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Survivors are nothing without dead hard
Seriously,I think over 90% of all survivors use it,its basically like an extra health slate and can work in so many different situations.
Best perk againts top tier killers like Nurse or Blight
Dead Hard is hands down best survivor perk in the game and there is no debate about it.
At this point,whenever I try to play without dead hard,I still press e just out of reflex when i'm in a chase about to go down againts a killer lol.
Its just too good,1 precise dead hard can make the difference betwen a game going in your favor or not.
I'm curious, are people only using DH because it's good, or do they use it because DH is fun? Maybe both?
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It's true. I like running blood echo/fearmonger on legion with the green pin so survs stay injured for longer than ten seconds. Survivors just fall to pieces without dead hard.
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I think more because it’s a good perk that can bail you out at windows or pallets where you probably would’ve went down without it.
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I do think that dead hard does carry a lot of survivors, but then again there are a lot of survivors who are good and use dead hard. Just because a survivor uses dh doesn't mean that they are bad.
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Biggest get out of jail free card in the game.
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To be fair, Blights and Nurses need a perk that works against them. They smash without. Doesn't help that 99% of Blights go full on sweat builds.
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I prefer lithe myself, I don't like taking perks that require me to lose a chase before I can use them.
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Same as killers without slowdown perks
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virgin DH user vs chad Lithe enjoyer
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I'm inclined to agree, it is the biggest crutch in the game.
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I don't think anyone actually have "fun" in dead hard, it's literally just "press E to prolong chase" and nothing else.
There is no strategical decision unlike any other exhaustion perks, it's boring.
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There is plenty of perks that works against them, dead hard just disable their power.
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Unpopular opinion, I actually really like DH. Every other exhaustion perk just creates a massive gap and the next 30 seconds is just hold W gaming. Dead hard can be mindgamed, baited, countered, used in different ways. It doesn't create so much distance that it breaks an intense chase, but is still useful. I think sprint burst / lithe are very low skill floor and skill ceiling. Dead hard is a lot less mindless imho.
Post edited by Cetren on7 -
I don't think you know actual and strongest way to use dead hard, which is basically same as other exhaustion perks... hold W, but on command.
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And it's not like they suffer from it. I'm a Nurse main and it is arguably the worst for her and yet I'll still smash.
Blight is the same way. And on top of that, most blights (and by most, I literally mean almost every single one of them) do the most OP-meta builds.
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Honestly, the only fun exhaustion perk is Head on. And that perk gets you killed 1/2 the time, so it really is a mood.
I hate sprint burst. Lithe forces me to run away from loops 1/2 the time, which sucks (although this perk is a lot of fun and I do run it often, I'm not a huge fan of this style of gameplay anymore). Smash hit and the Jonas one are mediocre and not really fun at all.
Balance landing is so situational and map dependent that I'll never run it outside of challenges.
So all that's left is DH. If the devs made exhaustion perks that felt better to use, it would be easier to move away from it.
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I feel like you don't know the strongest way to use dead hard. You use it to make it to a pallet or window and extend a loop. Not hold W and extend a chase by an extra second.
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You know, that is exactly what "holding W but on command" does.
Making distance at arbitrary time, which can breaks game and immensely extend chase.
They DO suffer from it, it's not like survivors have any disadvantage over them, they have enough tools to deal with those killers as is.
Just most survivors don't have same skill set as those killer players.
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They use it because it's a free health state that other exhaustion perks don't give. A legal cheat, of sorts.
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There are plenty of good survivors who are good without DH and just use it anyways because they know it's a strong perk but I definitely understand what you're saying and I don't disagree that there are probably some that rely on it too much. But DH allows you to play greedy at every loop pretty much since you can correct your mistake.
I'm the opposite of you though - I'm so used to playing WITHOUT DH that whenever I do actually bring it half the time I go down without using it because I'm not thinking about it/not used to it. I play without DH like 98% of the time or more.
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Exhaustion perks having conditional activation is the only thing that balances them. Otherwise it's just completely free chase time. Sprint Burst is the closest to being on command, but you have to manage it carefully unlike DH.
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I've personally never equipped it. But I've always been a bigger fan of Sprint Burst personally. I'm not sure if I would ever use DH, especially since I have a feeling it'll be adjusted in the future.
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fun? decisely no. i want to outplay the killer without using a button to escape chases personally speaking, it's a lot more satisfying
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slowdown perks are a (forced) necessity sadly. Did you tried to do some matches with a normal killer without any type of slowdown perks? it's literally unplayable, especially when you are aganist full swf team or tryharders. anyway for those perks you must work and play good for using them (except deadlock who will trigger everytime a gen is completed) while dead hard is a "reward" for being injured and mostly it will trigger whenever you want, without conditions. for a full explanation about this perk and why it should be changed
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Killers without slowdown perks are literally nothing lol
It doesn't matter whether they are good or not, the role "killer" itself become nothing once they stops using slowdown perks.
