MMR makes the game very unfun

It incentivizes killers to camp and tunnel to boost their MMR and play in the most sweaty unfun ways possible while also promoting SWF-only genrushing as a combative playstyle. Both is extremely unfun and ruining the game fun factor.
Both playstyles are unfun and there should be a lot done to make these not so strong or viable.
New or bad killers feel pressure when they win and start facing SWF teams so they feel like camping is the only strategy.
Survivors feel like they can’t do the objective so they are forced to play in a SWF. I’ve had too many tell me they would never touch solo. That is a bad sign the game is not fairly balanced. Too many oppressive and extremely unfun killers released recently (Artist, Pinhead, Blight) that promotes unfun playstyles. Too many overpowered killer perks making solo survivor gameplay totally impossible.
Ever since MMR was released the DBD playerbase has been shrinking at an alarming rate due to MMR I believe. I believe this is directly related to the game not encouraging a more fun gameplay that really made the game popular to begin with. Too much pressure and most of the time it feels out of reach, especially for survivors.
There are no rewards to playing sweaty MMR. So playing well inevitably forces you to play against extremely unfun opponents. That is not good for long-term players and keeping a playerbase.
No matter how much it is bragged upon, MMR does not give a fair match. 2E/2K outcomes are a pure fantasy because killers are steamrolling teams unless it is 4 man with thousands of hours. Game shouldn’t be requiring for such high expectations.
I can only recommend to the devs to rework MMR, take the pressure off of both killers and survivors. Bring back the fun in the game.
Perhaps we should make sweaty playstyle fun.
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us reading this essay
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The simple fix is to include the proximity to hooks medal system into the MMR
ba da bing
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Oh nice, I can facecamp four survivors to hell while lowering MMR, what a happy ending.
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Yes. It may be hard to describe but my games are not better than they were when i started playing.
Maybe the MMR system should try to mix on purpose - recreate rainbow ranks. Maybe it will be more fun to play again.
For me some matches are really ok balance wise but then the typical - i escape a few matches and then i get totally stomped a few matches.
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They are too proud to admit is a bad system
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Sluzzy what the ######### stop making sense????
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rare good sluzzy take
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The title says it all.
It is simple as that, really.
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You know a game mechanic is terrible when even sluzzy has good takes.
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One thing that I don't like about MMR is that I'm punished for saving during end game. I just want to have a little bit of fun so the game decides that I should now be paired with worse teammates.
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This content has been removed.
Agreed. Their stats may say it's working but the matches don't feel fun anymore since it encourages unfun gameplay.
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honestly this is two posts in the last week from Sluzzy that I agree with
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So if MMR goes, the game suddenly becomes fun?
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No. But better than MMR for sure.
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You have no idea how good and simple it would be if MMR was the source of all problems.
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No it won't be. Y'all forget the old matchmaking was just random. You weren't winning because you were good. It's because you 2 survivors who were good and 2 who were trash. And let's not forget the survivor games where you had to carry the whole team by yourself. How is that better?
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Well this is still same then lol. Some of my games i am cursing with potatoes. And then i have really good teammates. It does not matter i escaped or not.
I died 5 games in row and then i faced +10k Hours Huntress with 3 SWF. And it was great game. We all played so well and it ended with 2 escapes. And after i escaped a lot games i still had baby survivors with 100 hours. MMR is not working or just worse than old version.
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If it's the same, then why change it?
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I think a bigger problem is that SBMM is basically useless during peak hours when the survivor to killer ratio is way too high. I play survivor with a friend maybe a couple nights a week and we get everything from god-level sweat lords to baby killers who barely manage to get a single hook and everything in between. Matchmaking is simply useless during peak times because the queues would take too long if they actually made it fair (and then nobody would play because Q times too long).
The problem all stems from the fact that killers just don’t want to play during peak times when they’re more likely to get matched against SWF squads. This has been a glaring balance issue forever and the devs have never addressed it. The SBMM system won’t get fixed until there are real changes to give killers a chance against SWF squads and thus make them actually want to play during peak times.
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It wasn't random, it was based on the emblem system which contained skill-based tracking. The problem was that it raised survivors too easily, so you had bad survivors that were ranked much higher than they should have been. All they needed to do was tweak the numbers and remove non-skill-based elements from the system and it would have been an actual skill based system. Now you still get large variances in player quality in matches due to them prioritizing queue times.
The bigger problem is that kills and escapes being the only priority has changed the nature of the game, for the worse. Killers have to play more aggressively, which most killers and survivors hate, and survivors play more selfishly, which makes playing survivor a lot less fun. It is killing the game.
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It will kill the game if they don't make changes to MMR or make sweeping changes to the meta in the next year. BHVR. Wake up. Your playerbase doesn't like the direction your game is going
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CallMeKevin is playing tonight....
encountered a bully swf squad who 1 survivor had over 2k hours in the game.... vs him playing twins with only 3 perks unlocked
MMR is working as intended /s
Also -- real nice look for his community to see him go up not just against a bully squad -- but also a hacker right afterwards.
Don't think most of his community play this game so not a good look.
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I personally enjoy the MMR system, its give harder games requiring me to get better at the game (well that's how i look at it) i get stomped alot of the time when using my 3 go to Killers. But that's part of growing i feel.
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See the self improvement angle is great, I'm of a similar mindset. I'm always looking how i can better myself and how I play but I run into a big roadblock
The fundemental problem is the system only cares if you get better at 'escaping' or 'killing' when we both know there is way more to playing both sides than that. It doesn't matter how good you get with a power, how good you are at chases or pulling off altruistic plays, if you don't escape then "was it a skilled play to begin with?"
Same with killer, the devs said at one point that 1k can count as a win.
Post edited by Brokenbones on2 -
I agree wholeheartedly, even the old ranking system is better than MMR
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I really wanted them to fix emblems before ######### around with MMR