Support are not sending out the shards themselves. There's still work being done on sending the shards to everyone who has received them, which is why we have not advised users to send Support tickets.
Bubba shards
With all the patience I have, I understand that this is a real problem and that the team is working on it, but it's been more than 3 weeks. This is getting ridiculous, seriously.
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I completely understand that and empathise and we are aware at the frustration our players are feeling - all I can do is apologise I'm afraid :(
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I'm cool continuing to wait. These forum updates are helpful.
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I still haven't got my iridescent shards... I need the iridescent shards to get make your choice and hag, and the shrine will reset in 4 days!
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Being honest for such a big company and big game this shards are a joke how its being dealt with xD
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Finally got mine! I even got compesation for the wait (additional 6k). Nice of them
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at the last they are trying
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Still nothing for me 😕
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*******Send a ticket*
I got mine a week or so ago when I sent a ticket with my player cloud ID etc. They took 24 hours to credit it after I got a reply saying they'd been sent! :)
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*happy Bubba noises*
Got my shards today after sending a ticket with my Cloud ID. Thank you 😊
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who did you send this ticket to? im not sure what category this falls under for support.
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does this work if i send a ticket with a link to my steam profile?
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Still nothing, this is even funnier when you remember that they took away dowsey's twitch cosmetic literally the day after he made a critique
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Finally, received mine shards after contacting support.
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Still havent received them. Ive made close to 30k shards since then so you might as well keep them
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I got the shards after contacting support, send a ticket and just wait until the shards arrive, it shouldn't take more than a week, stay safe everybody <3
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i wrote down support ticket a week ago, still no response. How long am i gonna wait? This is ridicolous
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Finally after 4 weeks of said update i thifnk and over a week of sending a ticket to support.
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4 weeks later and still no shards lol
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so is it now advised to send a support ticket as many have mentioned here? Sorry haven’t exactly followed the official word on this topic..
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It's been a month now..
Anything a simple Bubba can do to help being identified?
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Gonna be honest, I got very impatient.
And you know what, blessed be this holy day
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For those still waiting
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Yes the Shards are still being sent out. I do thank you all for the patience that you've shown in waiting, I understand the frustration about waiting for something. Hopefully this means that people here have got their shards now.
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Hi. So, still continue to wait? And on what date should I take action if I still haven't received them? Two weeks from now?
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Still have yet to receive them. Whatever. Been way happier spending almost no time playing this broken game.
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Waiting on mine. Would like to get my shards before buying the new character pack.
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Are those even purchaseable with shards?
I tried to submit a request through the support website, but that is disabled it seems.
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It's not, I'd just prefer to be 'made whole' before continuing to give from my end.
Not seeming hopeful at this point
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Oh, good point.
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Are there STILL people who haven't gotten their Shards?
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Yep. I just replied to my support ticket today.
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Yeah, still waiting on shards this end as well. Painful...
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I finally got mine. Hbu?
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I contacted support the day after i commented on here and got them straight away. Support were very helpful!