It's not even a "training wheel" or "get out of jail free" or anything, it's literal necessity to actually play the game.
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My problem is when good survivors use dead hard. Most just dash into a wall or telegraph they have it, good players don’t. Smart survivors loop as if they don’t have dead hard, then when they’re about to get caught, dead hard to safety. That’s when the perk feels broken.
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I’ve been using overcome for 2 weeks. If devs nerf dh slow killers are dead with this perk. It also activated with bt, and I hope devs give survs a nerfed version of bt basekit. You won’t see another trapper or pig never again
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That makes sense
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I 100% agree
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As you said, if you're against a strong team that takes all the strongest stuff with them: you either take the strongest stuff too or you can't compete.
But if you find it hard to win without slowdown perks against an average swf team (or even solos) that isn't tryharding at all, well, got bad news for you.
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I've never heard someone say they use dead hard cause it's fun.
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I do agree that a large majority of people who use dead hard aren't that good without it but there are some people who use it that actually are good.
(Which makes it a bit overkill)0 -
Honestly if you play Nurse and Blight you can't complain about survivors having DH.
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I respect you for that,you're part of the minority that dont use dh.
Post edited by Adaez on0 -
It's probably not 90%. If it was that much, surely the devs would have nerfed it a long time ago.
That's how they've chosen to nerf over-used killer perks in the past.
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I have one specific build I rarely play where I use both DH and balanced landing. That's the only time I use it.
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Always preferred Sprint Burst tbh.
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It's survivor perks, it's allowed to be overused.
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Not everyone uses DH and if they are more than likely they like to be chased.
Seeing as there is no other exhaustion perk that works in the manner that DH does, it makes sense many would use it. Let BHVR make another Dead Hard-like perk (one you can use while in a close chase, not to gain big distance) and you will see a variety. Until then, you’re stuck with seeing this one.
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Dh is one of... if not the best exhaustion perk in the game right now
So of course it's used a lot
But that doesn't mean Survivor are bad without it (even with it)
They are going for what's good...
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Dead hard is so good because it gives you 2 options for 1 perk. Negate a hit or get extra distance or sometimes both at the same time. That is what makes it overpowering. You can do it on command anytime you want (while injured)
Most high level/skilled players use it for distance. If you were to remove the distance factor I feel it would not be used as much. It needs a change. If they want to show an animation for dodging a hit, then when it's used just show the survivor ducking or leaning to the side. Then the killer knows the hit did not register cause of the dead hard. No distance gained.
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exactly this.
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Much appreciated
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I use dh because it’s fun. It’s the only perk you can use to do something different as survs in this game
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I hate DH with a passion for all the cheesy, greedy playstyles it allowes and how a good player can totally invalidate your whole work of an entiry chase. But I am also tired of typing the same old stuff every time this comes up, so I will just leave it at that.
One point though: when playing as a survivor it is a very conscience decision to play without DH. I died a lot more because of this, but I think overall it made my survivor game much stronger, because I can't rely on DH to bail me 4/5th of the times I mess up. Also I don't want to be one of thise hypocrits who rant about something, but then enjoy it themselves. Playing without DH is possible and imho much more fun and satisfying, but well, people gravitate towards the strongest options all the time, and its not hard to see why. But when one option is THAT strong and outpicking others of its class by that much, I think you as the dev should think about why that is so. BT has a similar pickrate, yet BT gets much less hate (still its fair share, but good stuff will always get hate) because most killer players will acknowledge the tunneling problem, and if you actually want to do it you can still play around it.
DHs pickrate is so high that it is a class of its own, and usually when something is so strong that it becomes basically a default auto-include, maybe something should be done about it.
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1st of all i'm the classic guy who play with brown/yellow addons (sometimes even with nerfed addons) mainly cause i don't like broken stuff from both sides
2nd i said that when you are facing strong teams the game become UNPLAYABLE, not hard... (and besides, they can still loose if they play without brain during the late game)
3rd so you think that's possible winning without slowdown perks aganist average survivors WITHOUT being forced to play arond their altruism or in a unfun way for both sides... for example in a map like the game with a m1 killer aganist an average team who play safe... honestly i'm starting to doubt that you even play killer at this point, or at least you play aganist REALLY BAD survivors everytime
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I don't think you know any of survivor perks at all.
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Which killer perks were nerfed just because they were over-used?
(also, they have confirmed they will look at Dead Hard in the latest Q&A iirc)
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Ah yes the good old "of you say this then you're definitely an x main who actually doesn't play the other side"