

Thoughts on Rancor?

Member Posts: 66
edited March 2022 in Polls

I´ve been reading discussions about perks and a lot of people seem to hate Rancor. So I want to know: How do you feel about Rancor, And are you a survivor or killer main.

Thoughts on Rancor? 64 votes

Like rancor, main survivor
15 votes
Hate rancor, main survivor
2 votes
Like rancor, main killer
39 votes
Hate rancor, main killer
8 votes
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  • Member Posts: 2,785
    edited February 2022

    Neutral as a killer main.

    I think it's more balanced than Noed as it doesn't effect the whole team while also giving a fair warning. I also like how it promotes not tunneling the obsession until focusing on them at the end. Bonus points for it's synergy with Nemesis (The perk, not the killer).

    I dislike how weak it is, and how that it can't be buffed too much without turning it into another Noed.

    I would however leave it as it is, as although it's a weak perk, many killers find it very fun.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I like it as someone who plays a mixture of surv/killer

    I like using it because it's nice info and it's nice to get a consolation kill if things don't go well

    I like going against it when I'm the obsession bc it adds tension and fear that isn't usually there otherwise

  • Member Posts: 66
    Like rancor, main killer

    I personaly like it. sometimes I play it like this: I play a stealth killer (mainly ghosty) then I watch the obsesion all game and then suprise attack them when last gen pops moring them and then let everyone else leave

  • Member Posts: 7,224
    Like rancor, main survivor

    I'm fine with it. It only exposes one person and you have plenty of advance warning that it's there.

    It's not a very strong perk but it doesn't really need to be. I wouldn't change anything about it.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    Like rancor, main killer

    it fun

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    It's a perfectly mid perk. It's not bad, but it isn't particularly good either.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited February 2022
    Hate rancor, main killer

    I'm going to give a very interesting take on this perk from a killer perspective. This perk is bad for killer. Like desceptively bad, maybe even one of the worst perks for killer to run. Every time a generator is completed a survivor sees your aura. You don't see theirs, you see a scream bubble that gives you the location of all survivors (which is very, very distracting) but no auras. Meanwhile, they will know if you've set a trap or setup crows or if you start walking in their direction and you have no way of knowing if you are accidentally heading towards your obsession if you are trying to avoid them. Then when they complete all gens, which in all honesty they should because you're running the most worthless of tracking perks. You then get the ability to one shot them, but they know this of course and they are going to stealth it out like there is no tomorrow, but let's pretend that you actually do find them to secure your 1 and only kill for the game. Well you've robbed yourself of getting any points from hooking and the mori takes so long that all of the other survivors are sure to escape. And unlike a hook, there is no chance at all that the survivors are going to stick around to try to save their teammate, no they no that person is as dead a door knob and they will leave.

  • Member Posts: 3,611
    Like rancor, main killer

    I play both sides almost 50/50, and I think Rancor is fine. It can be fun to use and can be a good tracking perk when needed.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I'm indifferent to it as survivor. I've noticed many times killers running it tunnel out the obsession because of the aura reading and it usually end out being their only kill. Always find it funny because they give up the end game instadown/mori when they probably should've tunneled out a different player and then gone after obsession in end game for 2k instead of 1k.

  • Member Posts: 66
    Like rancor, main killer

    Heres the thing thats kind of the point of the perk and if you run a all endgame build you could escape aka NOED, No wayout, BW then you can get at least 2 more kills. This perk is ment to just be a lol get trolled perk its not suposed to be a really good perk but I do see what you are saying

  • Member Posts: 192

    It would be great if rancor worked after closing the hatch. I mostly use it for dailies and if I kill survivors too fast, I can't use the mori.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m kind of ambivalent? 🤷‍♂️ I don’t hate Rancor, but I don’t typically use it either since it’s not that effective overall. It’s kind of like Lightborn - I don’t hate Lightborn, it’s actually funny to use sometimes for the hell of it, but it’s not a very effective perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    neutral, Rancor feels more risk than reward but also can't be buffed without becoming too strong

  • Member Posts: 50
    Like rancor, main survivor

    I like rancor, just means I need to hide when the last gen gets around 75% done and play stealthy till the gates are open. Or if I'm in a chase it means I'm dropping pallets like its going outta style and praying I can make it to one of the exit gates and someone will take a hit for me lol

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Like Rancor, play both sides.

    I'm always appalled when the "both sides" isn't listed as an option on a poll.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Like Rancor, play both sides.

  • Member Posts: 66
    Like rancor, main killer

    Im really sorry lol it wont let me make that an option now

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    Like rancor, main killer

    It's an interesting concept that matches the themes of Obsessions very well.

    Obsessions are always in an odd spot where killers are often engaged with them, but perks incentivize killers to save them for last.

    Dark Devotion, Play With Your Food, Dying Light - you're always pushed into interacting with the Obsession, but it's in the killer's BEST interest to keep them alive to make their perks work best.

