I Hate Playing on The Game Map

How you guys are dealing on this map? Terrible. Bad. Terrible. Very, very terrible.
This map has so much stupid pallets. Some of them really need to remove.
if you're playing killer, since you're not a developer, just take your losses with a grain of salt, you have everything going against you on that map, so dont let it get to you.
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I like it when I'm playing plague. For some reason I almost always do pretty good there and I have never been stomped, as long as I play plague and claim the upstairs as my home
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I love the Game. I just throw pallets at will and get 3 gen runs minimal.
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Yeah you don't even need to loop. Shift W and drop pallet.
I don't know who thought it is good idea to making map with a million pallets.
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The Game like Midwich is based mostly on pressure with gens. It is super easy for survivors to 3 gen themselves on these maps, because of their small size. There are a lot of pallets but there are very few windows. If you can get the pallets thrown early on one part of the map you can protect those gens since its a dead zone for survivors. and be sure to know when you are overcommitting and avoid it.
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But theres less windows so more pallets D:
Nah awful map, no idea why it hasn't changed. It was claimed to be too strong of a killer map so they added like 16 safe pallets
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Aesthetically it looks great, on gameplay level ehh.
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I’ve also had not so bad matches as Plague there too.
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Idk I play Pyramid Head and do okay mostly
There's a couple loops he struggles on but even then you can do fancy things survivors don't expect.
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Jumpscare Myers enters the room.
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Fair trade for shelter woods tho,
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Just an hour ago I had a match on The Game against four extremely good survivors. They all moonwalked all over the place, greeded every pallet to the maximum and were all super elusive, while taking their time to do gens.
In the end I had one player on death hook, of course I ate a DS from that one. After that they finished their gens and bodyblocked and sabotaged their mates way to freedom and gave me a t-bag parade.
When I applauded their bravery for exploiting the busted map to its fullest they said "we exploited nothing, we just know every secret The Game has to offer. You are just new to dbd, wait till you get 1k hours."
What audacity! But well, The Entity waa displeased and I depipped and moved on.
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I hate it on both sides. To many pallets and totems are impossible to find there
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I hate it for both sides both before and after rework.
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Hate it on both sides. All the pallets are a slog as killer and piss easy mode as survivor. By far the most boring map to play on.
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Not some. All. God pallets should not exist.
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My only real complaint about the the game is a cosmetic one. Dr. Gordan shouldn't be dead on the floor in the bathroom. He survived.
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It was not problem when i play Nemesis. But i started play Demo too, he is also so fun. But when i play on this map, i wanna just give up with Demo.
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are you using his barbed glasses? It makes pallet breaking faster, though demo pallet break is pretty slow. Einstein thought demo was over-performing. Its pretty normal to just spam drop pallet vs demo and he kinda just loses. Get used to it.
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Down someone and proxy camp and tunnel.
Use bait rather than go looking for fish.
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With camping, of course.
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I am using Rotten Green Tripe + Black Heart usually. But problem is not breaking pallets, i can break them with clicking space too. Problem is map has so much pallets and most of them are super safe.
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I played The Game as Demo just last night. The first survivor I chased would wait for me at every single pallet. I shredded each one, then chased them to the next. I actually stopped trying to hit them and just let them drop the pallets for me. Not sure, but it felt like every single pallet was gone in about 2 minutes!
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This survivor played pretty bad and even on this case they wasted your 2 minutes. Good survivors does not give you pallets that early.
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It wasn't a waste though. There were no pallets left for anybody to use. If the survivors gave me a choice, I'd have them do this every time on this map. The number of pallets is the worst thing.
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Problem is good survivors are not giving you pallets that much and that early. They will loop around and then they will use. The Game is issue because of this.
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I just played on the game 3 times in a row and no survivor even used a map offering. Luckily I play pallet Freddy so they had to eat some pallets too lol. This map is just horrendous. If you don't get pressure going immediately, it's pretty much ggs against good survivors because you'll spend 95% of the match kicking god pallets.
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Yeah its a horrible map. For killers at least. Survivors who know how to loop can waste the killers time with the pallets. I got this map yesterday and i know somewhat how to loop so i was able to waste the killers time just looping around 2 pallets. They got 0 hooks in those games. I felt bad. Theres like 25 pallets with 7 of them being godpallets. Killers who cant go through the pallets struggle heavily on that map.
If i get it when im playing simple M1 killer i just accept my faith and take the 25 pallets to my face.
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Not some. All. God pallets should not exist.
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Even shack? I am asking for other maps.
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Even "killer" shack.
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Fair enough but we have so much anti-loop killers. If BHVR nerf maps, most killers will be okey and fine but anti-loop killers will be so oppressive.
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Highly disagree. The anti-loop killers will be viable, not oppressive, if they nerf the maps.
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They are already viable, are we playing different game? If you are meaning +75% killrate for being viable, this will never happen.
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I want killers to at least have a chance of that kill rate against top teams, if the killers themselves are also playing at top level. Right now, the killer can play at exactly the same skill level as the survivors or higher, and the survivors will always win. Only Nurse and Blight are the exceptions, and they're barely doing that.
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I don't really mind playing on Gideon Meat Plant because I always get Bubbas on it, and I love playing against Bubba. But Léry's however... Oh boy
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"I felt bad". Yeah, sure. Don't be hypocrite.
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I'm not a hypocrite. Don't say that i'm something when you know nothing about me. I'm 50/50 killer and survivor and i try to give death to a killer whos doing badly. Unlike many of the survivor mains i dont teabag or call fellow teammates or the killer names.
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That's good. If people like you exists.