

Should iron will be nerfed?

Member Posts: 903

Should iron will be nerfed? And how?

As far as i'm concerned, i think iron will is only really problematic against the spirit. That's why i think that iron will should be nerfed: survivors should still have breathing sounds (and they should be heavier than healthy breathing sounds).

Should iron will be nerfed? 68 votes

No, fine as it is
40 votes
Yes, iron will players should have breathing sounds
13 votes
Yes, iron will should only reduce grunts of pain by 75%
9 votes
6 votes

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  • Member Posts: 2,513

    Both B and C.

    On one hand, iron will could use a bit of a nerf; on the other, Jeff's breathing.

    I do really think the survivors should all have the same breathing volume. Playing ace basically gives you an extra perk, but playing feng (for example) basically gives the killer stridor.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Iron will should not work while running period

  • Member Posts: 773
    No, fine as it is

    Survivors are already merely reskins of one another mechanic-wise. They don't have any unique powers or abilities and their "unique" perks become available to everyone as soon as you level them up to 40. Removing uniqueness of even their voices kinda defeats the purpose of having different survivors even more. They shouldn't have the same volumes, they are people, not robots. People react to pain differently.

  • Member Posts: 8,314
    Yes, iron will should only reduce grunts of pain by 75%

    Iron Will is one of those perks that genuinely is just too strong, without being sticky to balance because it covers for gaps in the game's flow like DS and BT do.

    I generally buy that giving survivors breathing back when they're silenced would be a lot harder than it sounds, coding-wise, so I definitely think making it 75% quieter is a good fix. To compensate... No Mither should get the 100% reduction, because that's a nice compensation for being permanently injured.

  • Member Posts: 541
    Yes, iron will should only reduce grunts of pain by 75%

    I think iron will shouldn't ENTIRELY negate the effects of stridor.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I think it should be 90% instead of 75%. That way it’s still better than level 2 but also would allow Stridor to work.

  • Member Posts: 3,611
    No, fine as it is

    Iron Will is fine.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    well, yes and no.

    I do agree with you, but can you really deny that playing as jeff isn't great for your stealth?

  • Member Posts: 118
    No, fine as it is

    It's fine to me, it can get me out of some chases but usually, the killer just follows my blood anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    No, fine as it is

    Survivors have the right to strong choices of perks. While Iron will is particularly useful in certain situations - it doesn't break the game and can, at many times, become useless.

    If survivors want to dedicate one of their precious perk slots to no sounds while injured, they have a right to be able to do just that. Not only is it practical for gameplay, but it also matches with horror movie tropes of 'holding your breath' and what not.

    I think the devs should keep a close eye on it, however, as it has some powerful synergies.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    How about a rebalance like this:

    "Reduces grunts of pain by 100%. Iron Will activates 5 seconds after entering an injured state. Iron Will lasts about 60 seconds after being activated."

  • Member Posts: 67
    No, fine as it is

    Hell no. It's the only counter we have against spirit. As soon as Iron Will gets a nerf we can just guess what's going on.

  • Member Posts: 50
    No, fine as it is

    It's been almost a year since they changed Iron Will to counter Stridor, I quite like the change and hope they don't revert it back.

  • Member Posts: 193
    Yes, iron will players should have breathing sounds

    Everyone who said it's okay as it is are main Surviovors KAPPA

  • Member Posts: 315
    No, fine as it is

    No need to change the perk but how about fixing the silent ground bug that has been around for years.

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    No, fine as it is

    Iron Will, has ALWAYS been fine.


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