if you are losing games, your MMR will drop so your games should theoretically get easier over time. Just use the hard ones as a chance to learn. Watch what the survivors do at loops, etc.
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It could be, maybe they need to reevaluate why they are playing and if it cannot be found here, perhaps they should do something about it.
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I miss your Bubba avatar. Dunno why.
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Rancor fixes all your problem.
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It fit my personality much better and Rin is one ugly mofo. It makes total sense.
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Yeah understandable if you playing for 4ks expect swfs OP says they play for fun but beats casuals in the eyes of swfs you are competition
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You’re e back! I am actually smiling :D
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Otz won simply because their opponent sucks ass, he is a good player but it doesn't change the fact survivors on his time is weakest of all day.
It's winnable as long as you are matching with weak survivors, against actual good survivors (and there is a time where you match with good survivors only) you NEED to specific sweatfest perks or killer, otz also tend to have hard time against those actual good survivors.
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I will need to one hook at least two survivors in the basement to cleanse my soul from that filth.
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probably. I will assume you need one in the top library in RPD as well.
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Finally, a killer using an RPD offering. A rare, and beautiful sight.