Killers must really hate this build

So I decided to try a new build with Head On, Quick And Quiet, Blast Mine, and Flashbangs and the killers I went against were not happy with it.
I had this one Bubba on The Pale Rose who I kept stunning with Head On and Blast Mine. Safe to say, he was not happy and camped me. Then I had a Artist who tunnelled me because of Head On. Then I had a Nemesis on Eyrie Of Crows who also camped me.
It's like I'm not allowed to have any fun in this game without getting tunnelled or camped. 😑
The old ‘why are people jerks to me after I am a jerk to them’ question. Answer: you are not entitled to ruin someone else’s experience without them ruining yours.
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I mean, killers complain about the meta and if you bring something other than the meta you still get punished for it. Just saying.
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Would I have camped and tunneled you? Nah. Would I have been annoyed and frustrated though? Yep.
This wouldn't necessarily be due to you however, but rather sudden loud noises such as Flashbang and Blast Mine, trigger my tics, which cause a bad pain in my neck and shoulders, and if they've been bad on said day, headaches.
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Well it is your fun at the cost of someone elses expense. So why should they allow you to have fun if they have the power to do so? Thats the thing with pvp games, you gotta expect to get in situations like that when you use that kind of build.
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That really doesn't hold water when your build is solely there to be annoying/trolling.
If you're actively trying to annoy/provoke someone you have no right to complain when they act accordingly.
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Insidious and noed Bubba is meta? No. survivors hate? yes
It's not hard to understand that it's the same thing in this case
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I mean, you're allowed to bring that build. Much like how they're allowed to camp/tunnel you.
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your only allowed to bring perks like no mither, self care, this is not happening and premonition. You know better than that Lmao.
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They don't have any sense of humor. I would probably have given you hatch after such a play.
Years after I've versed them, I still remember some survivors who played weird or fun (not their names though, unless I've added them to my friend list). A Ash who managed to smack me several times with a locker. A Ace who first puzzled me using flip-flop.
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Man, Blast Mine annoys me more than any other perk. When I kick a gen and get blinded by the blast mine it's so irritating, in part because I then have to kick it a second time. It's not even that much time lost, more like opening a package and a glitterbomb goes off.
The other stuff isn't so bad. Head On is kind of inconsistent, it misses a lot, and Flash Bangs work but don't seem to usually result in anything substantial, most of the time someone hits me with a Flash Bang it's just during a chase and I get blinded for a couple seconds.
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I guarantee you that bubba was going to camp you regardless. 🤣
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Most players don't enjoy dealing with being constantly subjected to hard to negotiate stuns and constantly eye-bleeding blinds. You're running a hyper combative build and people are responding to you in the way that seems pretty logical if you're going to make yourself that much of a nuisance.
Blast Mine is also just ridiculously annoying. It blinds you and makes you need to go through the gen kick action twice which is just obnoxious.
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how do you know he tunneled you cause of head on?
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People must finally realize that there are just 100 stacks of fun in each match of dbd. At the start of the match its evenly distributed between the 4 survivors, but each second of flashlight clicking and t-bagging shifts 0.5c fun over to clicker/t-bagger. Certain actions, like a successful dead hard, head on or hook sabotaging shift even more (10c) fun to that survivor. Each kill gives the killer about 85% of the survivors accumulated fun, so if they manage to kill their tormentor, they get a lot more out of that kill.
Maybe BHVR should increase the available fun at the start of a match or make fun slowly regenerate over the course of the match? But people have been asking about something similar for Myers for years, and it never happened, so I guess we will be left with 100 stacks for the time being.
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so you can use that build but killers aren't allowed to do #########? Double standards ayeeee
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Pro tip: take DS, I am hard tunneller and I would kill you extremely quickly even before knowing what perks you had.
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Anyone who is this tilted over the game needs to stop playing for the sake of their own well-being. This is projecting at its finest.
Edit - This thread is cringe. I can't take any of these justifications seriously. It's like you guys are actively trying to look for reasons to spite your opponents and I'm not talking about the OP's easily avoidable perks.
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Anyone who is this tilted over the game needs to stop for the sake of their own well-being, tunneling or camping is really nothing and you shouldn't care about it.
This is cringe.
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Sorry but the "us vs them" mentality is cringe.
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Exactly why i run DS every game. Im still surprised more people don't.
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Well to be fair, plenty of games I'm not having fun but still end up getting tunneled and camped😄
But in all seriousness, if you do these plays, you're going to get a lot of the killer's attention, I'll be on the gens, keep em busy!
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I don't think it was them trying to ruin your fun, you clearly brought an offense build (which does sound pretty fun) and it might be something these killers weren't accustomed to so they responded in an aggressive and equally offense oriented reaction. You seemed to be creating a problem for the killer (in which you creatively concocted) and they eliminated the problem within their own limitations.
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You've just brought it, what the ######### are you talking about...?
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Just because you aren't bringing meta doesn't mean what you're bringing isn't incredibly frustrating to deal with.
Your entire build is clearly aimed at making the killer's game miserable, so why complain when they want to make yours miserable right back.
It's the same as people wondering why they get tunneled for saboutage builds, if you're making the match annoying or difficult to play, expect to be removed from the match at the earliest convenience.