How do survivors still not understand the glass bead addon?

Like the title says, every time I use a map w/ the glass bead addon it inevitably ends up with one or more survivors running to it and just staring at it, or trying to interact with it, like they have never seen it before. Like my last match I saw someone with prestiged outfits for their survivor just staring at the beacon of light like it would give them bp
Their waiting for Scotty to beam them up.
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You can go hundreds of hours without seeing glass bead used even once, so I'm guessing lots of people have literally never seen it before.
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No one uses it, probably because it's not as good as Crystal Bead.
I have no idea how to use it but, try to activated it next to a hex or a specific area and they will understand.
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It's rare to see it.
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I have 7k hours and I guarantee you that I have not seen this Add On being used by other Survivors for more than 10 times. And I did not use it myself more than 3 times.
It is a very rare Add On, you dont really see it often. So many players simply dont know what it does.
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In a thousand-something hours, I've seen it a single digit number of times
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Its not very rare, atleast not according to rarity, its just uncommon.
While its not as good as the very rare one that shows everyone what you are seeing w/ the map, its still solid for pointing out specific places, basement, gens being worked on, hex totems, etc.
I think that BHVR needs to impliment something for these kinds of items/perks/addons. Something akin to what you see in horizon zero dawn, or other similar games. When you hover over the item, you click a button to see a short little video of it in action, how to use it, etc.
Like you look at the Anti-Hemorragic Syringe, you'd click the button and you'd see a little video of someone going up, using a medkit, the prompt appears and it pauses and focused on it (with the correct keybinding/button mapping for the user) and then plays the sound you hear when it works. Something like that.
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It is not very rare when it comes to the ingame-rarity, but it is very rarely used.
The thing is, you need a Rainbow Map for it, because the default Tracking ability of the Maps is pretty low (only 8 meters), so you want a Range Add-On. And since the green Map only tracks Generators and needs another Add-On to track something else, you cannot really use a Glass Bead with it.
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Because people rarely ever use glass bead. You can go a very long time without seeing one.
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I didnt see one of those beams till at least 700 hours in. Idk, its rare.
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Not a lot of people use maps. The less you use something, the less you'll know anything about its add-ons.
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It makes sense considering the map is probably the least used item type as it is barely even useful. I've seen other people use the glass bead add-on just a handful of times in my thousands of hours.
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I really like this idea!
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I don't know what glass bead does actually.
I don't bring maps, I personally feel they are worthless once you've learned the totem spawns. As such I don't even read map addons when I have to unlock them, I just mentally file them with the offerings for maps I dislike and other useless items.
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I like using the Bead as Jeff to pretend I'm Jesus while healing or repairing.
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I've never seen another survivor use it, I've only ever used it myself to mark items of importance (such as hexes or, previously, the hatch)
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You have to remember people here that are willing to engage with the game and learn the perks and add ons and all that jazz are a minority. Most people playing this game just pop in sometimes, play a game and it doesn't really go past that. They're not thinking about strategies or anything. It's just Generator: Escape or die edition.
A beam of light is not a generator. It did not come from a flashlight. If low rank killers could see it then I guarantee it would hold them in place for at least thirty seconds as they try to figure out what it is.
Game ain't simple no more.
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See I dont understand the concept, the map is one of my favorite items. Yes it doesn't speed up healing or gens, but with the right addons it can save your ass at times. The non rainbow maps have issues for sure, but rainbow is an amazing item.
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I only use that add on to follow my friends and spam it. Even that's rare
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I don't use it much at all but if I do I only use it to mark somewhere there's a hex that I can't do myself rn.
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Rainbow Map - Good item, Ultra Rare.
First Aid Kit - Very good item, Uncommon
Ranger Medkit - Best item in DBD, Very Rare.
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I have 1500 hours in the game and I’ve seen it exactly 3 times. So I can totally imagine players going hundreds of hours and never seeing it.
I’ve never used it.
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Last time I saw a glass bead, I had 10 hours in the game, and that was in 2016.
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I feel like it should just be a basic feature of the map just to make the map better for solo queue.
Also by making it baseline people will learn what it is because it will appear in every map game.
Finally as it currently stands there's is no reason to use it over any other map add-ons as its the weakest one. That's because it both doesn't make the map's stats better in anyway nor does it help inform the team as much as other add-ons.
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Yes, but not everything in every game is about taking the most optimal build and the most optimal perks and the most optimal items.
Thats how you get half the playerbase complaining about the current meta for the otherside. The dead hard/ borrowed time/ decisive strike issue wouldnt be so bad if people actually used different builds.
But that aside, this needs to be a clear sign to the devs that the map and key need reworks for usability (and I dont mean key needs to be better for the hatch, but all of its ancilary uses)
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The point I was trying to get at is that a Rainbow Map costs 7k and appears far less than the First Aid Kit costing 4k and appearing far more.
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I guess a problem with the glass beads is that it's loud a d super annoying hence why no one uses it. I really wish bhvr would tone down some noises in this game, especially when you purposely don't wiggle and the missed wiggle bar is loud af.
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Not enough people run it for it to be at all remarkable or worth remembering, people use it to meme and in 5 years of playing this game I have yet to see someone use it seriously to mark generators or other important things on the map. The meaning it has within the community is that of a joke addon and people will take it as such, unfortunately.
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Okay you are completly right about that. First Aid Kits in general have better utility, as in a common kit does all the things a ranger kit does, just less efficently, while a basic map does NOT do what a rainbow map does.
That I will give to you as well, the soudn from the beam is GOD AWFUL. A beam near a totem is just sound hell.
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I really don't understand why those types noises are so loud. Billy's chainsaw is too loud, the bloodweb is too loud, the boon effect is too blue which makes the screen hard to focus on.
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I think I've used it once, in a custom game, as me and my friends were figuring out how it worked. And I think at that point, it didn't. As in: No one could see the marker. That was a long time ago though, so I might be misremembering.
It's just incredibly niche, and as a communication tool, it's very inadequate. It's just pointing at -something-, which no indication of intent or purpose.
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I've seen it used maybe a handful of times in my 4 years of playing DBD. Not only are maps not the go to item for survivors to use but usually they'll chose the other add-ons over glass bead so odds of seeing it are slim. Most people aren't looking into what every add-on does, they see the ones they like (or have been suggested in a YouTube video) and forget the others.
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I saw someone use it last night in a match. They didn't put it anywhere that was important.
I've seen people use it near a gen that is almost near completion, a gen that we should focus on, or to regroup the team for heals.
Last night's game, it just sat in a spot almost like it was added scenery. And it sat there the entire match... Halfway through I just ignored it. It wasn't near any gens and it was out in the open, near the middle of the map. That was a first. But yeah, I know what it's for and it can be quite useful especially for solo queue if everyone knows what its for, including the survivor using it. 🤦♂️