Why Dead by Daylight is a game that will die

When I player killer, everything I get are just cheating survivors, insta healing, jumping 10m high, nocliping survivors. I've recorded it, sent it to the report page. No answer, they're still playing.
If I have good days, I'll just get some toxic survivors that are trolling me and other survivors, rushing gens, flashlight no sense use and that stuff. We all know those problems, they are bodyblocking and well they're justing playing good I guess. But too good for me. If the match ends, I'll get as a ash killer red ranked survivors. All I can say, GG devs.
Imagine being new to the game, getting that experience. The game will just be deinstalled.
When I play survivor, I always get people that are acting without any brain. Hiding in bushes, not doing gens, farming other survivors from hooks, try to flashlight save. Some are even trolling.
The killers are mostly face camping, camping and tunneling. Its pretty rare to get a killer that is not doing that stuff.
So this game is dead to me because all this stuff except cheating, belongs to the game. But from playing 10 rounds, 9 rounds are sucking with the already shown problems. I've deinstalled dead by daylight because its actually just a waste of time. In the morning (UK time) I always get killers and survivors from russia and you all know, russian players are toxic, cheating and well known camper players. Not all but I'm sure its quite a huge number.
If I camp as a survivor, there are crows around me. So why the killer is not getting a penality like a boost for survivors doing gens, or stopping hook time. There are many ways, and of course a region lock, that will give this game a new sense. But all I see are dropping player counts.
You get crows because you are actively sabotaging other survs and helping the killer by hiding for no reason. The killer is advancing the game when camping and you need to learn how to combat tunneling and camping, thats what dbd comes down to in the end at a high level.
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That's not going to kill the game... That happened before
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So you want a riegon lock to keep players closest to EU servers... in EU servers? Effectively meaning you'll still play with them? Lmao
Also people have been saying this game will die for the past 5 and a half years so forgive me for not believing it just yet. It's bounced back from worse
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the game will not die. there are too many players who buy every Feng Ming outfit despite bugs and bad balancing. ;)
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I wonder how you determine whether someone is cheating or not? I have seen so few cheaters within my 2k hours so I wonder.
Because you have bad luck does not mean game will die. unfortunately this game is unique and won't die anytime soon.
Why do you not quit if you constantly have a bad time in this game? play some single player game and you will have noone to blame. seems like everyone is bad, ######### except you
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Dude this February is the highest player count of all Februaries in the history of the game. What do you mean "bounced back from worse?" It's at its peak rn.
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exactly- it's not even doing that bad now compared to previous years. like yeah there's been a large player falloff on steam but that's still higher now than a year ago + playercounts always drop off this time of year because exams come up. when i say "it's bounced back from worse" i mean it isn't even that bad rn
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I know but it sounded like you were implying that it's in a bad state still. Nevermind though I misinterpreted.
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if this game can survive the state that was basically every update pre-2.0.0 including 1.9.2 then it can basically live through anything
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Well keep in mind the game is damn near free on consoles. While the player base may be high that alone does not mean it's in a healthy state. Like a joke from the late Robin Williams "too big to fail? That's like saying to fat to die!".
I don't think the game is in a good state. In fact I think it's horrible right now but we all know it won't die anytime soon. There's no real competition.
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arguing if it's in a good state, or if it's going to die, are two different things. i also don't think it's great right about now, but also i'm pretty sure it's not gonna die anytime soon.
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this game is never gonna die.
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It's free on gamepass but then If you have gamepass, there are literally hundreds of other free options to play, even without the cost, there is a significant time investment that people wouldn't be up for if they didn't enjoy the core gameplay.
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One day the game will die, as will everything else but I think it's a long, long way off.
The game is on current gen consoles and is still getting regular updates. Even when the servers shut down, people will still play P2P (which many will actually say is an improvement, given how rough dedicated servers have been).
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I'm honestly surprised the game actually has so much life in it. I enjoy it in moderate doses but if I'm honest almost every match is the same or 90% the same, the killer roster seems deep but only 4-5 killers are actually competitive, and the community is super toxic (lots of games are but add that to the overall list).
Add in updates that break stuff, graphics from 2013, horrible console optimization, no cross progression, brutal grind, etc. I also agree it will be around for some time but on paper it should have died after year 2-3.
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In time every game comes to a end.
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Well people use the Steam player numbers because it's the only platform that tracks it. It was never free on Steam.
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BuT iT wILl DiE... obviously, lol
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Eventually, sure. But I don't think it will for a little while longer.
Obviously I could be wrong but
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No one knows if this will actually be good.
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Even TF2 will die at some point.
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I believe it will.