Revert iron will

So we all know the reason you changed iron will was because of spirit players running stridor... Now you have applied your "necessary" nerfs to her, any chance of reverting back to old iron will? Trying to track someone with zero sound and/or not being able to see them at all isn't exactly great game mechanics or skillful on the survivors part...especially when this new iron will even removes breathing sounds. All they have to do is just walk away injured with iron will and you can't track at all... Because unrealistically, according to this game walking footsteps aren't supposed to make any kind of sound either on any terrain??
I think IW should be toned down a little, probably like 85%.
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IW needs an actual nerf instead
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Don’t revert it but nerf it to either lower percentage or being similar to lucky break with a limitation. Otherwise it will always overshadow other perks that lower grunts of pain.
as to footsteps: those are actually making sounds for me, even when walking? It’s just not as loud as running footsteps - obviously.
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I don't get any sound with walking footsteps unless it is hard surface floors like indoor maps. Even then those are very very quiet
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I think IW should just replace the grunts of pain with normal breathing.
Just reducing the number below 100% would make it not very good.
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I think you both have a point. Maybe reduce the number below 100% and increase the delay beetween grunts, replacing it with normal breathing in the meantime.
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I agree something needs to be done about it. And i like all of your suggestions. We can only hope
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There is no need to change Iron WIll. Its the only perk that grants a big deal of stealth for survivors, while still countered by Stridor or just their footsteps and breathing.
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Stridor doesn't counter iron will what are you talking about? And there is no breathing sounds or walking footsteps sounds with
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Stridor doesn't counter IW anymore. They changed that a while ago.
Injured survivors with IW have no breathing sounds, so you can't use that either.
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Stridor doesn't counter iron will. They changed that months back? There is no breathing sounds with iron will while injured. Survivors can literally just walk from a loop and you are none the wiser
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has footstep sounds. But I agree that one perk should override the other. That is, the effects should go back being additive to force killers to use stridor (-1 perk slot) if they are having difficulty in the chases with iron will survivors (which is rare)
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I mean the only reason they buff iw was to indirectly nerf spirit using stridor. It was obvious. But now she has been overhauled I believe it should go back to how it was
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Would it be wrong to allow spirit to have her stridor back? She's been totally overhauled as it is. And survivors being able to pinpoint your exact location,while you yourself cannot hear or see anything as they walk away using iron will hardly seems fair or skillful tbh. A survivor running iw has more info on your whereabouts than you will ever have on theirs. Not to mention iw totally counters other killers add ons designed to make survivors louder while injured too
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And i agree most killers don't have issue tracking survivors with iron will, but as someone who has played spirit before nerf and after nerf I can easily say tracking a survivor is near impossible with iron will and them just walking away or standing still while you phase. Because they have the info. You dont
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This is what I thought the perk would do when I first played the game (sub 10 hours at the time).
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Iron will makes me feel like I'm cheating when I run it.
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Survivors can't have nice things!!!
Nerf Decisive Strike, Nerf Circle of Healing, Nerf Boil Over.
Has there been any killer perks nerfed recently?
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the minimum is to make the perk have the additive effect, not make the perk worse than it was before.
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Seems like broken things, not "nice" things.
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Little FYI regarding: "Has there been any killer perks nerfed recently?"
- Hex: Blood Favour -> was nerfed, now only triggers on an actual injure state instead of a simple hit with anything
- Hex: Ruin -> one of the biggest changes to the meta, due to it being annoying and overused
- Hex: Thrill of the Hunt -> removed notifications, so u can't protect ur totems anymore
- Hex: Undying -> only protects totems once and not up to 4 times
- Pop Goes the Weasel -> duration for which u can use it reduced by 15s down to 30s
- Sloppy Butcher -> like so many other perks now only works on basic attacks, so legion can't just stab u anymore in feral frenzy and give an ez sloppy butcher
- Stridor -> is now worthless against iron will and therefore mostly useless since it's main purpose was to counter IW, now only gets u something vs healthy survivors cause injured iron will survivors have no breathing sound
Plus since boons have been introduced, hex perks have basically been extra nerfed by changing typical survivor behaviour. Survivors are now way more focused on finding totems to bless em so hex perks are way harder to keep up and get long use out of.
Need any more examples? <3
Also Circle of Healing has barely been nerfed since it's main strength is that u and ur team can heal urself indefintely and way quicker than with self-care plus u only need a single perk slot to get that effect. And none of that has been changed. COH is still immensly strong.
And DS and Boil Over have been rightfully nerfed.
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I love Iron Will, but I find it ridiculous how some loud survivors (like Jeff) are louder when healthy but when wounded with Iron Will, they become super silent.
It should just remove the grunts of pain and leave the regular breathing/panting noises the survivors make. So basically, make a wounded survivor sound the same as a healthy one.
But I wouldn't complain if it was adjusted to something more realistic along the lines of 80-90% noise reduction, make them more quiet but not fully silent.
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That's really unfair to people who play Jeff or Ash. They already have to waste a perk slot on Iron Will to be on the same level as Kate or Ace.
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Then they should make these survivors less loud as well, if they rework Iron Will, to make playing these characters less unfair. (I know about Jeff because I play him a bit here and there, so that's how I noticed how loud he was when healthy vs wounded with iron will)
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There is also the issue of headsets that will magnify the smallest sound and put an onscreen display indicating what direction the sound came from. So it doesn't matter if you are quieter, because it detects every sound.
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Never heard of onscreen displays showing where sound comes from.. I know it's in the mobile version of the game, but I never saw it in the "regular" version of the game.
And if you play this game without a headset, you're doing it wrong.
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I'm not talking about just headsets. I'm talking about scout mode, where footsteps and ambient sounds are increased by software, such as with Soundblaster. Asus is the ones with the sonic radar that puts an on screen display on your computer screen indicating the direction of sounds.
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Ooh I thought you were talking about something in-game.. So it's a third party tool from soundcard makers? Didn't know those were a thing.. yeah it would make finding survivors super easy mode if you're not paying attention to ambiant sounds :/
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The one that displays the locations of sounds on screen are considered an accessibility option for people that are hard of hearing.
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And a very abusable option for people who can hear just fine. Sadly, there's no way to know which side someone falls into.
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I would be completely happy with it just adding the breathing noises tbh. The fact that a survivor stops breathing entirely while running it is the whole problem with it. Its not supposed to remove breathing sounds, only grunts of pain according to its perk description