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MMR makes the game very unfun

Member Posts: 3,130

It incentivizes killers to camp and tunnel to boost their MMR and play in the most sweaty unfun ways possible while also promoting SWF-only genrushing as a combative playstyle. Both is extremely unfun and ruining the game fun factor.

Both playstyles are unfun and there should be a lot done to make these not so strong or viable.

New or bad killers feel pressure when they win and start facing SWF teams so they feel like camping is the only strategy.  

Survivors feel like they can’t do the objective so they are forced to play in a SWF. I’ve had too many tell me they would never touch solo. That is a bad sign the game is not fairly balanced. Too many oppressive and extremely unfun killers released recently (Artist, Pinhead, Blight) that promotes unfun playstyles. Too many overpowered killer perks making solo survivor gameplay totally impossible.

Ever since MMR was released the DBD playerbase has been shrinking at an alarming rate due to MMR I believe. I believe this is directly related to the game not encouraging a more fun gameplay that really made the game popular to begin with. Too much pressure and most of the time it feels out of reach, especially for survivors.

There are no rewards to playing sweaty MMR. So playing well inevitably forces you to play against extremely unfun opponents. That is not good for long-term players and keeping a playerbase.

No matter how much it is bragged upon, MMR does not give a fair match. 2E/2K outcomes are a pure fantasy because killers are steamrolling teams unless it is 4 man with thousands of hours. Game shouldn’t be requiring for such high expectations.  

I can only recommend to the devs to rework MMR, take the pressure off of both killers and survivors. Bring back the fun in the game.

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