Killer-mains that switched to Survivor-Mains, what problem became apparent for survivors



  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    The problem that becomes apparent is the teammates.

  • AnnaEliza365
    AnnaEliza365 Member Posts: 141

    I agree with point #7, SWF does not mean good. I played with 3 people once. I have been playing for 4 years, two of them for about 6 months, and one of them for like 2 years. I thought it was going to be tough helping 6 month players learn more about the game--but the 2 year dude literally was doing a gen, living his best life, telling us an albeit hilarious story about his job while us other 3 get hooked (we made some mistakes when combating proxy camping, and I was doing an all totem build cuz we had 4 devour that day, so no bt). He doesn't let us get a word in edgewise, and when he pops his gen he goes "why is my gen the only one done?" Umm idk maybe because you have zero game awareness, and we're all at stage 2 right now.

  • Holylock
    Holylock Member Posts: 82
    1. Teammates can screw up a lot of matches, even easy matches.
    2. It's easier for a killer makes a match terrible for other side.
    3. Sometimes you need DS or borrowed time, just to have a fair match
    4. Make kindred a basekit will not turn all SoloQ matches better. The problem is more matchmaking than communication, some survivors have questionable choices in match, i have seen a lot terrible plays.
  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Definitely, biggest problem and probably only real problem in survivor games are teammates, not a killer, never.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I'm about 60 to 70% killer on my play time but here goes

    1. DS and, to a lesser extent, BT is really helpful for pipping up. You lose out on BP and probably depip when tunneled and camped so they're really needed at times.

    2. I don't know why but it seems like tunneling and camping is rampant at certain times and not as much at others.

    3. Depipping on solo queue really sucks because RNG plays such a large factor in some games.

    4. I only rarely join a group and never use comms but I've noticed that playing in a group, even without comms, does increase your survival rate since your teammates will actually try to save you.

    5. I can't stand teabaggers anymore on survivor than I can on killer.

    6. When a killer has a really bad match and I try to give them a mercy hook they sometimes don't believe me and occasionally think I'm mocking them.

    7. This relates to point 6. I wish survivors had more emotes than just simply crouching, pointing and beckoning. It would be nice to say thanks by doing something besides crouching because that could look like you're teabagging instead.

  • Tanadris
    Tanadris Member Posts: 59

    The MMR System doesn't care if Survivors are doing well and don't belong at a certain MMR, and put them all together. It will INSTEAD place lower ranked Survivors with the BETTER Survivors and then you have to spend time figuring out who is the lower 50% of the Killrate and will you be able to be the 50% that survive.

    The game does not create the best possible team to secure a win, it places you in the highest probability of a 50% chance to Survive, but does not factor in the skill of the Survivors you are placed with, just their MMR. So low-tier Survivors on a winning streak will suddenly appear in higher-tier games, unintentionally sabotage that game by playing at a lower skill level, and the Killer then has a higher chance of walking out with a 4k.

    When the game puts you in the best scenario to have a 50% chance to Survive, it does not factor in skill, and therefore lowers your chance to Survive intentionally by placing you with worse Survivors. Also makes climbing harder.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Because dbd is a competitive game right? A game that is balanced for both sides right? A game with RNG should not have a comp scene "but the swish tourney" yeah what about it? They knew what they were going to, casual gamers are only playing for fun/hang out with friends etc.

    And when did I say that people in that tourney were bad? People that play "comp dbd" play to win not to have fun.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    No problem found but I've always played both sides : Claudette during the day, Sally at night.

    Survivor games are easier and sometimes even hilarious. Solo can be difficult as you are sometimes grouped with headless chicken studying the insides of a locker all games. However this is not the rule.

    I sometimes laugh as killer : a random hatchet long-range guess hit, a predicted grab with no visibility, an induced jump scare-panic ... but that's the exception.