"DBD is killer sided, DBD is survivor sided," it really only applies to maps.
The way this game works, you don't really know how hard the other side is going to be playing when you load in. If you load up with bad perks and meme add ons, you could end up with a horrible mismatch because all survivors are running brand new parts with BT DH DS. However, there's an equal chance of meeting survivors with weird as hell perk builds, no items, or meme strategies that don't work. So when people complain that killer or survivor is OP, or favored by the devs, I just can't agree. Which side has the advantage is only determined by the ridiculous 500+ perks and add ons that can be brought in each unique game.
Maps absolutely make each game killer or survivor sided. Have you ever felt the urge to AFK because you got The Game, or Eyrie of Crows with their endless, close proximity safe pallets... as an M1 killer? Or you wait 10 minutes to play survivor and get Midwich? (Midwich is the highest % survivor death map in the game) Yes the only reliable source of unbalanced play between killer and survivor is maps. Sure, like I said there can be huge mismatches in perks, items and add ons. But these interactions are purely RNG while maps are eternal. IMO, map reworks should take precedent over any other source of "killer op" or "survivor op" solutions as they are the only consistent problem.
Blood Lodge is a really good Survivor map I thought.
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maybe I got my autohaven maps mixed up, I'll edit it out
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Depends on the killer. Blood lodge is one of nurses best maps for example
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I mean, Nurse is god anyway.
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every map is a nurse map if you're good enough
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The game is survivor-sided at high levels and a big contributor to this is because the maps are imbalanced, far too big and far too many safe pallets that make M1 killers take literal minutes to generate any pressure, which by then, all the generators are completed.
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The Nurse is "special" but, on a big map, without range or refresh addons, she has a serious handicap. (e.g. Mother's dwelling)
Also, maps with lots of occlusion (Yamaoka, among others) give a lot of opportunities to escape her chase.
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Indoor maps would like to have a word with you
Specifically Hawki-
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Alternatively, Midwich.
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If you play as scummy as possible you will win as killer more often than not
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As a killer main I know this, and most of the time I do it
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I feel bad for Doing it lmao
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There are only two maps in the entire game that are decently killer-sided across the majority of the cast, being Midwich and Saloon. On the other hand, there are a great many maps that can just feel like absolute ass across the majority of the killer cast.
All of the Coldwinds are survivor-favored, all of the Badhams are aggressively survivor-favored, Haddonfield was aggressively survivor-favored and probably still will be after its rework, Gideon is pallet heaven and now very survivor-favored, RPD is very survivor-favored, Eyrie is very survivor-favored, and of course both Red Forests are survivor-favored as well. That's 16 maps that the majority of killers tend to struggle on, compared to 2 that the majority is very good on.
That said, the biggest reason people say the game is survivor-sided is because the only killers that have an actually fair chance at winning against equally skilled opponents are the S tiers, while the rest of the killer cast is slowly being left in the dust due to MMR and CoH.
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Midwich I find to be the easiest out of the indoor maps, in fact Id argue its one of Nurses best maps since there are far fewer rooms and a lot of the map is just corridors.
Its also quite easy to traverse since you can very easily blink up and down when ever you need too
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agree on all maps, but I don't understand coldwind. maybe I just haven't been playing long enough but coldwind maps seem balanced to me, how are they surv sided?
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There is literally not a single unsafe pallet on any Coldwind map, vision is incredibly limited on most of them, cornvision got worse with the graphical updates, scratch marks are nigh impossible to track with in corn, and they consistently spawn one of the best "generic" tiles in the game in the form of a long wall hay tile with a god pallet in the center.
The tile I'm referring to:
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they maked cowshed even more safe....and also added Breakable Walls...(restoring GODLOOPS on maps that used to be balanced...Thanks BHVR) .the only tiles that got nerfed a bit on coldwind was just Cowloop..and the Harvester.
Probably my least favorite thing about new coldwind is the brightness (while playing killer ...dear lord... my eyes bleed when trying to see through the corn.... YELLOW, YELLOW EVERYWHERE ..pls HELP)
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basically almost all of maps are survivor sided, and you know what, it results in survivor sided games.
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This... Like, Midwich is not enough to carry killer, ha ha ha. Do not get me wrong, sometimes you get some absurd rng that makes the game pretty killer sided, but those are exceptions rather than the rule.
Against good survivors, even Midwich is not in your favor. Against bad survivors, I can wreck them on Badham (which is the worst killer map, imo).
None of this has anything to do with how survivor sided the game is as it is not even survivor sided at all levels. Just near the top. Which is wider than garbage survivor mains will admit. It is not a tournament exclusive to run into good survivors.
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Try something new
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Wellll I wouldn’t say all maps.