According to rules AFK Pig player blocking the box should be punished

I believe I can report this as an exploit and the killer is purposely holding the game hostage!
Ever since the tome was released I get this quite often... I guess some people think this type of playstyle is fun... Looking in the jigsaw box like a lunatic and ruining the trial for survivors! This is just one of the bad designs by BHVR.
Some of them are:
- Bubba getting one kill without any skill involved. Rew the chainsaw as long as you like.
- The Trickster canceling the unhook action because he can injure you before you get the action completed.
- Doctor shocking you indefinitely so you can't save.
Screenshot in case you don't know what I'm talking about:
Of course, teammates can try and give me the hatch but that's not to be expected when I'm soloQing like in this match.
this does not break the rules
- the game can end but that requires all of the survivors who couldn't find a box dying
- exploits that require no tools from outside the game should be fixed.
- what point are you trying to make with Bubba, Doctor and Trickter?
i think when survivor search the third box one of the boxes who has been searched can be searchable again
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You didn't just say this... I'm not discussing anything with you. You must have a mindset like this Pig player.
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I literally gave a fix in my post, no i dont think this stuff is okay, but i also think banning these players is too far. my bad for not circlejerking.
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None of the examples are holding the game hostage at all.
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Like it or not, it's not an exploit or taking the game hostage
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None of you guys can read apparently. I was giving an example of some bad designs in-game that are not rewarding skillful plays. Basically, you just do these things and you ensure at least 1K. But whatever...
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lol calm down
1 - literally titled the post "according to rules afk pig player blocking the box should be punished"
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I don't think you understand what "holding the game" hostage means.
A killer forcing 1 survivor to die does not prevent survivors from finishing gens and escaping.
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Most are not AFK, they are just standing there waiting and maybe roaring or nodding.
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IIRC a dev said this wasn't bannable, although it was a bit of a "toxic"/frustrating play. They won't be handing out bans over it, though.
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1. Pig camping a box is not holding the game hostage. The mods have already said this quite a few times. Also, it's not even a good play for the killer, as there's only a 16% chance of all 4 keys being in the same box (and the exact same chance that none of them are)
2. "Bubba getting one kill without any skill involved". Skill level is dependent on the player they are facing. Some survivors take skill to down, even with a 1 hit killer.
3. Trickster/doctor cancelling unhooks. You should be happy about that. They did you a favor, maybe next time you go for the unsafe and obvious unhook right in the killer's face, they should leave you slugged at the hook for your trouble? Seriously, if you are in shock range, why are you trying to go for an unhook other than just to farm your teammates for bp?
I know, I know. I didn't immediately agree with you, so obviously I didn't read, or whatever other excuse/attack you feel like using on everyone who has the temerity to disagree with your desires to be swaddled and cooed by the forums, rather than face simple reality.
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Sadly this is not a bannable offense. It needs changing tho.
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I... don't see your point. At all.
Oh no, this sucks and should definitely be looked at. But that said, you say "punished" which implies banning, which... no. Just no. It's not holding the game hostage; the game can/will still end if you progress it. You can even get out (if your teammates get out) through the hatch. So by sheer technicality, this isn't bannable.
This is just a flawed design that should've been fixed ages ago before it had a chance to occur.
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1. I'm totally down with making it so you can search the box from the side. That's the best "fix" I can see. Same as with hook facecamping, they fixed that by allowing unhooks from the side.
2. I get that, but the doc isn't known for range. At the point where he can shock you, he's far too close for a save to do any good. At best, he goes for the hook trade, but far more likely both survivors end up downed, which helps nobody. If he is "facecamping" then you should be going in groups, or if it's egc, just leave. Sometimes a 3e is better than being slugged because you went for the save when you didnt have a way to pull it off.
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I'm telling you the easy solution to this whole problem is just making the tape addon let survivors escape with active RBTs
If everyone starts with a trap on their head then that trap isn't going to last until endgame anyway unless the Pig is camping a box
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Sounds like an opinion to me so basically what you just said doesn't matter to me one bit.
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Such a delightful personality you have. I'm certain you make friends everywhere you go.
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I like your answer and the idea. You know how to suggest things without being butthurt! :)
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I don´t think it is. It is a strange tactic that sometimes work - not always.
We all escaped a pig that tried this.
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Nothing's a bannable offense. They have cheaters everywhere. I'm sure the Pig flaws are not even on the list to be fixed.
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They have a bunch of bad designs in this game.
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they are essentially exploiting poor gamedesign and AFKing.
I dont know if they can be banned for the act of bodyblocking a box like this, but you might be able to report them for AFKing, since they essentially refuse to participate in a normal trial.
funnily enough, if the Devs were to just finally make it so the key for your Reverse Beartrap is guaranteed to be in the third box you check (and the third box only), that would not only solve the huge inconsistency problem with the Pigs power, but it would also entirely get rid of an exploit like this.
But that wouldnt be fun for Survivors i guess :) (official answer on why the boxes are entirely RNG btw)
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I like your idea. I do believe she needs some consistency!
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You can't save against Bubba. You can just camp the hook and get one kill. That's the issue. Sure... People can do gens and leave but why does the game must suck for that one survivor? Put yourself in that position... You're just hanging there with no interaction with anything. You just wasted your time...
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I understand. Thank you for clarifying! :)