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The Hillbilly needs to have overheat removed.

Notionless Member Posts: 243
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

In patch 4.1.0 Billy got a rework. Instasaw was gutted, which was great, but in addition to that the overheat mechanic was implemented, designed to stop Hillbilly from spamming his chainsaw

Most folks hated it.

I strongly believe that overheat is a mechanic that is completely unnecessary and should be removed as soon as possible.


When a player is able to usw their chainsaw this much without losing, they should be rewarded, not punished for knowing map collision well and zoning/curving survs perfectly.


The hillbilly already has a punishment for whiffing a chainsaw, one that puts the chase back to square one and gives the survivor quite a bit of distance. Thats already enough to make spamming your chainsaw carelessly a terrible idea.


The hillbilly is on par with the nurse when it comes to the amount of things to learn. Map collision, curving, hell, even downing a moving target is something that needs practice. I have read several times now the notion that "backrevving", downing a survivor in a deadzone, is difficult, eventhough its something other killers like bubba dont even need to think about twice. Adding a layer of resource management on top of that is just not necessary.


It makes him even more uninviting to learn for new and seasoned players alike, which is unfortunate, considering that most survivors find Billy to be one of the most fun killers to verse. However, when even a seasoned veteran like scottjund feels that he embarrasses himself with billy i find it unlikely that anyone else would be willing to spend time learning how to utilise him.

Overheat needs to go as much now as instasaw needed to go back then.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    Eh. Remove conditional add ons (like his prenerf version) and I am A. O. K. with his current state. His base kit if fine and as a reminder, his overheat mechanic was implemented with the overall map nerfs they were doing at that time. Smaller maps with unlimited mobility did seem like a troublesome issue.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Agreed. He uses his chainsaw for mobility, there is no sense in putting a limit on it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    Remove Overheat, and Hillbilly is in the exact same position that he was in before you started.

    It's not a good mechanic, but it's not a good mechanic because it makes basically zero difference unless you're holding the chainsaw up for a ridiculous amount of time or using it to get around Red Forest without actually stopping to chase. Overheat is not why Hillbilly got shoved down the tierlist, that just happened at the same time.

    I'm not defending Overheat, to be clear. I wouldn't really care if it got removed (though I'd note in passing it's kind of a waste of resources), I just don't think it'd fix anything to do so.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243
    edited February 2022

    I thought the exact same before i started really throwing myself at billy. It makes my games a lot more frustrating than they need to be and i think that it does remove some of what billy can go for. Its removal would allow him to go for a few more curves without getting smacked in the face with a 15 sec cd.

    Also as @aneurysm mentioned, its simply an unnecessary annoying factor and a turnoff for a bunch of people.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    Sure but other killers like blight and nurse still have practically unlimited movement and giving billy that advantage isnt broken imo.

    Hia addons need an overhaul, thats true, but i think instasaw prenerf was pretty ridicoulous if thats what youre alluding to.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    I think if we're giving Billy some buffs, his movement speed while actively revving should be increased. Or make that an add-on, or something. Would do wonders for his ability at loops considering curving has been heavily neutered because of the grand majority of reworked map objects and tiles having too many turns, bumps, unnecessary objects sticking out and random collision to be curveable.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    I disagree. Buffing killers in anyway should not be happening until tunneling and camping is addressed

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,080

    I think they won't remove it completely, since they spent money on it.

    A better way of handling this would be to make it a anti-camp mechanic, that just prevents you from revving for longer periods of time, but resets when chainsaw sprinting.