I'm giving up on DBD, here's why

I'm giving up on DBD. Let me tell you a story, I started playing DBD around October last year and I really enjoyed the game. However once I got to the higher ranks (silver and gold) I started getting games full of salty survivors that had clearly a few hundred at least hours on the game meanwhile I had around 10. I did not let that stop though, I continued playing and (mostly) enjoying the game...Then the MMR was introduced. It almost immediately decreased the fun I got out of the game. I decided around when the Ringu chapter was announced that I would take a break (due to lack of fun and just burn out) from the game I planned to have a maybe 2 or 3 week break, that was a few months ago now. and finally yesterday I decided to play the game again to see if the game had improved at all, the first match I played (at Ash rank 1 btw) I went a toxic SWF with all matching outfits, sent me to the game, with flashlights then proceeded to play as toxic as possible( they were also mostly gold and silver rank). I decided 'Hey it was just one game, surely the rest cant be bad right?' Of the around ten games I played, only one I had a positive experience. I really tried to give this game a second chance but, the game is just not getting better and the fun has slowly been sucked out of the game for me. So I decided to just stop. I really didn't want to do this seeing as how fun I had playing with some of my friends but, I just can't anymore. Opinions on the current state of the game? I'm curious to see if anyone else had a similar experience to me
So what toxic play did they do exactly?
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Rank is grade and it doesn't mean anything besides how long you played for that month.
Dropping pallets and blinding you is not toxic.
T-bagging is not toxic.
Clicking flashlight is not toxic.
Looping you is not toxic.
They are used to throw you off your game and make you lose focus which is working. Stop taking it so seriously it's just gameplay or how some refer to as "strategies and tactics" No different then others consider the killer to be toxic because how their playing.
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There was nothing really toxic about that tbh. But yeah dbd can be mentally draining at times
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Bud, killer main here.
Are they harassing you in end game chat?
Are their usernames offensive asf?
Then they’re not toxic.
T bagging and clicking, while immature, are not worth your time stressing and losing hair over.
Stunning and Blinding is *part of the goddamn game*.
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Minor thing, but personally I find that macro that makes flashlights click so fast they sound like really loud static in your headphones is being obnoxious just to be obnoxious.
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Not the point. The game is unfun and too stressful when playing Killer. The game is too easy, and stress free for playing survivor - especially in SWF.
People need to stop undermining discussions like these. All you're doing is encouraging more unempathetic toxic behavior in the game design, and community.
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I think using external tools to harass people is cheating, not toxic.
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Yeah it sets off my tinnitus. Can be easily patched out so I blame Behavior
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But it's not toxic behavior.
And you're letting it become unfun and too stressful while playing Killer if you focus more on the match and not let these little things get to you you'll see that you will play better.
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Yeah, there should be a slight cooldown on turning a flashlight on and off, its only use is to annoy people, I don't like hearing it even when I play survivor.
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It's not little things.
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I don't understand why the DbD "quitters" feel the need to post on the forums that they quitting.
Do it quietly.
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Well if you keep letting it be frustrating then it becomes harder to focus on playing.
All their doing is psyching you out.
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Labeling game mechanics like stunning or blinding as “toxic” undermines the actual issue of the player base being full of genuine pricks in the endgame chat
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And all you do with comments like these is scream out into the wannabe echo chamber
this "killer good survivor bad" ######### has been getting old quite a while ago
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This shark tank makes me want to not comment on anything.
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@just_a_legion_main67 See you Monday!
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"Flashlight clicking and teabagging is not toxic, it's just a psychological trick to distract the killer!"
"Facecamping a survivor and hitting them on hook is not toxic, it's just a psychological trick to make them give up on hook faster so the killer can go for the next survivor!"
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Okay a few things.
1) Ranks don’t mean anything. You mentioned SBMM so you know that that is how people are ranked. The gold and silver rankings are just for BP awards and just mean someone has played a certain amount since the 13th of the month and that’s it.
2) I think we misuse the word “toxic” in this community. What does toxic mean? Poisonous or very harmful. Playstyles are not harmful. They can be annoying or unfun or whatever but they aren’t going to maim or kill you. If they harassed you in the chat after then that is toxic but playing in an obnoxious way is just that, obnoxious.
3) If you are super new to the game, it can definitely take awhile to develop that game sense and play well. Because the SBMM is bad, you can definitely get matched with people you shouldn’t be playing against which can suck the fun out. You need to accept that that is a possibility and either play anyway, or move on to a different game unless/until SBMM is fixed or axed.
4) Taking breaks from this game is a good thing. Like 80% of my hours are from 2018. Since then, I’ve put maybe 100 hours in each year in small chunks a few months apart because I quickly get burnt out and frustrated and stop having fun. So far I’ve always come back to check it out again but it never lasts that long, and that’s okay. You don’t need to constantly play it, you can and should take breaks to enjoy other games!
5) I’m sorry your experience has been bad. I feel like SBMM is awful for new players. I’m crap at Huntress but I still shouldn’t be versing brand new players, it feels awful. I hate getting stomped but I hate even more doing the stomping. I always try to let them do a few gens and I work hard not to tunnel even if someone keeps running into me, but I also don’t want to let them win and raise their SBMM even more so they end up versing even better players. It’s a crap shoot and I hate it. Hours played should factor into SBMM.
Best of luck to you my friend. I’m sorry your experience has been bad, I hope it either improves or you find a game that is more fun for you.
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Ah okay, so your logic is that the game is not too stressful and unfun for Killers. They just have to go "it is what it is". Instead of actually dealing with the problem. You know, "if you're not having fun, play something else" and "Just play survivor".
You're apart of the problem.
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I don't care what get's labeled as toxic. The point is that playing killer is too stressful and unfun, and that needs to be addressed and fixed. At the same time more encouragement for sportsmanlike behavior and less encouragement of childish bullying to one side.
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who even are you exactly?
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You do make a good argument
I will admit
but your formatting
is rather
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good for you?
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No one really blames you for it.
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I love how people keep on saying how ranks don't affect matchmaking, even though the person said, quote "Then MMR was introduced". They got to high ranks back when they were used for matchmaking.
Also, for the OP: Play survivor. It's much more fun. I used to be a 90/10 killer main, but now I only play killer for rituals. MMR caused killer to be the most unfun experience ever.