Current feelings with DBD

I'm gonna start this off with me saying straight up I'm a nobody. I'm just your average player. I found this game back in 2016 (jesus that was 6 years ago). After all this time, all the controversy, all the game breaking bugs. I still love this game, and the devs for making it. The atmosphere is still fantastic, the sound design is amazing, the art and the amount of time put into this are just fantastic. There's so much negativity not just in the world, but in this community. I've met so many good people from playing this game. I hope it continues to grow, and as frustrated as I can get I'm glad we have it. Thank developers for all your time, dedication, and skills. Thank you community for even with all the negativity there's still huge pillars of light.
This is a nice post, it's a shame it's gonna get buried under 16 Dead Hard, Noed, and Bubba threads. I think sometimes we need to take a step back and realize that aside from the many issues plaguing the game, it's still fun despite the many hours we've sunk into it.
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All the more reason to reply to this thread so we can drown out those repetitive ass threads lol
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You know to be honest I ######### about the game too. I get frustrated and all that #########, but at the end of the day we're all still playing it. Whether that be because we actually like it or whatever the reason. We need positivity more than ever.
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Even if it gets lost In the sea of threads. Being a tiny bit of positivity is good enough for me.
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It's a good game, but it will never be a great game until they fix many of its long standing issues.
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I'm glad I got to experience it. There is a lot to love about the game.
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Thanks for some positivity thread, nice to see some on here.
As an old time pre-order player here, still playing to this day and still loving it as much as i did back when i first started playing.
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It doesn't have to be a great game to be enjoyable. In my opinion there are some things that take priority over others. The fact that they're fixing stretched res in the next update shows they still know and care.
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There's a lot of love and a lot of hate. We just gotta make sure that the love is stronger.
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Exactly!!! I mean obviously not everyone can do that, but live games rarely stand for how long this has. People can say it's a "monopoly ", but in all reality it's a good game otherwise people wouldn't play it.
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Love and hatred can co-exist, lol
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They can I agree. The issue arises when there is more hate than love especially when seen by others. People view the community as a whole as toxic which is not true nor should they think that.
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I HATE people who LOVE to say this!
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To be honest the mindset makes sense. It's just not what we're looking for with this.
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Great post, and I agree. Much fun is being had right now here!!
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I think the huge pillars from negativity are a question of perspective. I really like this game and i care about it, thats why i love discussing potential improvements.
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I still play this game daily for hours and enjoy the majority of my time with it. It's straight up my go to MP game to destress and love the time I invest in it.
I play both roles and enjoy both roles immensely.
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I've talked a lot about what I think could change to my friends and family that play this, but at the end of the day I'm just one person with my own perspective on things.
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Exactly!!! Mine too. I get a bit stressed with killer, but that's more to do with I know I could do better. A lot of the time though especially lately. I do my archive challenge then I let everyone go.
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There is a lot of fun in this game, but people focus too much on the winning aspect for everyone to feel that way.
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I always hated the word nobody lol anyone could be a streamer and all it takes is a bit of dedication. Every player in this game matters because we all keep it alive. -Former streamer π
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I've thought about it, but the idea of hearing my voice or seeing my face live or even in the past is just not something I want. Thank you for that though I do appreciate it.
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I mean the positivity is dope but remember a forum is specifically designed for people to voice their thoughts on a public platform. Honesty and feedback shouldn't be conflated because simply observing or pointing stuff out isn't necessarily being negative. Also, the majority of posts I see are actually warranted and very quickly disappear the few recent times where good patches were released and BHVR was open/honest with everybody. People aren't mindlessly being negative, they're telling it like it is.
When the game has less bugs and better balance, better communication between the community and the Devs they will see nothing but positive posts covering all the pages. Its happened already in the past, the first 3 pages were nothing but extremely positive with only 3-4 neutral/troll posts
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That is literally why I did this. Tbh I figured most people would ignore it because of how often this kind of title is used. Glad I'm not the only one though.
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Even at my most irritated there are very few games I don't enjoy. I just love what the devs made this for, and even though I'm a tiny part of it. That's good enough for me.
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I completely understand all that. However, most of the posts I read are repetitive and usually nonsense. I acknowledged that there are things that need fixing to make sure I covered that I'm not saying the game is "perfect" just that people NEED to be more positive about things. From what I've seen, and this isn't a reflection on the community as a whole. People will always find SOMETHING to complain about. Nothing is perfect, and that's being human. Your arguments and thoughts are valid, but it does not invalidate the reasons for this post.