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Can I buy blood points and cancel the reincarnation system in the future

lancehy Member Posts: 6
edited February 2022 in Ask the Community

It is hoped that the reincarnation system can be cancelled to compensate for blood points or fragments. Non reincarnation can enable players to obtain important character skills faster. At the same time, it is hoped that they can exchange cells for blood points


  • lancehy
    lancehy Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2022

    Newcomers have no blood points and skills, so playing is very difficult. If they can buy blood points, they can integrate into the game faster, which is only good for the development of the game.

  • Restrixc
    Restrixc Member Posts: 19

    Being able to buy bloodpoints would be really cool the only problem I would have with it is that it takes all the reward out of playing the game. while in the short term, players who just bought through 12 characters learnables off the rip. And are now running the most meta combo day 1 into the game, don't have any real reason to grind. Maybe just a me thing, but grind is very important to keeping a players interest. Why play 30 or so matches when you could just buy the bloodpoints for whatever you wanted and only play a few matches. Just seems like it would be a bad play for keeping the community interested, but also would be pretty profitable in the short run.

  • lancehy
    lancehy Member Posts: 6

    Yes, unlimited purchase of blood points will reduce enthusiasm. Maybe we can set a weekly purchase limit, or use cells to get more blood points after a game.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,020

    No, no, and even more no.

    It's bad enough that we have micro-transactions for cosmetics that cost more than DLCs, there's no need to also add that #########.

  • Restrixc
    Restrixc Member Posts: 19

    As far as a weekly cap, it'd just get raised over and over since you know more money for devs. And also as far as more bloodpoints after a game, at that rate just run bloodpoint boosting perks / offerings.

    Survivor: No one left behind (Universal) / Prove Thyself (Dwight Fairfield) / We're gonna live forever (David Kind)

    Killer: Barbeque And Chilli (Cannibal / Leatherface) / Beast Of Prey (Huntress) / Distressing (Universal) / HEX: Thrill of the hun (Universal)

    And almost every offering is used to give you upwards of 2x bloodpoints in a match. As long as new players go through the tutorial (150k bloodpoints I think, either that or 60k). And play a few matches afterwards, then they will have plenty to get started on working up their first killer / survivor. Will they have meta perks, no. But that's where the grind is. I don't think you should be able to easy buy your way to that.

    Cosmetics costing 10$ isn't bad imo, tbf they could charge 20$ per dlc and get away with it. But we got lucky that BHVR made the game and not EA lol. (Still working up my sims dlc collection qwq)

  • lancehy
    lancehy Member Posts: 6

    However, in the current matching mechanism, novices only have the skills of one role, which is difficult to compete with old players. After all, not everyone can play with four people, and too fast repair speed is also easy to make newcomer killers lose enthusiasm.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    I think the grind is intentional to keep players in matches and in the bigger picture keep an active replenishing playerbase.

  • lancehy
    lancehy Member Posts: 6

    Can we cancel the reincarnation system? It really needs too many blood points.

  • Restrixc
    Restrixc Member Posts: 19

    You get a choice to prestiege, you aren't forced to. I advocate for it if you have a survivor / killer you love, it gives you better items in the blood web if you do it. But it's not required, I do believe you can carry on going through bloodwebs without prestieging. (I may be wrong on that, please tell me if I am <3)

    That's entirely fair, but the MMR is there to hopefully keep new killers and new survivors in their respective brackets. But I highly advocate to learn Survivor before dropping Killer. It does really help with killer gameplay. But novice players in general are going to have a hard time as killer, it's a role where you rely on no one but yourself. But is extremely rewarding once you learn it, cause you don't need teammates to actually do their job (Frickin Megs and their flashlight save attempts lol)

  • lancehy
    lancehy Member Posts: 6

    Thank you for your reply. I haven't considered it thoroughly enough. Buying blood points is not a good idea.