    Rancor comes out of the woodwork with a powerful punctuation to this mentality - SAVE THE OBSESSION FOR LAST.

    Everything hints at it, but sometimes the Obsession is daring and plays around the killer well. Rancor allows a killer to best utilize their perks and play around the prospect of ignoring 3 hook states once all gens pop.

    Survivors know that it's coming too. Which makes end game a tense battle each and every match that has it in it.

    While some survivors may complain that it's a cruel perk that has no counterplay - the truth is that it's an entire perk slot that can easily be countered.

    If the Obsession dies before end game. It's useless. If the Obession makes it to an exit gate, it's useless. If the Obsession ate hooks and took chases so others could escape, it was useless.

    The killer is electing to take THIS perk instead of something like NOED. Count your blessings.

  • Member Posts: 56
    Like rancor, main killer

    buff bitter murmur

  • Member Posts: 10,910
    Like rancor, main killer

    The fact Spirit is on the icon makes me automatically like it.

  • Member Posts: 6,825
  • Member Posts: 66
    Like rancor, main killer

    Ay dont be mean this is a christian house hold

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Hate it both sides

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Bad Experiences. Bubba face camping with rancor being one. For killer I unfortunately was forced to use it on Kate and that hurt. Gave me a bs kill too

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    It gets pressure off of me knowing I can ignore them. Also I like it as survivor because it keeps me on my toes.

  • Member Posts: 24
    Like rancor, main killer

    I like it, more of for fun perk that can sometimes be a happy moment in a bad game.

    Also, sense its a improper aura its gets around stealth perks, & works well with spirit when phasing

  • Member Posts: 295

    I honestly see/use it so rarely that I can't say I have an opinion around it at all tbh. As a survivor, it gives me a "oh #########" feeling whenever the first gen pops and I see the killer's aura, but also makes me try to plan ahead to counter it which is kind of cool sometimes. As a killer, it helps when I get a challenge to mori/kill someone. I feel pretty neutral about it tbh

  • Member Posts: 3,554
    Like rancor, main survivor

    It's free mori why wouldn't I like it? And it even gives nice information too. There is no counter other than obsession hiding but I make always sure as killer im close to obsession when last gen pops. Thought there is actually one counter I used rancor couple days ago and it didn't instadown survivor so that is that's the best counter it does not work. But my best match ever with rancor was that I pretended to be baby killer and used oni's perk nemesis with it and managed to kill 3 survivors. I don't consider myself like big survivor main but that side is usually more fun cause you can play with friends and looping is fun too. I hope they add two killer mode in dbd cause killer sometimes is bit lonely and sressful. But mostly im dbd main.

  • Member Posts: 1
    Hate rancor, main killer

    I hate it, I don't think it's fair for a survivor to play a perfect game. Their team along with them never getting hooked and then gets curbed at the end of it all because they happened to be the obsession. I don't think it should be that powerful. I'm a killer main who takes pride in doing well and outplaying survivors, not using cheap perks that let me get a freebie kill if I played terrible

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
    Hate rancor, main survivor

    I use object of obsession

  • Member Posts: 1,410
    Like rancor, main killer

    its a decent perk i dont use it though

  • Member Posts: 1,716
    Like rancor, main killer

    I don't run it super often as killer, but I like playing against it as survivor as it's one of the few things in the game that makes me experience genuine fear when it pops up. Same applies to Devour Hope tbh.

  • Member Posts: 280

    There is no 'Rancor is stupid and I main both sides' option lol

    I've never used it as killer and I dont think I've ever faced it as survivor in my 1400 hours. I do think it is a stupid perk, being able to exposed someone and show their aura on top of being mori-able, just because you happened to be the obsession.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107
    Hate rancor, main killer

    A past version of myself liked this perk. Having played it from both sides, it's terrible especially if you keep track of the obsession. Literally a free kill. On the Survivor side, knowing the perk is in play and being unable to prevent it 90% of the time is not fun.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Actually better than people think.

    If you’re in chase with the obsession when it activates you get a quick Mori and a chance to down someone else before the gates are open securing another kill.

    Even if it’s not the obsession you’ve now knocked an entire person out of the hook rescue attempt making it almost a guaranteed kill or a much more likely multi kill if they go for the save anyway while down a person.

  • Member Posts: 12

    ngl rancor is basically a slap to the face for the poor soul who's the obsession

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    No main both but still love rancor?

    Well I play both and although rancor isn't nearly run enough as it should be, I think i'd still like it even when as survivor

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    It's great tbh, doesn't need a buff, especially when you pair it with game afoot

    There's also no risk when ur chasing the obsession before the last gen pops

  • Member Posts: 300

    cheap no skill perk that awards skummy killers with a free kill, its like noed 2.0 with sterioids.

  • Member Posts: 182
    Like rancor, main killer

    Better than NOED.

    Need I say more?

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    I pick "none of the above".

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