Why I quit DBD today and encourage you to do the same

After 5 years of intense playing, I eventually decided to delete the game. Issues and toxic behaviors and bugs have been reported for years and nothing is done.
Just played 2 games, face camped for the 1st and slugged for the second. As I do not want to waste my time on a hook or on the ground, I quit the game and I am punished with temporary ban for leaving while the killers are rewarded with BP for the bad behaviors.
I'm done with it. Deal with the decreasing number of players now ! !
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I'm happy as I can play with shorter survivor que now.
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good maybe my killer queu times wont be so irritating
also nothing is done? try too much is done
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hey here's the attention you ordered
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Wow you made this post right after Scott Jund made his video and even mentioned that you also have 5 years of experience. Interesting.
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I was thinking the same thing
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I don't want to play this game so everyone else should quit too.
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And nobody offering toxic responses gets the irony in doing so. This community baffles me honestly. You're frustrated and I totally get it. This game is very bad for mental health and even worse when people in the community just berate you. If you like the game, you'll probably be back, but taking a break is a good idea. BHVR has announced they have something coming to change camping mechanics. Everyone says "just do gens" but forget that you have a 10 minute que time and can easily be the unlucky bastard that gets facecamped 3/4/5/6/7 times in a row. Next thing you know you've wasted an hour and a half and only got 8 minutes of gameplay, most of which was on a hook while your team crouch walks across the map. It's frustrating and your feelings are valid, mate. Don't let these asshats make you feel like YOU are doing something wrong.
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I ain’t goin no where.
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Because it’s totally impossible that two long-time players would quit on the same day?
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With the obsession that the forums has with Scott Jund I would find it unlikely this wasn't inspired by that.
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If game has 10 minutes que on ONE SIDE, it just shows how broken balancing is or how bad that side of attitudes are.
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Scott’s video said nothing about specific game issues, nor did he encourage some mass exodus. He even said he will most likely come back for new content. I see no relation.
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I am discovering who is Scott Jung as you mentioned him. Coincidence I guess. I do not spend my time on Twitch or Youtube watching other gamers playing anyway.
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You quit... Because there is a leaver penalty? Even though you could just attempt to Kobe and be out of the game almost as fast? Uh huh... Anyways, March 8th, Sadako will finally replace Spirit.
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Literally don't get what attitudes has to do with anything. It just means there aren't enough killers per 4 survovrs so you have to wait a little. Don't know what you just said has even the slightest thing to do with what I said.
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Because people literally enjoy telling people playing killer to off themselves, among other toxic #########, a great deal of the time, which leads to more people choosing not to play killer, hence, longer queue times.
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And even Scott isn't "deleting the game and never coming back". He basically said he likes DbD but is really excited to play Elden Ring because Dark Souls is his first love and so it's a good opportunity to play that for six months or a year or whatever. But he also doubted he'd play Elden Ring much more than that since it's more of a "play it until it's done" type of game versus DbD which is a "game as a service", so more than likely he'll eventually be playing DbD again down the road. And by the time he comes back to it, there will probably be three or four or five additional chapters worth of stuff to play around with too, plus whatever revamps and things they're working on.
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There's a reason it harder to find 1 player on the killer side then it is to find 4 survivors. Survivors have entitlement think just because the lose they have the right to say whatever they want.
BTW camping and slugging are endorsed but BHVR DCing isn't. You broke the rules and got in trouble I don't understand the problem.
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To be fair survivors also attack eachother I should know I got called an ######### for not saving a guy from a facecamping killer while I was almost done with the last gen and didn't blame friend who unhooked him twice in front of the killer and didn't have bt and basically farmed him like of course I'm going to let him die you send a message calling me an ######### while I'm completing the last generator for everyone while my and your friend is trying to unhook you like you don't need everyone to save you
And funnily enough me and my friend made it out because I told my friend don't bother with him because I told him what the messages he was sending us said after reading them after I got the gen done
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Yeah its it's frustrating out here. Devs are willingly creating a cesspool for toxicity in the game and claiming they've done nothing wrong. Then you have some of these people on the forums.
