Billy needs nerfed


Sorry Billy mains but under the current balance of the game this killer needs nerfed. now I do agree there was a time when he was the most balanced killer, however you have to look at the current balance of the game.

let's look at why..

He has..perma insta down which also makes him move faster.
He has a high base move speed
He has the longest lunge in the game(or joint longest?).I will admit here that his lunge feels ridiculous but it might just be how he lunges?

Don't agree?, ok let's have a look.

Now you can't compare him to nurse because she's just broken.let's compare him to more similar killers.

Spirit -ability makes her move faster HOWEVER does NOT have perma insta down and is balanced out by lower base move speed.

Legion-OK so legion is prolly the least fun killer to vs however let's compare..has an ability that makes him move faster(like Billy) HOWEVER again doesn't have a perma insta down and again is balanced out with lower base move speed. I think his lunge is shorter than Billy's also.

At this stage I would like to point out that, yes, I have used him at rank 1, quite frequently.

So to balancing him with the rest of the crew..

Well you can see the obv thing to do is either take away his insta down OR give him the same base move as spirit/legion and that would put him on par with these killers.

Either that OR they need to raise Hag's, legions, spirits and huntresses base move speed to be the same as Billy's. not sure how long killer lobbies would be if you did that though, I'm already waiting like 30 mins for killer games, mostly as I play at r1 and ppl intentionally de-rank away from r1 as they don't want to play vs Billy and nurse.

Honestly , I hate to say it but he feels like a crutch killer for bad players right now.

anyway constructive discussion is always welcome.

saying get gud isn't really going to wash(12 yr old always like to resort to this "argument") as I play at r1 on both killer and survivor every season I've played the game on both console and pc.

incidentally, due to horrific pad controls you can't really use his chainsaw to insta down and he's still by far the strongest killer on console(nurse is unusable).


  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Sees balance discussion

    NOPE! I'm out!

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    i don't see why people think nurse is unbalanced but ok, that is not the point.

    Billy is acctualy too strong by the points you said there: he has INSANE map pressure, a instadown, and can
    act as a m1 killer because of 115 speed. Maybe people don't care that much about billy because he's hard to get used to. to do well with him you need to know how much you move to the left or right to nail that chainsaw, how to dodge trees and rocks, when to and when NOT to use your chainsaw, where actually is the Chainsaw's hitboxes.

    billy requires skill. a high skill high reward killer, just like Nurse, spirit, hag and huntress. but not as much skill because he has too many option.
    Buffing all 110 speed killers is (obviously) not an option. giving him a nerf on the next ptb could work

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Sees quote "he has the longest lunge in the game" ...... I now know that you dont know much about the game just by seeing that.... perma insta down?... did you recently just start playing? Like are you a week 1 new player? Because then I can understand why you're stating this... the longest lunge at base speed---> 115% is held by Myers in tier3..... the longest lunge in the game is held by spirit-----> with reappearing addons.... Billy is so easily countered by looping it's silly seeing these kinds of posts.... he is the perfect example of how killers should be... if the survivors mess up they should be punished and with the proper skill level a good Billy does just that........ so in short Git Gud
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Also regular lunges that are not uncloaking wraith, reappearing spirit, T3 Myers etc....... all killers have the same lunge distance... a freddy lunge is no different than a trapper lunge and a NORMAL lunge from spirit is no different than a lunge from legion..... how the killer looks... weapons, size, shape etc... can make them seem like they move faster or can hit from a further distance etc... when clown first dropped everyone thought he was faster then any other killer.... samething happened with pig..... 
  • MuteNewt
    MuteNewt Member Posts: 234

    I take it you just had a game with a Billy? :P

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    a good survivor will loop your rank 1 billy for 5 gens

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    If you're complaining about Billy only but not Nurse, then I'm not interested in nerfing the 2nd strongest but leaving the best.

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    At the end of the day, Billy can still get loopped till kingdom come, so no he doesn't need a nerf or a buff.

    He is the most balanced killer in the game after all.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Ffs I knew there was gonna be another nerf Billy thread popping up soon enough.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Spicybarbecue said:
    Sorry Billy mains but under the current balance of the game this killer needs nerfed. now I do agree there was a time when he was the most balanced killer, however you have to look at the current balance of the game.

    let's look at why..

    He has..perma insta down which also makes him move faster.
    He has a high base move speed
    He has the longest lunge in the game(or joint longest?).I will admit here that his lunge feels ridiculous but it might just be how he lunges?

    Don't agree?, ok let's have a look.

    Now you can't compare him to nurse because she's just broken.let's compare him to more similar killers.

    Spirit -ability makes her move faster HOWEVER does NOT have perma insta down and is balanced out by lower base move speed.

    Legion-OK so legion is prolly the least fun killer to vs however let's compare..has an ability that makes him move faster(like Billy) HOWEVER again doesn't have a perma insta down and again is balanced out with lower base move speed. I think his lunge is shorter than Billy's also.

    At this stage I would like to point out that, yes, I have used him at rank 1, quite frequently.

    So to balancing him with the rest of the crew..

    Well you can see the obv thing to do is either take away his insta down OR give him the same base move as spirit/legion and that would put him on par with these killers.

    Either that OR they need to raise Hag's, legions, spirits and huntresses base move speed to be the same as Billy's. not sure how long killer lobbies would be if you did that though, I'm already waiting like 30 mins for killer games, mostly as I play at r1 and ppl intentionally de-rank away from r1 as they don't want to play vs Billy and nurse.

    Honestly , I hate to say it but he feels like a crutch killer for bad players right now.

    anyway constructive discussion is always welcome.

    saying get gud isn't really going to wash(12 yr old always like to resort to this "argument") as I play at r1 on both killer and survivor every season I've played the game on both console and pc.

    incidentally, due to horrific pad controls you can't really use his chainsaw to insta down and he's still by far the strongest killer on console(nurse is unusable).

    And yet he cant compete with competent SWF like nurse can.
    Git gud and learn how to loop :wink:

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    the only change that he needs its a slow movement speed while charging hes chainsaw i mean i play against alot of billy this days and its annoying that he comes close and use chainsaw without any penalty ppl still say that he have some sort of penalty i called that BS

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    You are basically asking to lower by 1 the number of killer you will see at rank 1... good

  • BigBawss
    BigBawss Member Posts: 4

    Legion and Spirit aren't good comparisons, they both have tools to finish chases faster than normal M1 killers. Billy gets pallet looped just as hard as Trapper, Freddy, Pig, Wraith, etc. And if his chainsaw rev made him so slow that survivors could get far enough away that they could consistently dodge it, his chainsaw would be useless against good survivors. And if you just made his base speed slower, again, because he has no chase tools, he would be garbage against everyone.

    If you want to rebalance him I might suggest making it so that he can't manually cancel chainsaw charges. Make him run into stuff to stop sprinting, would lead to some interesting mechanics.

  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148
    You know what i realize when you go up against an "ok" billy i see no complaints but when you go up against a "god" billy you whine for nerfs same with nurse lol. 
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Ever since a couple of patches ago every killer now has the same lunge range.

    The only killers with an increased lunge range over everybody else is T3 Michael and a feral frenzy Legion
  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    Not 12 years old, but the advice of get good actually applies here. A half decent Survivor can loop a billy and counter dodge his "insta-down".
    My guess is you have not put in enough time to play against a Billy well and instead of learning like half the people in this discussion, you just want him nerfed.