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They definitely do. There are also ######### killer players, let's not forget. I think the difference is because of the nature of the game being 4v1. Makes it really easy to feel ganged up on in the end game chat.
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So you quit because you lost?
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Honestly I dont feel like playing either,tried of toxicity,camping,boons bs,hackers,and so many quality of life changes a game should have had since now,and the sad part some cant ever be added because of the way the game its coded and they dont wanna put the effort to recode the game.
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this crap again 😂
you should actually try and play survivor, but it's reasonable to find solo too frustrating
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I've played survivor, nothing stressful at all.
anyone getting mad at camping or tunneling is just plain bad or taking this game too seriously.
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I do not understand, is playing survivor supposed to magically change reality? I play tons of survivor and still believe the game is survivor sided at higher levels because I am not biased as hell.
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I think people are supposed to get extremely frustrated by tunneling or camping or whatever killers do to you, even though playing survivor is mostly relaxed and something that can be doable with brain almost turned off.
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Yeah I hear you, I am done for the time being as well
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I can’t play DBD for more than a few games here n there before getting bored and am waiting for a viable alternative to put my time into. I’ll probs check back occasionally though.
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Or knows how to play this game properly.
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Knows what, lmao.
understanding how this game works properly but get mad at whatever things opponent does to you, it's super weird bruh.
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I guess I suck everytime I get tunneled and camped. Literally happens to everyone.
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Is said person quitting?
Oh please tell me it is true, and we won't have to deal with his minions constantly regurgitating his opinions.
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It doesn't happens to everyone, there is hide-y players and super good chaser player which doesn't get caught for like few minutes.
So, true in some way.
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I agree, at higher ranks, and more so if swfing.
But as a solo q main, it all comes down to teammates, and at least half of them are clueless, and that makes for a lot of frustration.
It is so, you can feel the difference when you have good situationally aware mates or dolts, the game just flows differently.
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I mean, that's survivor problem, nothing to do with killers.
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ok bye
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I don't think I said it was.
I was referencing Budhhas comment of how the game is survivor sided, which is not the case in every situation
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Okay, but if you got facecamped to death 7 times in a row immediately after starting, it probably is something you're doing.
When I haven't played survivor for a while, I've had to relearn that what you don't do at the start of the match is dash out into the center of the map shitting scratch marks everywhere and then immediately start doing a gen. A few seconds of stealthy patience will lead to longer games.
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I was waiting for the part where I was supposed to be encouraged to "quit".
Guess it never came. So I'm staying!
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Not permanently but considering his love of Souls games it's not all surprising that he's gonna play Elden Ring for a while.
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I certainly approve of anyone who isn't enjoying the game deciding to step away from trying to, but I do question why it was necessary to make a forum account to announce that to everyone...?
I'm also not sure what part of that was supposed to be a reason for anyone else to leave, especially since the issue you focused on is one the developers are working on fixing.
Still - it's good that you're stepping away. I sincerely hope you can find more enjoyment in whatever you decide to play next, and I can give some recs if you need 'em!
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how "sided" game is, will be usually considered by capability of those sides.
No one thinks "nurse is bad" just because her kill rates are low, because her capability is greatest of all killers.
Same should be applied to survivors, doesn't matter if there is plenty of bad players or not, survivors are capable of absolutely destroying pretty much every one of killers if they played properly, "situation" can not change how capable those characters are.
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Well, you might have read, where I agreed with that?
So, I think we are just saying we agree?
And acknowledging variables?
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And they take that ######### as gospel as well. Quoting them, posting their videos, telling their friends, writing it in the Christmas cards....X said this, so it must be true!!
Hope you are having a good day my friend!
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See ya tomorrow!
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Ikr they act like playing survivor magically changes your look on them lol
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The toxic behavior in this post’s comment chain isn’t surprising.
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Also funnily enough I don't get mad at being camped but I do get mad at being tunneled